Chapter 1 Introduction
With regard to translation proposal, it is publicly known that Lawrence Venuti haslong been seen as the pack leader in advocating foreignization-centered view, which isnot only conducive to protrude the marginal nation’s language and culture by signifyingthe difference of the source text, but also plays a positive impact on resisting Westerncultural hegemonism. While in another aspect, to focus our eyes on Chinese literature,the translator Howard Goldblatt, helps Mo Yan’s literature works acquire greatacceptance in the Western world, making significant contributions to assist Chineseliterature to step abroad. Combining these two facets, the author is encouraged toconduct a further research upon the issue through the following research motivation,objectives, methodologies, as well as the background literature review.
1.1 Research Motivation
With regard to translation proposal, it is publicly known that Venuti has long beenseen as the pack leader of advocating foreignization-centered view. Delved into the deepstudies of foreignization, Venuti puts forward his viewpoints in his renown books TheTranslator’s Invisibility (1995) and The Sandals of Translation (1998). Standing fromthe perspective of marginal regions and cultures, Venuti hankers for puttingforeignization strategy in practice, aiming at withstanding the hegemony of Anglo-American culture and establishing a justified international cultural-political order.Meantime, Venuti firmly snipes at the phenomenon of “translators’ visibility”,demonstrating his strong determination to excavate the voice from the marginalizednations and protruding the “heterogeneity” in the translated texts.The notable case of Nobel Literature Prize owner Mo Yan (莫言), marks a greatmilestone significance to Chinese literature field as well as the international literaturestage. On behalf of the pioneer in magic realism literature with traditional Chinesefeatures, Mo Yan achieves great popularity and reputation worldwide. In a sense, MoYan’s success is strongly associated with his translator, Goldblatt. Because translation isthe bridge to connect readers from different cultures. Having perceived this typicalinstance, the author is thereby motivated to come up with a number of questions beforestarting this final dissertation:
1.2 Research Objectives
In this dissertation, the author selects Venuti’s foreignization-centered view andMo Yan’s literary source text Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out as the researchobjects. First of all, the author presents detailed information about Venuti’sforeignization-centered view including the introductions, theoretical development,contributions, incurred criticisms of Venuti’s foreignization strategy and reflectionsupon translation strategies. On top of that, the author provides random cases ofGoldblatt’s CLW translations from the source text and delves into further analysis onGoldblatt’s translation strategies.As for the source text, Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out, which plays thedecisive role in helping Mo Yan obtain the Nobel Prize in Literature (邵璐, 2013: 62),is a representative literary work marked with rich animal imagery and traditionalChinese countryside livelihood panorama. In the beginning of the story, a landlordcalled Xi Mennao is executed wrongly and unjustly. Then he experiences the transmigration from a donkey, an ox, a pig, a dog, a monkey, to a large-headed babyboy with congenitally incurable disease. Through the eyes of varies kinds of animalsand the baby infant in this story, Mo Yan uncovers the fact of traditionally rural areas’uproar and the disorderly fickleness toward the “land” for over half a century’shistorical development in China.To finish this dissertation, the supporting materials are mainly divided into twomajor categories. The first category contains the crucial information about Venuti’sforeignization-centered view, including The Translator’s Invisibility——A history ofTranslation (Venui, 1995), The Scandals of Translation——Towards an ethics ofdifference (Venuti, 1988), and Introducing Translation Studies——Theories andApplications (Munday, 2010). Moreover, the author collects the references and backupmaterials from famous translation theory scholars, such as Anthony Pym’s Venuti’sScandals (Pym, 1999), Venuti’s Visibility (Pym, 1996), Douglas Robinson’s What IsTranslation?: Centrifugal Theories, Critical Intervention (Robinson, 1997). The secondcategory contains the vital materials on Goldblatt’s translation in real practice, includingselected random cases of Goldblatt’s translation of CLW in Life and Death Are WearingMe Out, Goldblatt’s online articles and some important interviews with Goldblatt.
Chapter 2 Venuti’s Foreignization Strategy
It is universally acknowledged that as a pioneer of upholding foreignization-centered view in translation practice, Venuti’s foreignization strategy has producedwidespread influence in the translation field. For such an influential translation strategyitself, the background origin, development process, significant contributions, even aswell as the inevitable criticisms are worthy of being highly-focused. Therefore, thedetailed illustrations to figure out above issues will be fully presented in this chapter.
