

  • 论文价格:150
  • 用途: 硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:1
  • 论文字数:35266
  • 论文编号:
  • 日期:2023-01-04
  • 来源:上海论文网


Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Research Background

In the Nineteenth National Congress report,Xi pointed out that culture is the soul of acountry and a nation.It must improve our national soft power and strive to showcase theunique charm of Chinese culture,which shows that culture plays a vital role in theprosperity and development of the country,and spreading Chinese culture is our missionand responsibility.Besides,people worldwide are intertwined as a result of economicglobalization and the rapid advancement of science and technology.Moreover,China is theworld’s second-largest economic country,continuing to be the most significant contributorto world economic growth,which has led to increasingly frequent exchanges betweenpeople around the world.With the development of economic globalization,internationalcultural exchanges are becoming more frequent,and the competition for cultural softpower is intensifying.On the one hand,the country needs to cultivate talents withcross-cultural communication skills to meet the development process of society.On theother hand,it needs to promote the“going out”strategy of China’s distinctive culture toenhance cultural confidence and national pride.Meanwhile,many foreigners show a stronginterest in Chinese culture and want to learn Chinese culture.Therefore,there is no doubtthat students need to comprehend other countries’cultures and learn one’s own Chineseculture in English when communicating with foreigners.In other words,it needs todevelop students’intercultural communicative competence in learning English.As isknown to all,intercultural communicative competency entails not only the ability toacquire the language and culture of Western countries but also the ability to promoteChinese culture internationally[1].Therefore,English learning should focus on studyingChinese culture and help students spread Chinese culture,telling Chinese stories better.


Chapter 3 Research Methodology

3.1 Research Questions

This study pays attention to the following questions:

(1)What is the general distribution and characteristics of Chinese cultural content in PEPsenior high school English textbooks?

(2)What are the characteristics of Chinese cultural content in terms of the structure ofculture,the times of culture,and the presentation of cultural content?

The research objects of this study are the related Chinese culture of compulsory andcompulsory elective English textbooks of the senior high school published by People’sEducation Press in 2019(hereinafter PEP).The compulsory course is required for all highschool students,laying a common foundation for their future development.And theselective compulsory course is a required course for high school students who have highereducation requirements,and it is also an optional course for students with personalitydevelopment needs.The New Senior English for China English Textbook is carefullyrevised to meet the development needs of the new era,based on the guidelines of the newlypromulgated New Curriculum Standards.

Chapter 4 Results and Discussion

4.1 Analysis of the General Distribution of Chinese Cultural Content inPEP Textbooks

This study firstly shows the general distribution of Chinese cultural contents and thenmake a general analysis and evaluation of Chinese cultural contents in PEP textbooks.

4.1.1 The Distribution of Chinese Cultural Content

Through the analysis of Chinese cultural content in the textbooks,the detailed data ofthe distribution in compulsory and compulsory elective textbooks are showed as follows:


4.2 Analysis of Chinese Cultural Content in Terms of the Structure ofCulture

Different classifications of culture can enrich students’cultural knowledge andinfluence students’values,behavioral styles and critical cultural thinking to some extent.Therefore,it is necessary to study the cultural categories of Chinese culture in the PEPEnglish textbooks,which can facilitate a deeper understanding of the cultural categories inthe textbooks and provide a good basis for further research.

4.2.1 The Classification of Chinese Cultural Content

Since textbooks are compiled according to the needs of the English curriculumstandard,studying Chinese culture in textbooks is be conducive to determine whether it fitsthe culture requirements of the senior high school English curriculum standard(2020).This study primarily employs Niu’s[38]cultural classification standard to assess theclassification of Chinese cultural content in English textbooks with the support of Englishcurricular standards.In accordance with Niu[38],culture can be divided into five aspects.The first is material culture,including places of interest,food,architecture,etc.The secondis spiritual culture,including literature and art,sports,history and geography,music,and soon.The third is social culture,including social organization,education,and policy.Thefourth is behavioral culture,including lifestyles,human communication,customs,etiquette,leisure,etc.The last one is ideological culture,consisting of values,and aesthetic interest.The detailed information is as shown below.

Chapter 5 Conclusion

5.1 Major Findings

By means of the detailed analysis of the related Chinese culture in the compulsory andcompulsory elective English textbooks for senior high school published in 2019,the majorfindings are presented as follows.

First and foremost,the distribution of Chinese culture in PEP high school Englishtextbooks is balanced on the whole,and each book deals with Chinese culture to somedegree.Besides,there exists a high correlation between Chinese cultural content and thetopic in the unit,which is of great significance to develop students’subject corecompetencies.However,in a specific book,the Chinese cultural content is distributedunevenly,which means that Chinese cultural content is mainly concentrated on one or twounits,and only serves as an auxiliary in other units.Moreover,the PEP English textbooksattach importance to language input,ignoring the language output,which is adverse toenhancing students’full development and improving their ability to speak English.

Secondly,the characteristics of Chinese cultural content in PEP textbooks areexplored in this paper.More specifically,the characteristics of Chinese Cultural content interms of the structure of culture from the perspective of synchronic order and thecontemporaneity of culture from the perspective of chronological order are analyzed andevaluated.The positive point is that material culture,spiritual culture,social culture,behavioral culture,and concept culture are covered in PEP textbooks for the characteristicsof diversity and richness.Through these rich and varied Chinese cultural contents,studentscan enhance their cultural confidence,promote English language learning,and strengthentheir ability to express Chinese culture in English.Nevertheless,the distribution of Chinesecultural content in PEP English textbooks is uneven in terms of cultural structure.Spiritualculture and material culture win a landslide victory over social culture,behavioral culture,and ideological culture,detrimental to the development of students’interculturalknowledge and their intercultural awareness.Apart from that,surface culture shadowsmedial culture and in-depth culture,which means the Chinese cultural content issuperficial to some extent.








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