Chapter One Introduction
The first chapter of the thesis will introduce the practical and theoretical settings,objectives and methodology of the study so as to demonstrate the importance andnecessity, rationality and feasibility of the study.
1.1 Practical andAcademic Settings of the Study
With the constant globalization and localization of economy, culture and literaturein the contemporary age, the practice of literary translation is playing an increasinglymore important role in the field of translation. In particular, English-Chinese noveltranslation has been developing steadily. An increasingly greater number of Englishnovels are being translated into Chinese, with some influential ones being repeatedlytranslated.Ernest Miller Hemingway, known as the spiritual monument of the Americannation, has a profound influence on American literature and the development ofliterature in the 20th century. Among twentieth-century American fiction writers, hisworks are often compared to those of his contemporaries, William Cuthbert Faulknerand Francis Scott Fitzgerald. As a masterpiece of the lost generation, his The Sun AlsoRises has drawn great attention from readers, critics, researchers and translators in theworld since its publication. As Hemingway’s first novel, The Sun Also Rises underwenta long process before it became known to the public in China.The first Chinese version of The Sun Also Rises appeared in 1984, which did notdraw much attention of readers and scholars at the time. Since that time more attentionhas been given to the novel gradually. Up to the present, at least 22 Chinesetranslations of Hemingway’s novel The Sun Also Rises have been published, includingthe two versions respectively translated by Zhao Jingnan (Hemingway 1984) and LvYuan (Hemingway 2014). It can be easily assumed that all of these translations havetheir respective strengths and weaknesses. Zhao Jingnan’s and Lv Yuan’s versions,which were separated in time by 30 years, were translated in different historicalbackgrounds.
1.2 Objectives and Methodology of the Study
In view of the accomplishments and especially the above-mentioned problems inthe practice and research of English-Chinese literary translation especially thetranslation of Hemingway’s novels, in the light of the Dialectical Systemic Philosophyof Translation, on the basis of Lawrence Venuti’s theory of domesticating andforeignizing translation, and via an incorporated methodology combining quantitativeand qualitative analysis, the present study aims to systemically compare the strategiesadopted in the two remarkably different versions out of the 22 Chinese translations ofHemingway’s The Sun Also Rises, i.e., Zhao Jingnan’s and Lv Yuan’s translations, onthe lexical, phrasal, and sentential levels, and systemically compare the contextualfactors of the two translations so as to explain the similarities and differences in theirstrategies.In particular, this study attempts to address the following two questions: (1) Whatare the chief strategies of translation adopted respectively in Zhao Jingnan’s and Lv Yuan’s translations of Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises on the levels of word, phraseand sentence? (2) What are the main characteristics of the respective contexts of ZhaoJingnan’s and Lv Yuan’s translations of Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises in terms oftranslator personalities, characteristics of intended readers, and features ofsocio-cultural settings?In order to make sure that the study is systemic, the study will be guided by theDialectical Systemic Philosophy of Translation proposed mainly by Jia Zhengchuan.This view of translation regards translation as a dialectically interconnected complexhuman activity system of interlingual communication, being composed of variouscomponents and aspects with a certain nonlinear structure, occurring in and interactingwith a certain situational and socio-cultural context, and exhibiting itself as acontinuous process of operation and evolution (Jia Zhengchuan 2002; 2003; 2008a:53-100; 2008b; Jia Zhengchuan & Zhang Boran, 2007). It is thus a view which viewstranslation in its entirety and which can be used to guard a study against partiality andextremism.
Chapter Two Literature Review
The second chapter will conduct a broad review of the studies of English-Chineseliterary translation, especially the studies of the application of foreignization anddomestication strategies in literary translation, and the studies of the Chinesetranslations of The Sun Also Rises.
2.1 Studies of Strategies in Literary Translation
In the process of literary translation, domestication and foreigniation are verypopular strategies. The concepts of domestication and foreignization were not clearlydefined until 1980s (Wang Dongfeng 2002: 5). Since American scholar LawrenceVenuti defined domestication and foreignization, as a pair of translation strategies inhis work The Translator’s Invisibility (1995), domestication and foreignization havebecome one of the hottest topics in the translation field in recent years. Venuti’stheoretical basis was derived from the two translation methods explained by Germanlinguist Friedrich Schleiermacher in a meeting in 1813 (cited in Lawrence Venuti 1995:19-20): “There are only two (methods). Either the translator leaves the author in peace,as much as possible, and moves the readers towards him; or he leaves the reader inpeace, as much as possible, and moves the author towards him.” Foreignization is toconvey the original meaning of the source text and try to keep its flavor of expressions,so that readers of the target language can experience an exotic atmosphere whereasdomestication is a translation strategy in which a transparent and fluent style is adoptedin order to minimize the strangeness of the foreign text for target language readers(Wang Shuwen 2008: 29).
