
叙述文体学视角下《五号屠场》 的主题建构

  • 论文价格:150
  • 用途: 硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:1
  • 论文字数:32555
  • 论文编号:
  • 日期:2024-04-18
  • 来源:上海论文网


Chapter One Introduction

1.2 Purpose and significance of the study

Vonnegut, who is regarded as a writer of science fiction, has a great influence on the writing of later generations. His writing style can be seen through the themes of his works, including abhorrence of war, despair of reality, and satire of the current government and politics. His superb writing level is demonstrated by his writing skills, such as the fragmentation of narrative time and space, well-arranged plots and characters, and wisely-chosen discourses. Therefore, it is worth studying Vonnegut’s novels. 

It is worth noting that Slaughterhouse-Five is a masterpiece that the author spent twenty-three years recollecting his experience in World War II. Analyzing the techniques is a better approach to comprehending the author’s ideology behind the texts. There is a fact that most researchers are interested in the story instead of viewing the novel comprehensively in narratology and style, which shows a research gap. As such, the non-linear narrative and drastic change of the narrative order portrayed a veteran with mental disorders caused by the war. It also contains changes of perspective because the events are portrayed through the author’s omniscient narrator, who tells Billy’s story and Billy’s account of his story in Dresden. All in all, the well-designed, conscious representation of reality can be ascribed to delicate storytelling and word choice. Therefore, it is important to study literary text under narrative stylistics. 


Chapter Three Theoretical Framework

3.1 General introduction to narrative stylistics

In the attempt to establish the new discipline of narrative stylistics, Xu et al. claim that it is designed to “make synthetic and simultaneous analyses of narratological techniques and their corresponding stylistic devices in narrative works” (2020, p.66). 

In the study of verbal medium, both narratology and stylistic study the formal aspect of the narrative, but there are different concerns about the features of form. Narratology, stemming from structuralism, focuses on macroscopic techniques. However, stylistics pays attention to details, especially foregrounded linguistic features. Combining the narratological techniques and the linguistic features can offer a better understanding of the form of the text. It would not be thorough if the formal study only focused on one side. To acquire the whole picture of the narrative presentation, it needs to combine the concerns of narratology and stylistics. 

In the literature study, both narratology and stylistics pay attention to the formal aspect of the narrative, but they have different concerns. Stylistics focuses on the language in use (Leech & Short, 2007, p. 31). Xu et al. define stylistics as “a discipline that studies the ways language is used; it is a subject that studies the styles of language in use” (2020, p. 2). Carter states that “stylistics is a discipline that requires the dependence on the nature of linguistics’ development” (1982, p. 3).


Chapter Four Narrative Stylistic Analysis of Slaughterhouse-Five

4.1 Narrative time in Slaughterhouse-Five

The subchapter focuses on examining the narrative techniques and linguistic features of the narrative time. The manipulation of narrative time makes the narrative text inconsistent and disordered. This section focuses on analyzing the narrative techniques of temporal order and frequency and their related linguistic features in Slaughterhouse-Five. 

4.1.1 Temporal order

According to Genette, the conception of temporal order contains two kinds: the order of succession of the story, and the arrangement in the narrative (1980, p. 35). If the narrative time matches with the story time, the chronological order is created. However, fiction writers manipulate the order of story time instead of following the order of the sequence of the story. Genette names this narrative technique anachrony (1980, p. 35). This thesis will focus on the anachronical technique adopted in Slaughterhouse-Five.

When examining the temporal order, Genette (1980, p. 35) notes it is necessary to compare the order in which events are set in the discourse and the sequence of these events in the story. Thus, it is under the need to examine the construction of time in Slaughterhouse-Five. 

4.2 Characterization in Slaughterhouse-Five

The subchapter starts with a narratological analysis of characterization followed by a stylistic analysis to disclose the novel’s theme. Characterization, as one of the five key structural elements in narratives, is necessary and practical to be analyzed through narrative stylistic analysis. As interpreted in the theoretical framework earlier, there are two ways to depict characters according to Rimmon-Kenan’s theory, namely, direct definition and indirect presentation (2002, p. 61). 

The direct definition refers to the authorial narrator’s straightforward definition of a character’s traits. The indirect presentation is developed by Xu et al., namely, action, external appearance, and addressing terms (2020, p. 70). Slaughterhouse-Five is filled with the foregrounded indirect definitions. Vonnegut displayed the protagonist Billy Pilgrim’s characteristics by representing his abnormal actions, imitating and satirizing his external appearance, and manipulating the addressing terms, which contributes a lot when building the anti-hero theme.

Chapter Five Conclusion

5.1 Major findings of the study

First, the narrative stylistic approaches to each structural technique are combined closely. Using the three structural elements as a starting point, the general procedure that follows in our examples is from describing and interpreting narratological techniques that work as the framework for the subsequent stylistic analysis, which in turn specifies, completes the former to the final interpretation of the theme and the author’s unique perception of the contemporary world. 

Second, the analysis of the narrative techniques and linguistic features reveal the themes in Slaughterhouse-Five. The distorted temporal order with the combination of speeches from different registers makes the readers perceive the novel as fragmented. The repetitive narrative and tone of irony create a sense of despair, building a chaotic and desperate theme. 

The narrative stylistic interpretation of the character gives the readers an image of Billy, who is vulnerable, avoidant, pessimistic, and insane. It shows that the character has been tortured by the war mentally and physically. Opposite to the normal protagonist in the fiction, which helps build the anti-hero theme. 








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