

  • 论文价格:150
  • 用途: 硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:1
  • 论文字数:42565
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  • 日期:2022-06-12
  • 来源:上海论文网



A. A Brief Introduction to Aldous Huxley and Brave New World

1.An Introduction to Aldous Huxley

Aldous Huxley is an English novelist and critic who was born on July 6, 1894in England. And he is a member of the famous Huxley family which is composed ofoutstanding scientists and writers. Huxley’s grandfather is Thomas Henry Huxley, abiologist and a great supporter of Darwin’s theory of evolution. His father, LeonardHuxley, is a biographer, editor and poet. And his mother, Julia, is the niece ofMatthew Arnold who is the poet and critic. The good parentage made Huxley morefarsighted about the contradictions in human life.

In his early years, Huxley studied in Eton and Oxford University. Because ofeye disease, he was forced to give up his scientific dream and study literature instead.Around 1915, Huxley met T.S. Eliot, Bertrand Russell and other elites, and wasassociated with a group of writers and intellectuals. After 1926, he established a friendship with D.H. Lawrence. During this time, Huxley had been taking care ofLawrence, who was suffering from tuberculosis. In 1932, he edited the letters ofLawrence. Then he and his wife moved to the United States in 1937, where they spentthe rest of their lives. In his later years, Huxley won many honors. For example, in1959, he won the award given by the American Academy of Letters. And in 1962, hewas elected as a Companion of Literature of the British Royal Society of Literature.Huxley died of tongue cancer on November 22, 1963, and was buried in his parents’cemetery in England.



A. Docile Bodies

In Foucault’s work Discipline and Punish, the concept of “body” is repeatedlymentioned. In Foucault’s research, he found that since the classical era, people havefound that the body is the object and goal of power, which “is manipulated, shaped,trained, which obeys, responds, becomes skilful and increases its forces” (Foucault136). In any society, the body is always subject to extremely severe control of power.In order to ensure the continuity of society, people gradually find effective ways todiscipline others, which leads to the emergence of discipline mechanism. As amechanism containing power discourse, the goal of discipline is to make the body“more obedient as it becomes more useful, and conversely”. “Thus discipline produces subjected and practised bodies, ‘docile’ bodies” (Foucault 138). In BraveNew World, the rulers used a variety of mechanisms to control people’s behavior andthoughts in order to ensure social stability. The direct result of the rulers’ powerdiscourse manipulation is to make people’s bodies tame. And in the World State, thereare three kinds of docile bodies: loyal political body represented by caste Alpha,shared sexual body represented by caste Beta, and standard twin body represented bylow caste Gamma, Delta and Epsilon.


A. The Expression of Resistance of Subject

Under the manipulation of the rulers’ technology, the low caste groups in theWorld State are deprived of human wisdom. They no longer have the ability to think,so they have no subjective consciousness at all. However, as the elites of high castes,Alphas have more wisdom and thinking ability. Therefore, even under the oppressionof such mighty power discourse of the rulers, Bernard and Helmholtz, as intellectuals,still awakened their self-consciousness. They both have different degrees ofdissatisfaction with society, which is very rare in this “beautiful” world. And John, asthe Savage, also resists the rulers’ power discourse after entering the new world.When the rulers tried to make him submit to the rulers’ power discourse throughvarious temptations, he firmly adhered to his own discourse and refused thesetemptations.

1.Bernard and Helmholtz’s Awakening of Self-awareness

In the World State, Bernard is a different Alpha. Because of the breeder’smistake, he has the irreversible physical defects. Compared with other Alphas, he iseight centimeters shorter in height and thinner in physique. The physical defects makehim not only teased by colleagues and ridiculed by women, but also despised by thelower castes. Because in such a society dominated by caste system, people are“conditioned to associate corporeal mass with social superiority. Indeed, a fainthypnopaedic prejudice in favour of size was universal” (Huxley 65). So “each time he found himself looking on the level, instead of downward, into a Delta’s face, he felthumiliated” (ibid.). Under the rule of rulers’ discourse, Bernard found that his bodydiffered from the standard set by the rulers. And the differences made him have morecomplex emotions which could not be owned by others. So Bernard distinguishedhimself from others. And this distinction prompted the awakening of hisself-consciousness.

B. The Result of Resistance of Subject

However, in the face of mighty power discourse, the individual’s resistance issmall, and ends in failure. In order to maintain social stability and the politicalauthority of rulers, the individual’s sense of independence needs to be strangled.When it is impossible to re-assimilate the discourse pattern of the rebels, the rulerscan only take coercive measures. However, in addition to the suppression of the rulers,the failure of individuals’ resistance has their own reasons. In terms of the time,purpose and way of resistance, the protagonists in the novel did not find the right way,so their resistance ended in failure. As a result, Bernard and Helmholtz, asintellectuals, are permanently exiled by the World State, while the Savage John isfinally dead.

1.Exile of the Intellectuals

Bernard’s resistance not only awakened his personal consciousness, but alsoprompted him to bring John from the reserve to the new world. And John’s existenceaffected some deep-rooted ideas of the World State to a certain extent. But theresistance of Bernard is passive and selfish, which leads to his failure. Bernard’sawakening of self-consciousness is mainly due to his own physiological defects,which leads to his dissatisfaction with the rule of the society. And by criticizing thevalue standard of the new world, he gets more discourse. But in his self-consciousness,he wants to seek self-interest more. Once he regains his confidence in some way andmakes up for his physical defects, he will soon reconcile with the power discourse ofthe rulers. So his resistance is doomed to failure.


A. Significance of the Study

Taking Foucault’s power discourse theory as the theoretical framework, thisthesis enriches the theory’s research on Brave New World, and analyzes the real faceof the World State behind the veil of “beauty” in detail from three aspects.

When studying the manipulation of power discourse, this thesis mainlyanalyzes the technical manipulation and ideological manipulation adopted by rulers. Itnot only discusses the manipulation of rulers’ power discourse on people inpopulation and religion, but also enriches the research from the perspectives of gender,instinct and education. Through the above analysis, this thesis explores how the veilof “beauty” is constructed and covers the real face of the World State.


When studying the consequences of power discourse on people, this thesis makes up for the blank of detailed research in this aspect. This thesis analyzes the realstate of the people of the World State under the oppression of power discourse fromthree aspects: body, knowledge and discourse. The consequences are that their bodiesare tamed, their knowledge is erased and they are seriously deprived of theirdiscourses. They are just the walking corpses who perform their duties, content withthe status quo, live in the present and enjoy themselves in time. Through the analysis,it can be seen that the “beauty” of the World State is false. People living in the newworld have been brutally oppressed by the power discourse of the rulers.








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