

  • 论文价格:150
  • 用途: 硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:1
  • 论文字数:33596
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  • 日期:2024-07-20
  • 来源:上海论文网


Chapter One Women and Nature under Oppression

1.1 Women as Sufferers

In Love Medicine,women may even be objectified as men’s property rather thanas autonomous beings,with men defining them within the patriarchal framework.What’s worse,women’s dependence upon males reinforces the stereotype of womenas worthless,foolish,and weak.It is also worth mentioning that Indian women suffermore pain inflicted by the combined oppressions of sexism and racism and they are also suffering from identity crisis.

1.1.1 Dependence of Women

Historically been seen as inferior to men,women have fewer options than men insociety.They are more dependent on men and lack control in the economy.In LoveMedicine,Erdrich depicts a kind of female image of“angel in the house”representedby Marie.Marie is a“good wife and mother”who has a powerful physique and avivacious personality.Every day,she gets up early to clean the room,waxes the floor,milk,feeds the animals,washes the clothes,and prepares meals for her husband andchildren.She has to complete all of the housekeeping late at night before going to bed.She works day and night for the whole family,but she never complains.She believesthat as long as her husband is happy and satisfied,whatever she does is worthwhile.


Chapter Two Construction of the New Images of Womenand Nature

2.1 The Self-Awakening of Women in Getting along with Nature

Women in Love Medicine suffered wretched lives as a result of the binaryopposition of men and women,and they had no subjectivities though they have manyidentities:daughter,wife,mother,etc.Yet these identities are relative to others andare identities of“the other”.Under such circumstances,nature plays a significant rolein pursuing the essence,core and internal subjective identities of women.In SusanGriffin’s book Woman and Nature,she points out that because both women and naturehave the ability to create and nurture life,women are close to nature in spirit,which issupported by many other eco-feminists.She also believes that nature plays animportant role in the construction of women’s subjectivities(Dai Guiyu,48).In addition,Val Plumwood’s theory of mutuality also emphasizes the importance ofrelationships with“earth others”for the construction of human identity.In LoveMedicine,in the process of reconstructing the subjectivities of women,nature has leftdeep imprints.

Chapter Three Seeking Harmony among Men,Women andNatur

3.1 Women’s Influence on Men’s Awareness of Nature

As analyzed n the previous chapter,women fully reconstruct their subjectivitiesthrough independence and resistance.They break out silence and discover theiramazing capacity for survival and land preservation.Moreover,in the end of thenovel,women play an important role in awakening men’s natural consciousness,which demonstrate strong female willpower.Under the guidance of female characters,the male characters in the novel began to regain their appreciation and reverence fornature again,and realized the leap from male self to“ecological self”.

In ecofeminist theory,the ecological self arises out of genuine love andfriendship for the earth others.According to Plumwood,the ecological self is the self in a non-instrumental interaction with nature(154).Humans generally consider natureas alien to human self,which results in the disharmony between man and nature.Plumwood also argues forcefully that together with relationships with other people,relationships with nature are crucial in forming the human identity.In Love Medicine,male characters not only restore their connections with the nonhuman animal,but alsowake up to the independent existence of the nonhuman nature with the help of femalecharacters.Their ecological identities are constructed through reciprocal links withnature.

3.2 Harmony between Men and Women

Erdrich,as an avant-garde writer who has a great concern for repressed women,conveys in Love Medicine her progressive awareness of creating a society that valuesgender equality.Her goal is to break down the strict binary antagonism between menand women in order to bring about peace between them.Erdrich advocates an equaland peaceful cohabitation between men and women rather than the binary conflict thatplaces them on opposing levels and makes women dominant.Men and women shouldrespect each other’s space,treat each other equally,and highlight the advantages oftheir respective genders.

At the end of the novel,Erdrich depicts a picture of men and women living inharmony.Lulu and Moses’life is a typical example.Unlike the binary opposition between men and women in the past,Lulu and Moses lived in equality and mutuallove.Moses loses his capacity to talk after an illness.Lulu tries to help him restore hisability of speaking.With Lulu’s help,Moses learned to speak,and he couldcommunicate with Lulu in the long-lost ancient language.This proves the traditionalunderstanding of Indian interaction between men and women.Just as Rusher Bearalways says,“the woman is complete.Men must come through us to live,but morethan that was happening to Moses”(82).In the novel,Lulu takes care of Moses like amother.Dress him,teach him to walk,bring food to his mouth and kiss him.All thisshows Lulu’s love and care for Moses.What Lulu did for Moses demonstrates thetraditional Indian view of women’s power,which Louise Erdrich hope to reclaim incontemporary Indian society.



Louise Erdrich is a far-sighted author who has deep thought regarding the statusof women and nature which is also the concern of eco-feminism.And the themes ofnature and women are prevalent in many of her works.She criticizes the numerouscrises between man and nature existing in modern society,shows her concerns aboutthe spiritual wilderness in the binary opposition discourse,and makes efforts toreconstruct the desired ecological environment where man,women and nature canlive in harmony with one another.

According to Erdrich,the natural world is a dialectical substance that developsits own worth and vitality.And as a nature-loving writer in contemporary society,shehas a critical perspective on modern civilization.She is committed to exploring andestablishing a harmonious relationship between human and nature as well as betweennature and civilization.At the same time,as a writer who cares about women’s rightsand interests,Erdrich often portrays some women who have close connections tonature in her novels.

In Love Medicine,Erdrich pointed out the connection between women and nature:in addition to the physiological similarity that women are born with nature,womenand nature are also faced with similar situations brought by society.Due to the fastpace of modernization and industrialization,humans try to take as many resources asthey can from nature,which has done severe harm to the environment.Just like nature,females also live in such a miserable position in a patriarchal society.Females areexcluded from good jobs and they are forced to be bound to machinery and performthe arduous task for meager wage.Furthermore,a large number of women arebounded to families as a result of male dominance,losing their status as individualsubject of society and becoming the subordinates of men.Erdrich believes that themale-dominated society’s plundering and squeezing of nature and its domination andoppression of women are ideologically and culturally homologous.








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