

  • 论文价格:150
  • 用途: 硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:1
  • 论文字数:32021
  • 论文编号:
  • 日期:2022-11-22
  • 来源:上海论文网


Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background of the Translation Project

In recent years,with the deepening of the globalization,the culturalexchanges between the East and the West have been increasingly frequent insuch a highly mobile world.Tea culture has grown in popularity.Tea plays anirreplaceable role in the everyday life of the Chinese people.There is an oldChinese saying,“the seven daily necessities of life are:firewood,rice,cookingoil,salt,soy sauce,vinegar and tea”.(Yong,2013:18)However,SichuanProvince is the origin of tea plants,planting tea,tea drinking and tea selling,and therefore,the study of Sichuan tea culture is conducive to spreadingSichuan culture.During the Tang and Song Dynasties,the output of Sichuantea ranks first,and its famous tea enjoys repute across China.It boasts a longhistory of tea industry,high-quality tea and abundant tea resources,beingpraised as“the tea produced in Sichuan province is the best”since the ancienttimes.Sichuan is the birthplace of the Chinese tea culture,breeding anddeveloping the affluent tea culture.Splendid tea planting and tea drinkingculture makes enormous contribution to flourishing Chinese tea industry,enriching and advancing as well as disseminating Chinese tea culture.To someextent,tea culture has a deep relationship with Chinese diet culture and theChinese spiritual features.And it has profoundly and deeply influenced thedevelopment of Chinese civilization and growth of Chinese economy.Thanksto the Belt and Road Initiative,great progress has been achieved in economyand culture.


Chapter Three Theoretical Framework andLiterature Review

3.1 An Overview of Cross-cultural Communication

With the fast development of convenient transportation system andtechnology,the world is becoming a global village and interculturalcommunication is gaining increasing popularity.Intercultural communicationhas another form,namely cross-cultural communication.It is a commonphenomenon existing for a long time.Cross-cultural communication occurswhen people from different cultural backgrounds communicate with eachother and make effort to communicate cross cultures.Apart from language,cross-cultural communication gives priority to cultures,customs,thoughtpatterns and different values.In addition to them,it also places great emphasison understanding different cultures,customs and languages of people fromcountries.The United States is the origin of the cross-cultural communicationtheory.In 1959,Edward Hall published the work the Silent Language,inwhich he adopted the notion of cross-cultural communication and made anin-depth analysis,thus many scholars viewed it as a pioneering work which setthe stage for the study of cross-cultural communication.Since the 1960s,morescholars and researchers have joined the trend of cross-cultural communicationresearch.Against this backdrop,Nida(1969:26),an American linguist andtranslation theorist,applied communication theory to translation studies.Hefurther expounded that if language communication was separated from thecontext,a failure of communication would follow.

Chapter Four Case Studies

4.1 Ecological Culture-specific Items

Culture and specific ecological conditions are closely related to eachother,and diversified geographical environments and natural surroundingscultivate varieties of cultures.Ecological cultural elements refer to geographicfeatures that can be normally distinguished from other cultural elements,likeflora,fauna,mountains,waters,climate and so on(Newmark,2001:95).People living in different geographical and natural surroundings may tend touse expressions existing in their own culture to convey and express all things.In addition,the same words and expressions with same referential meaningsmay have differences in connotative meaning.Sichuan Tea Culture containsnumerous ecological culture-specific items,and the author adopts suchstrategies to analyze them in order to achieve cultural equivalents as linguistic(non-cultural)translation,extratextual gloss,absolute universalization,orthographic adaptation and limited universalization.

4.1.1 Linguistic(Non-Cultural)Translation Plus Extratextual Gloss

According to Aixelá(1996:61-62),linguistic(non-cultural)translationrefers to a target language version denotatively close to the original,but canstill be recognized as belonging to the cultural system of the source text,whichcan be understandable for the target readers.By doing so,the referentialmeaning of items can be reserved as much as possible.In addition,newexpressions and cultural elements can be introduced into target culture.Itcontributes to helping to promote cultural exchanges between differentcountries involved,especially in the era of globalization.Translators shouldtake pre-established translations into account when they apply this strategy.Their previous commonly-accepted version can be used.Extratextual gloss isadopted when the translators consider it necessary to offer some explanation ofthe meaning or implications of the culture-specific items by using a footnote,endnote,glossary,commentary in brackets,etc.since it is not convenient toput explanation within the text.

4.2 Material Culture-specific Items

Material culture involves such material elements as clothing,food,housing and transportation and towns(Newmark,2001:74).Due to varieties ofgeographical,ecological surroundings,social customs and so on,people livingin different areas utilize different things.Sometimes,something special in oneculture is absent in another for their different material cultures.From theperspective of the cross-culture communication,the author adoptsorthographic adaptation and intratextual gloss to analyze the materialculture-specific items.

4.2.1 Orthographic Adaptation Plus Intratextual Gloss

Example 9


TT:The prosperity of tea-horse trade has also transformed Songpan Countyinto another centralized marketing place for Sichuan Bian Tea(It is speciallysupplied to the regions in which the ethnic minority inhabit).

Analysis:There exists no equivalent words and expressions in English,so thecultural default arises(Bao Huinan&Bao Ang,2004:101).Initially,the authorviewed“四川边茶”as those planted in remote areas.But later,the authorsearched more information to have a good understanding of it.Based onrelative theories of cross-cultural communication,the author finally employsorthographic adaptation plus intratextual gloss to convey the original flavorand its cultural connotation.The reason why extratextual gloss rather thanintratextual gloss is used is that the length of gloss is suitable to insert in thesentence,as it will not be a distraction for the target readers.The method ofintratextual gloss takes full account of the cultural factors and achieves thecultural equivalence.


Chapter Five Conclusion

5.1 Major Findings of the Practice and Study

Predicated on the translation practice of the excerpt from Sichuan TeaCulture,under the guidance of cross-cultural communication,there are threefindings.

Firstly,with the speeding up of the process of globalization,cross-culturalcommunication has become increasingly frequent.Much attention is beingpaid to various cultures.Translation,as a means of cross-culturalcommunication,bridges the interaction between China and other countries.Cross-cultural translation becomes the core in removing cultural barriers,especially the culture-loaded words and expressions.Sichuan Tea Culturecontains a large number of culture-loaded words which reflect history andculture of a specific period.Therefore,in translation practice,the author needsto avoid separating contents from culture(Bassnet,2004:54).

Secondly,due to diverse cultures among different countries,it isinevitable to cause culture loss during the process of translation.Culture loss isa major problem and difficult point in the whole translation.In order to retainthe characteristics of original text,the author applies flexible translationmethods based on intercultural communication,such as deletion,intratextualgloss,extratextual gloss,orthographic adaptation,limited universalization,absolute universalization,linguistic(non-cultural)translation,which are underthe instruction of Aixelá,and corresponding expressions of a third language,a supplement added by the author,to achieve cultural equivalence.Althoughintercultural communication applied to this translation practice may not enableall problems encountered to be solved in the course of translation,it helps theauthor enhance and improve the consciousness of interculturalcommunication.








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