Chapter One Introduction
This chapter primarily introduces the research background, objectives andsignificance, and the structure of the thesis.
1.1 Research Background
Van Dijk (1988) defines news as new information provided by journalists to impartor make comments on people, objects or things. Different from other scholars whostudy news by content analysis, Van Dijk believes that news is one category of publicdiscourses and studied under sociocultural contexts. After discourse analysis was firstlyintroduced by Zelling Harris (1952), it has been applied to various types of discourses.Accordingly, news as one influential category of discourses, has been studied fromvarious approaches of discourse analysis. Among them, Systemic Functional Linguistics(hereafter SFL) is very much favored and most broadly utilized.J.R. Martin and his colleagues developed the “Appraisal Theory”. It focuses on thespeaker’s or listener’s attitude towards the person, place, things, events, phenomena, etc.,and how to negotiate and express his / her attitude and standpoint (Wang Zhenhua2001).Appraisal concerns with three interacting domains: Attitude, Engagement andGraduation. Of the three, Attitude is the one that concerns with interlocutors’ emotionalfeelings that can be divided into Affect, Judgment and Appreciation. Engagement is theone that connects internal voices with external ones, including Monogloss andHeterogloss. Graduation has something to do with how interlocutors adjust theirattitudes and involvements during the speech, which comprises of Force and Focus.
1.2 Objectives and Significance
Taking note of the essentiality of applying Appraisal Theory to the study of newsreports, the author aims to make a comparative study of the US and Chinese news reports. With the newly-developed framework of Appraisal Theory, this study dedicatesto make clear the distributions of appraisal resources in the news reports on HangzhouG20 Summit of the US and Chinese authoritative newspapers - NYT and P D. Throughthe analysis conducted in this study, the author is devoted to make clear the differencesand similarities in their distribution features of appraisal resources including aspects likeoccurrence frequencies and corresponding proportions. The richest and most significantpart of this study is devoted to explain reasons behind the distribution features, and howboth US’s and Chinese journalists utilize particular appraisal resources to realizeparticular interpersonal meanings.The significance of the study lies in two aspects. Theoretically, the study maycontribute a bit to the application of Appraisal Theory. Practically, it may give readersnew sights to understand international news reports and the relations between China andUS.Firstly, the comparative study of US and Chinese news may give someenlightenment for the future studies. It can enrich the contents and application of thetheory.Secondly, through the research, how evaluation are construed by the US journalistsand Chinese ones are explored, which may offer some suggestions for the understandingof the relations between China and US in various aspects, like political backgrounds,economic system, modes of thinking, etc.
Chapter Two Literature Review
International news has been studied from various perspectives for long. However,few of previous studies have paid enough attention to appraisal resources present in thenews reports. The author believes that it’s quite necessary to study news reports basedon the Appraisal Theory so that the usage of appraisal resources can be revealed. Tobegin with, the author will introduce and review the previous studies of news reportsandAppraisal Theory both at home and abroad to justify the present study.
2.1 Review of News Reports Studies
Since news reports convey a substantial amount of information about big eventsthat have cropped up in our own country, affairs that are going on the international stage,significant national policies or measures that are recently promulgated, and varioustypes of breaking news of famous people, etc. Meanwhile, ways for ruling classes topass on their ideological values, have attracted attention from a growing number ofscholars and applied linguists in China and abroad.Up to now, studies of news reports have been conducted in multiple categoriesand perspectives like stylistic, sociolinguistic, CDA, SFL, etc. These studies havegained fruitful results and some of them will be reviewed in the following sections.Stuart Hall as an influential theorist in culture, mainly investigated newsbroadcasted by TV. In his point of view, news reports are hugely influenced by culturesand adopts a kind of social-cultural perspective in the studies in 1973. Finally, hepointed out that for TV news reporters, social aspects like institutions, power andpolitics (or economies) are critical factors. In 1980, he continued his study of newsreports. This time, he not only put forward one structure model of news reports but alsostressed the role of audiences when subjectively accepting news information.
