

  • 论文价格:150
  • 用途: 硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:1
  • 论文字数:43622
  • 论文编号:
  • 日期:2022-09-20
  • 来源:上海论文网



1.3 Research Methods

In order to achieve the targets of proposing a new definition model of theargument constructions for CTVs in advanced CELDs for high-levelEnglish-speaking Chinese learners,two methods are adopted,including contrastiveinterlanguage analysis(hereinafter referred to as CIA)and dictionary analysis.

1)Contrastive interlanguage analysis

The contrastive interlanguage analysis is a method based on corpora.It is of"contrast and comparison between native and non-native language speakers in acomparable situation"(Pery-Wodley,1990:143).It uses corpora of target language andcorpora of learners.In addition to obtaining specific language information from thetarget language corpus,it systematically discovers the non-native characteristics ofthe learner's interlanguage by comparing the learner's corpus with the target languagecorpus.Deviations include misuse,more use,less use,and avoidance.Understandingthe learner's language usage clarifies the learners'learning difficulties,which helps relevant practitioners adjust to their difficulties and improve the learners'secondlanguage learning ability.



3.1 The Motivation of CTVs

Verbs are one of the most important parts of speech,and they are also the focusof teaching Chinese as a foreign language.Generally speaking,the degree of masteryof verbs by foreign Chinese learners directly affects the accuracy and coherence ofcommunication.The ability of foreign Chinese learners to output verbs correctlydepends to a large extent on whether the learners have mastered the semantic framesconnected with the verbs and the semantic realization of the verbs at the syntacticlevel.This part attempts to propose a method of classifying Chinese verbs accordingto their core semantics,the purpose of it is to meet the foreign Chinese learners’need.

In accordance with the construction of argument construction,the type of verbsis the implied generalization based on the pragmatics.Therefore,for learners,theinput of chunks,especially those words share the same meaning will considerablyimprove the ability of second acquisition.Taking the verbs of"Chǎnshēng"as anexample:firstly,analyze the component of"Chǎnshēng"with its origin:composed oftwo morphemes with similar meanings.For a reasonable definition,the historicalevolution of the meanings of"chǎn"and"shēng"are taken.


5.1 Principles of Definition Models in CELDs

The learners-orientated dictionaries,in nature,are learners’dictionaries fornon-natives,aiming to meet the learning needs of foreign Chinese learners and helpthem grasp the headwords of the target language,following the principles of complete,concise,and understandable lexical,conceptual,grammatical information and usagesfor the defined headwords catering to user’s needs should be provided(Zhang 2011:138).However,the preliminary research of mainstream CELDs finds that most ofthem,similar to those for native speakers,concern much about accuracy and concise,with little attention on the usage information,namely,the constructional information,especially the participant roles of them.To solve such dilemma,this paper proposestwo principles for defining headwords in CELDs,namely,the principle of userorientation and the principle of corpus-based which are not only applicable to thedefinition of foreign learners’dictionaries but also to the definition of native learners’dictionaries.


5.2 Constructional Definition Structure in CELDs

Based on the proposed two principles for definitions in CELDs,namely,theprinciple of chunks basis and the principle of user orientation,the construction-baseddefinition structure in language-specific CELDs is proposed.Taking references to thedefinition structures of existing learners'dictionaries,the definition of CELDs is theunity of definition content and form,which are represented by spatial structures,information items and language structures.

5.2.1 Spatial structure

Spatial perception,an important concept in the field of cognitive research,refersto the ability of people to recognize spatial position relationships through theformation of spatial representations in the brain.As far as the definition of thelearning dictionary is concerned,spatial structure mainly refers to the degree ofprominence of the headword,the size of the characters used in the definition text andthe arrangement of the definition and the length of the definition.

The degree of prominence of the headword and the size of the word directlyaffects the reader's efficiency in reading the definition.Cognitive researches testifythat readers need two kinds of information in the process of reading definition:visualinformation and non-visual information.The former is related to the size and clarityof the dictionary characters and the strength of the light and the reader's vision;thelatter is related to the knowledge stored in the reader's brain.For dictionary editors,itis of great significance to highlight the headword and its relation with the definition,while present CELDs pay little attention on that.

Chapter Six Conclusion

6.1 Main Findings

The findings of the study,serving as the answers to the four questions raised in1.2,are summarized as follows:

1).The motivation of CTVs are the verbs that share the central meaning of"chǎnshēng".

2).In accordance with the interlanguage Chines corpus,foreign Chinese learnersdo not acquire the usage of CTVs and their noun form and avoid the use of them.Andthere is a noteworthy deviation between Chinese native speakers and foreign Chineselearners.

3)The studies of the definition models in the four paper-based and one onlineCELDs include studies on the overall dictionary descriptions,definition principles,definition structures and definition models.The overall descriptions of the fiveCELDs show that the trend of learnability has appeared in the lexicographicalpractices of CELDs.Concerning definition principles,most CELDs pursue accuratedefinitions and English equivalents with little treatment for lexical usage and withoutmuch attention to learnability.

Regarding information items in definition structures,it is found that all the fiveCELDs take English equivalents as the main way of definition and provideinformation on participant roles to define headwords,mostly when there are nosuitable English equivalents.In terms of definition language structures,the word-typeand phrase-type are the definition language structures most commonly used in thecore system of definitions,and annotations in brackets are often used for clearly indicating the participant roles in the peripheral system of definitions.Then,focusingon the definition model of verbs,the writer finds that the usage information of verbs isincomplete and unclear by and large.And then,investigating the microstructuredefinitions of the five"category verbs in the five CELDs,finds that the definitions ofthose verbs lack enough presentation of usage information and the learnability of theexisting CELDs needs to be strengthened for a real CELDs for Chinese learners.








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