2.1 Foreignization Proposal
The word “foreignization” in translation traces back to the early 19thcentury. In1813, Friedrich Schleiermacher, German theologian and translator, once put forwardtwo methods of translation: “Either the translator leaves the writer alone as much aspossible and moves the reader toward the writer, or he leaves the reader alone as muchas possible and moves the writer toward the reader” (Schleiermacher, 1813/1992: 41-42,cited in Munday, 2010: 27-28).For Schleiermacher, he preferred the first approach of translation: “to move thereader toward the writer”. In order to achieve this target, an “alienating method”(opposing the “naturalizing method”) of translation must be adopted, which aims atorienting himself or herself by the content and language of the source text (ST)(Munday, 2010: 28). At the turn of the 19thcentury in Germany, the alienating methodof translation that Schleiermacher preferred engendered a resistance to the dominantcultural values of French. As a consequence, the alienating approach in translationmeant a development of discursive peculiarities. To signify “alienation”, the Frenchcultural hegemony and literary discourses supported and favoured by the largestproportion of readers (middle and working class) were about to be opposed (Venuti,1995: 116).Thereby, in terms of the issue of translation strategy, Venuti gets inspired fromSchleiermacher’s two methods of translation——he inherits the idea of “alienating andnaturalizing” and carries it forward as two types of translating strategies “foreignizationand domestication”, concerning both the choice of text to translate and the translationmethods (Munday, 2010: 146).
2.2 Contributions
Venuti’s proposal of foreignization-centered view touches off extensive studiesand exerts far-reaching influence. Venuti not only regards foreignization anddomestication as means of translation to deliver the research, but also puts them into abig context which contains politics, history and culture. According to the main ideas ofVenuti’s foreignization strategy, the contributions of this strategy can be seen as follows:In current international translation field, it is a prevalent phenomenon that Anglo-American ideology and values have been branded with the mark of Anglo-Americancentralism, which germinates the unequal communication between the English worldand third-world countries. Faced with the reinforcement of Anglo-American countries’discourses power, Venuti has long been considered as a fighter who fights for thediscourses of the suppressed marginal regions. He advocates translation of resistancyand minority by unveiling the masks of transparent and fluent translation supported bythe Anglo-America countries. To some degree, Venuti’s foreignization-centered view intranslation uncovers his courage and sense of justice to appeal for the challenge towardthe English world where domestication manipulates the overwhelming force. Therefore,as the Chinese scholar comments, “Venuti’s foreignization proposal of restraining theethnocentrism, narcissism and imperialism of Anglo-American culture is an impetus tocarry forward democratic geopolitics, which puts finger on the positive effect in anequal communication among different cultures” (贺显斌, 2007: 80). Moreover, bycalling for translators’ visibility, it is a constructive way to preserve the cultural ecologyand promote social status of the translators (蒋骁华 & 张景华, 2007: 43). Based onthese analysis, it is safe to say that Venuti’s foreignizing proposition provides chancesto let more cultures’ voices be heard, contributing to resist Anglo-American centralismand cultural hegemony by advising setting up a fair translation norm and discourse inthe translation field.#p#分页标题#e#
Chapter 3 Goldblatt’s Translation Strategy............21
3.1 Goldblatt’s Translation Works.............21
3.2 Inclination for Domestication...............23
3.3 Reflections upon Strategies......26
Chapter 4 Analysis on Goldblatt’s Translation of Culture-Loaded Words............29
4.1 About Culture-Loaded Words..............29
4.2 Case Study of Culture-Loaded Words in Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out..............31
4.2.1 Ecological Culture-Loaded Words.......... 31
4.2.2 Material Culture-Loaded Words..............38
4.2.3 Social Culture-Loaded Words..... 47
4.3 Summary.........53
Chapter 5 Modification of Venuti’s Foreignization-Centered View..........57
5.1 Misleading Risks of Foreignization Proposal...............57
5.2 Modified Methodology.............61
Chapter 5 Modification of Venuti’s Foreignization-Centered View
Since the first publishing edition of The Translators’ Invisibility (1995), Venuti’sforeignization-centered view has always been a controversial translation proposal in thetranslation field. Advocates pay a highly attribute to its positive significance in resistingthe violent domestication means toward translation from the dominant Anglo-Americanmainstream culture, combating with the English-world cultural hegemony andethnocentrism. While critics swipes at Venuti’s foreignization translation view, for theybelieve it is labeled with the mark of binary oppositions, elitism, obvious ignorance oftechnical translation... Nevertheless, Goldblatt’s domestication inclination with flexibletranslation strategies in translation exerts decisive effect in aiding Mo Yan to acquireresounding success of achieving Nobel Prize Award, guiding us to thorough andinsightful meditations: What strategic referential significance can we obtain? Sinceforeignization-centered view has touched off overwhelming influence for a long time, isthere any possibility of misleading risks for Venuti’s foreignization proposal?