2.2 Review ofAppraisal Theory Studies
This part is comprised of three sections. Firstly, the framework of Appraisal Theorywill be elaborated minutely. Then some of the previous studies of Appraisal Theory bythe US and Chinese scholars will be reviewed.The Appraisal Theory originates from the research project “Write It Right”, whichis developed for the convenience of researchers to study language discourses insecondary school and some workplaces (Coffin, 2002). Main initiators of the projectdeveloped the new theory on the interpersonal meaning of language. They help toconstrue the framework so that feelings, stances, social relations etc. revealed bylanguage can be explained semantically.As it is demonstrated in Figure 2.1, Martin (2003) and other linguists dividedappraisal resources into Attitude, Engagement and Graduation. Attitude is the core one,attends to describe people’s feelings, including reactions, judgment and appreciation.Engagement deals with the source of voice and the role the source plays in expressingmeanings. Graduation deals with the strength of meanings or the voice’s involvement.Subsystems within the framework are elaborated as follows:
Chapter Three Methodology......30
3.1 Research Questions.............30
3.2 Data Collection.........30
3.3 Research Procedure............ 32
Chapter Four ComparativeAnalysis and Discussion......34
4.1 General ComparativeAnalysis ofAppraisal Resources.......34
4.2 ComparativeAnalysis ofAttitude Resources.............37
4.3 ComparativeAnalysis of Engagement Resources......564
4.4 ComparativeAnalysis of Graduation Resources........66
Chapter Five Conclusion............74
5.1 Major Findings of the Study.........74
5.2 Implications of the Study....75
5.3 Limitations of the Study.....76
5.4 Suggestions for Further Studies....76
Chapter Four Comparative Analysis and Discussion
This chapter dedicates to the analysis and discussion of the findings. Firstly thedistribution of all appraisal resources in news reports of Hangzhou G20 Summit by P Dand NYT and that of resources in Attitude, Engagement and Graduation is comparedand probed into.
4.1 General ComparativeAnalysis ofAppraisal Resources
This part dedicates to an overall distribution of evaluative resources of bothChinese and the US news reports concerning Attitude, Judgment, and Graduation. Then,the distribution features of appraisal resources will be compared.Appraisal resources can help speakers or writers to express interpersonal meaningsand accomplish interpersonal functions. They help to reveal particular kinds of feelingsand attitudes, authors’ involvement in these feelings, and how authors establishalignment or disalignment with readers. Therefore, analyzing how appraisal resourcesare distributed in the news articles collected is of concern to know more about newsdiscourses. In our study, P D represents Chinese major medias, and NYT the US majormedias. The two medias have their own distinct cultural and ideological standards,which will definitely lead to different choices of appraisal resources. It is quite usefuland valuable for us to get a clearer understanding about what efforts the Chinese and USmedia make to achieve interpersonal purposes.After a sufficient and thorough analysis of every piece of news sample, statistics ofthe distribution of resources of Attitude, Engagement, Graduation in Chinese and USnewspapers are given in Table 4.1.

In the previous chapters, literature reviews of previous studies of the AppraisalTheory and news reports, theoretical framework of the Appraisal Theory, researchmethodologies and purposes, detailed discussions and analysis of the research findingsare elaborated. This chapter is the conclusion of the research that presents the majorfindings, implications, limitations, and suggestions for future studies.This study conducts a comparative study of news reports of Hangzhou G20Summit by P D and NYT from the multi-dimensional perspectives of the AppraisalTheory. Some major findings of the distributions of appraisal resources in the twocorpus are as follows.As regards the appraisal resources, both P D and NYT employed them abundantly.P D and NYT used similarly Graduation resources. However, P D used Attituderesources most frequently, and NYT Engagement resources most frequently.Secondly, as for Attitude resources, the similarity in P D and NYT is that the leastfavored attitudes resources are affect resources. It means both P D and NYT avoid usingaffect resources much to keep objectivity. The differences in P D and NYT is that P Dused more appreciation resources, while NYT used more judgment ones. It means that PD tries harder than NYT to guarantee objectivity of reports.#p#分页标题#e#
References (abbreviated)