

  • 论文价格:150
  • 用途: 硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:1
  • 论文字数:34566
  • 论文编号:
  • 日期:2022-05-27
  • 来源:上海论文网



1.2 Social Media in Afghanistan

In Afghanistan, the Internet and social media are relatively new. Using the Internetwas banned from 1996 to 2001 for the general public during the Taliban regime (Azami,2010). After the regime collapsed in late 2001, the Internet made its way to entered thecountry. Since then, the use of the Internet and social media (SM) has increaseddramatically, especially among young educated people. According to the Ministry ofCommunications and Information Technology, currently 63 Internet Companies and sixmobile telecommunications companies in the region, including five 3G-licensed mobilenetwork operators (MCIT, 2019). The first 4G LTE service was introduced inAfghanistan in May 2017 by Afghan wireless. The service is now based in Kabul, andin the next 12 to 18 months, the company expects to expand 4G LTE around thecountry(Amy Nordrum, 2017).

The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) hasrecently authorized companies to offer 4G services. The upgrading of these companiesto 4G will further improve internet speed and efficiency in Afghanistan. Besides, two ofthe six firms – Afghan Telecom and Wasel Telecom – also provide landlinetelecommunications services. In January 2020, Afghanistan have a total of 26,92 millionmobile connections. In January 2020, the 70% of the Afghanistan’s population hasaccess to cellular connections (Hootsuite,2020).


3.1 Introduction

In each study various methods have used. In this research, a quantitative methodwas used and the researcher tried to obtain a better result. The aim of this study is toseek the effect of social media platforms (SMP) among Kandahar University (KU)students in the Kandahar province of southern Afghanistan to investigate the impact ofusing SM on students' academic performance. Furthermore, this research aims toexplore the reasons for the use of SM by university students and whether there is aconnection between their motivations and their academic performance of students.Moreover, Creswell (2012) says, "The reason for this method is that the quantitativedata and findings provide a general image of the research problem. While thisinvestigation if needed the researcher will use the qualitative method. This chapterconsists of a detailed explanation of the Research Design, population and sampling,research instrument, method of data collection, and method of data collection.



4.1 Results

This chapter explains the research findings derived from quantitative data gatheredduring the study. The study population was 369 students. At the request and interest ofsome participants, I have given questionnaires to 380 students from KandaharUniversity. The study aimed at finding out the research on the effect of social media onthe academic performance of students at Kandahar University. The findings will beanswer using the quantitative approach in this section by answering the four researchquestions. The purpose of this study has been to investigate the impact of social mediaon academic performance of students at Kandahar University.

4.2 Demographic Profiling and Population

After gathering data and analyzing the period, the questionnaires have beendistributed to 380 respondents. The SPSS 24 version used to illustrate the demographicprofile of the respondents to the questionnaire.

4.2.1 Frequency Distribution of demographic data of the respondents

The table below contains information collected from participants through aquestionnaire that they answered in a questionnaire about their gender, university, andschool year. And then analyzed by the researcher in the SSPS program.



5.1 Discussion

This study was designed to examine the effects of social media on the academicperformance of Kandahar University students. The main objective of this research wasto determine if there is a relationship between social media (SM) users and students'major, study level, and gender, as well as to what extent students are using SM FAP andhow they perceive the impact of their SM activity. The results of the descriptive analysisrevealed that many students opted for that social media is a very useful tool for theirstudies and activities. The majority of the students in the study expressed their opinionthey use SM for academically relevant purposes such as: sharing information withclassmates through chat rooms and having groups on SM for some courses and someexpressed that Tracks recent developments in their field through social media. Theresults of Table 4.15 show that 41% of students said that using social media has anegative effect on their writing skills. In addition, in Table 4.12, the results show that51.8% of students said that using social media has a positive effect on their grades becausethey have used social media positively for their academic purposes. Furthermore, thecurrent research findings showed an association between the students' academic status(study level) and the usage of SM for academically related purposes, with first-yearstudents being the least affected by the students' academic status in using SMacademically related purposes.

Furthermore, the current research demonstrates that there is a disparity betweenvarious majors in the use of social networks FAP, with journalism and public relationsstudents using social platforms FAP more than the Agriculture students. In addition, thepresent study shows us the most widely used social media platform among KandaharUniversity students. According to the present findings, Facebook is a social medianetwork that is mostly used among students with other social media operating systems,WhatsApp, Telegram, Twitter and Instagram.








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