5.1 Misleading Risks of Foreignization Proposal
From the former chapters’ analysis about foreignization, in an objective stance, theauthor holds the viewpoints that, the misleading risks of foreignization-centered vieware ineluctably appearing all the time and deserve to be brought to the forefront after thedetailed theory discussions and case studies:Venuti, as a fully firm defender of foreignization-centered view, concentrates hisspotlight on literary translation, because he believes it is the field where innovativetheories and practices emerges (Venuti, 1995: 41). Thusly, Venuti puts his foreignizationproposal mainly into the filed of literature translation. However, for example, whenconfronting the actual translating practice, Goldblatt’s translation in Life and Death AreWearing Me Out is a resounding hit-back to Venuti’s extreme translation proposal. Inother words, not all the literature works are suitable with the foreignizing forms oftranslation, which is what the author called “foreignization evokes the degree ofapplicability in translation strategy” issue. As it turns out, to translate a literary work,translators’ strategies depend on translators’ language knowledge and understanding ofboth cultures (source culture and target culture). Translators decide to translate the STby analyzing the feasible approaches to tackle with the source text according to thecontext——in the domesticating, foreignizing or even in the integrated strategy(foreignization and domestication). In terms of the case studies in this dissertation, theauthor altogether selects 476 random samples from the source text and finds outGoldblatt’s domestication inclination, foreignization and integrated translation arerespectively as 64.7%, 27.1% and 8.2%. These figures clearly showcase that in actualtranslation practice, adhering too much to Venuti’s foreignization strategy in translatingliterary works is not possible and suitable. Excepting for the truth that culture-loadedwords between different cultures cannot be replaced with the exact correspondingtranslation, it is obvious that, languages themselves in different cultural backgroundcannot figure out and formulate the “word-for-word” corresponding discourses.

Foreignization proposal brings in both positive and negative impacts to translationpractice. According to Chapter Five, to modify Venuti’s foreignization-centered view,the author summaries the misleading risks and puts forward detailed solutions,including the recognition enhancement of domestication strategy, relationshipadjustment for domestication and foreignization, as well as diversification and resiliencein implementing actual translation strategies.For the domestication recognition, the author takes Goldblatt’s translation of CLWin Life and Death Are Wearing Me as the supportive case studies and sums up thesignificance of domestication strategy to translation. The author advocates decreasingthe over-emphasis and worship on foreignization strategy, including enhancing therecognition of domestication strategy in propelling Chinese culture to go to the globalstage. Meanwhile, the author holds the point that being more tolerant and respective tomarginal cultures will reform and innovate the local cultures from Anglo-Americanworld. For relationship adjustment of domestication and foreignization, the authorsummaries and redefines the mutual complementation and interactive relations betweenthese two strategies. For resilience maintenance approach, the author recommends theresilient and multiple translation strategies and choices in actual translation works.In brief, in this dissertation, the author always adheres to the Venuti’s foreignizingspirit and the reasonableness of foreignization principles. On top of that, the authorbelieves that translators in actual translation practice are expected to surmount thepartiality and misleading risks of foreignization-centered view and increaseacknowledgement on domestication by allowing the involvement of domesticationstrategy in translation. Due to the fact that translation is a complex process dealing withdiverse cultures and languages, therefore, under the modified “foreignization-centeredview” or “resilient and balanced” translation strategies, it is conducive for translators toform an objective attitude toward the translation theory with developmental perspectivein the long run, applying flexible and multidimensional translation strategies into thetranslation works. This brings in referential significance in translation strategies toarouse more public interests in literature translation and aid Chinese literature to go tothe world.
References (abbreviated)