2.2 Studies of Chinese Translations of The Sun Also Rises
The Sun Also Rises is a world-renowned novel written by American writer ErnestHemingway in the 20th century, which is widely regarded as the most outstanding oneamong Hemingway’s works. Initially, Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises did not attractwidespread attention from the scholars in China. It was not until 1984 that The SunAlso Rises was firstly translated by Zhao Jingnan and published by ShanghaiTranslation Publishing House. Zhao Jingnan wrote the translator’s preface for thenovel, which can be regarded as the first study of The Sun Also Rises in China.After that, a number of translators translated the novel. There were Wei An’sversion published by China Workers Publishing House in 2000 and Li Dongdong’sversion published by Xiyuan Press in 2003. Feng Tao’s version was published by YilinPress in 2005, and was republished in 2012, 2014 and 2015 respectively. Because ofthe previous appearance of various translations, people have become more and moreconcerned about The Sun Also Rises. In 2012, the translation of the novel reached a peak, producing many translations such as Zhou Ping’s version published byChangjiang Literature and Arts Press, Zhao Jin’s version published by HunanLiterature and Art Publishing House and Fang Huawen’s version published by YilinPress. After that, Yan Fengjia, Zhou Li and Zhou Zhou respectively translated thenovel in 2013. In 2014, Lv Yuan’s version was published by Yanshi Press in China.
Chapter Three Methodology............... 15
3.1 Research Questions and Data......15
3.1.1 Research Questions.......... 15
3.1.2 Data for Study.....16
3.2 Philosophical Guideline, Theoretical Basis, Methods and Instruments............17
3.2.1 Philosophical Guideline....17
3.2.2 Theoretical Basis..............18
3.2.3 Methods and Instruments............... 18
3.3 Research Procedures......18
3.3.1 Data Collection.................19
3.3.2 DataAnalysis......19
3.4 Theoretical Hypothesis................20
Chapter Four Results and Discussion...............21
4.1 Choice of Strategies in the Two Translations..........21
4.2 The Contexts of the Two Translations.......42
4.3 Conclusion.......49
Chapter Five Concluding Remarks....51
5.1 Summary of the Study.................51
5.2 Implications and Limitations of the Study..............52
Chapter Five Concluding Remarks
This final chapter will bring the study to a conclusion by briefly summarizing theresearch process and its findings, and outlining its implications and limitations.
5.1 Summary of the Study
Along with the steady globalization and localization of economy, culture andliterature in the present-day age, the practice of English-Chinese literary translation hasbeen developing progressively. In particular, since its publication in English, at least 22Chinese versions of Ernest Hemingway’s novel The Sun Also Rises have beenpublished. Due to certain partial, closed and static approaches to translation, however,English-Chinese literary translation practice is now still handicapped by a tendency ofsubjectively adopting strategies without a consideration of text-context relationships.With the constant expansion of current translation studies, the study ofEnglish-Chinese literary translation has been thriving. Within it, the study of theChinese translation of Hemingway’s novels has made prominent achievements. Due tothe complexity of English-Chinese literary translation study and the diversity ofresearch approaches, however, English-Chinese literary translation research is stillhandicapped by a tendency of partially viewing translation strategies without lookingat the relationships between text and context.In view of the problems in the practice and research of English-Chinese literarytranslation especially the translation of Hemingway’s novels, in the light of theDialectical Systemic Philosophy of Translation, on the basis of Lawrence Venuti’stheory of domesticating and foreignizing translation, and via an incorporatedmethodology combining quantitative and qualitative analysis, the present study hasattempted to systemically compare the strategies adopted in the two Chinesetranslations of Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises, i.e., Zhao Jingnan’s and Lv Yuan’s translations, on the lexical, phrasal and sentential levels, and systemically compare thecontextual factors of the two translations so as to describe and explain the similaritiesand differences in their strategies. Results of the study demonstrate that though Zhao’sand Lv’s translations adopt both domesticating and foreignizing translation on thelevels of word, phrase and sentence, Zhao’s translation tends to mainly adoptdomestication whereas Lv’s tends to chiefly adopt foreignization. The similarities anddifferences in the use of strategies in the two translations are chiefly the results of theinfluence of the translators’ personalities, the features of socio-cultural backgrounds,and the characteristics of the intended readers.#p#分页标题#e#

In the light of Jia Zhengchuan’s Dialectical Systemic Philosophy of Translation,on the basis of Venuti’s theory of domesticating and foreignizing translation, and via anincorporated methodology combining quantitative and qualitative analysis, the presentstudy has tried to systemically compare the strategies adopted in the two Chinesetranslations of Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises, i.e., Zhao Jingnan’s and Lv Yuan’stranslations, on the lexical, phrasal and sentential levels, and systemically compare thecontextual factors of the two translations so as to describe and explain the similaritiesand differences in their strategies. Results of the study demonstrate the following:
(1) Although Zhao’s and Lv’s translations adopt both domesticating andforeignizing translation (and neutralizing translation) on the levels of word, phrase andsentence, Zhao’s translation tends to mainly adopt domestication whereas Lv’s tends tochiefly adopt foreignization.
(2) The similarities and differences in the choice of strategies in the twotranslations are the results of the influence of the translators’ personalities, thecharacteristics of the intended readers, the features of socio-cultural backgrounds, andother factors of the two translations.
References (abbreviated)