

  • 论文价格:150
  • 用途: 硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:1
  • 论文字数:49856
  • 论文编号:
  • 日期:2022-06-12
  • 来源:上海论文网


Chapter One Task Description

1.3 Significance of the Translation Task

The significance of this translation lies in 2 aspects: practical meaning andtheoretical meaning.

Firstly, Ego Free Leadership is a new published book and has never beentranslated into Chinese before and ego-free leadership is also a new managementmethod, so this translation task can bring new knowledge to target readers and thetarget text can also rich the market of management book.

Secondly, the translation task can be another case for the study ofCommunicative Translation Theory and its guiding meaning on the translation ofbusiness text. Furthermore, it would be another try to test the former researchingresults and attempt to offer some enlightenment for the future translation.


Chapter Two Process Description

2.1 Translation Preparation

Translation preparation refers to read and research the source text according tothe background materials the translator prepared and overcome the potentialdifficulties (Zhang Peiji 2009: 83). All success depends on the previous preparation,only a good preparation can ensure the translation process going smoothly andproduce a fluent, faithful target text. The translator completes the preparation in thefollowing steps.

Firstly, the translator finds out the sources of the idioms, quotations and terms,and search them by Oxford Dictionary and some websites like Bing.com. Besides,the translator also reads a lot of other texts on the same or similar topic of thesource text.

Secondly, the translator reads the whole book to understand its main ideas, andmarks the difficult words. What’s more, by asking for help from my friends major infinance and international business, the translator learned some professionalknowledge.

Thirdly, the translator investigates the two companies the authors owned to havea brief knowledgement about the businesses they operate.

Chapter Three Case Analysis

3.1 Translation at Lexical Level

When we translate a book, a text, a paragraph or even a sentence, we usuallystart it from a word, which is the fundamental component of a sentence and theminimum unit of a text, the translation of words is an important part of the wholetranslation (Hu zhuanglin 1994).

According to Newmark’s communicative translation theory, lexical meaningstarts where grammatical meaning finishes, it is referential and precise, and has to beconsidered both outside and within the context (Newmark 2001: 26). In this part, afterconsidering the lexical meaning within the context, the translator found that somenecessary words must be added and some abundant words need to be omitted.

3.1.1 Addition

Addition is a skill commonly used in translation practice. The use of additionalways has its standard, such as we must know whether it is necessary to use addition(Zhong Shuneng, 2010: 22). Adding the unnecessary words or sentences will causethe change or abundance of the text meaning. On the contrary, without adding thenecessary words or sentence will cause obscurity or incomplete to the text meaning.

3.2 Translation at Syntactic Level

Compared with Chinese, English has stronger logical relation and more strictsyntactic structure, and therefore English sentences are often longer than Chinesesentences (Fan Xingli 2008). Communicative Translation aims to convey informationwhich is acceptable and comprehensive to target readers both in content and language,So the translator should use the sentence pattern in line with Chinese linguisticconvention and take the acceptability of target readers into account. In the translationof Ego Free Leadership, In order to achieve this goal, division, structure-borrowing,adjustment of word order are applied in translating the source text to solve problemsat syntactic level.

3.2.1 Division

Parataxis and hypotaxis are the respective features of Chinese and English, thisdifference in Chinese and English makes the splitting of long English sentencebecomes necessary in the English-Chinese translation.(Fan Xingli 2008)

Example 8:

ST: Brandon’s conscious explanation of his frustration was that he had alreadyaddressed the issue several times and that his leadership team was made up of“morons,” their complaints “bullshit.”

TT: 关于他的沮丧,布莱顿做出的有意识的解释是:他已经多次处理过有关重点项目的问题,管理团队中的人都是些“傻子”,他们的抱怨完全是“胡扯”。(P 7)

Analysis: The sentence was made of 2 predicative clauses with 29 words, andthe subject of this sentence is “Brandon’s conscious explanation of his frustration”. Aswe can see from what the translator mentioned above, the structure of the sentence islong and complex. So if we translate the 2 predicative clauses in only one sentence, itwould be too long and can’t be in line with the Chinese expression habit, so the translator choose to translate the sentence into 5 short sentences.


Chapter Four Conclusion

4.1 Gains from the task

Through this translation practice, the translator learns a lot of things and has a lotof findings and gains.

The first gain is the appreciation of the ego free leadership, as well as theinspiration brought by the author Brandon and Shayne. Translation is the recreation ofthe source text, which should be done on the basis of a full understanding of thesource text.

On the other hand. The translator benefits a lot from this translation. Through thetask of translation, the translator improves his translation ability, and furtherunderstands Newmark's Communicative Translation Theory. At the same time, thetranslator learns many new English words, phrases and expressions.








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