

  • 论文价格:150
  • 用途: 硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:1
  • 论文字数:37455
  • 论文编号:el202203131657060
  • 日期:2022-04-08
  • 来源:上海论文网


Chapter One   Introduction

1.1 Research Background

The  21st  century is viewed as  “knowledge-based” era as  well as  “information explosion” one, featuring that knowledge and information generates and spreads at an unprecedented speed. Meanwhile, technological development accelerates the renewal of it (Luo Qingxu,2000). In today’s highly information-based era, people tend to be carried away by irrelevant information and misled by false information. Especially in the time of the outbreak of novel coronavirus pneumonia, quite a few people were puzzled when bombarded with an enormous amount of information from news and articles online by lack of critical thinking ability. The information age requires people to read and think critically in the face of overwhelming knowledge and information. 

In the field of education, the trend of English curriculum and teaching reform in basic education has transited from the development of  students’ language skills to cultivating their English core competencies. The construction  of  the system of core competencies in English course provides considerable guidance for the cultivation of critical thinking. In English Curriculum Standards for Senior High School (2017), the specific goal of the English curriculum of regular high school is to cultivate and develop students’ core competencies, including language competence, cultural consciousness, thinking quality and learning ability. This is the first time that thinking quality has been listed as the goal of the English curriculum (Chen Zehang, Wang Qiang, Qian Xiaofang, 2019). In the light of the New Curriculum Standards, thinking quality means the ability and level of thinking in logical, critical and innovative ways. Critical thinking, as an essential  part  of  thinking  quality,  increasingly  become  an  indispensable  part  of cultivating students’ overall development. 

Chapter Three   Research Methodology

3.1 Research Questions

Under the guidance of constructivism theory, schema theory and critical discourse analysis theory, by means of questionnaire, classroom observation and interview, this study intends to seek rational answer to the following two questions so as to explore the current situation of students’ use of critical reading strategies in English reading and its influencing factors.

(1) What is  the current  situation of senior high school students’ use of critical reading strategies in English reading?

(2) What are the factors influencing their use of critical reading strategies? 

Chapter Four   Results and Discussion

4.1 The  Current  Situation  of  Students’  Use  of  Critical  Reading Strategies in English Reading

In this study, the frequency of students’ use of critical reading strategies is judged by the criterion frequency scale defined by Oxford (1990:291). The detailed information is shown in table 4.1. 


4.1.1 Students’ Overall Use of Critical Reading Strategies

The descriptive statistics in Table 4.2 clearly show students’ overall use of critical reading strategies. 


As  table 4.2 shows, the mean value of students’ overall use of critical reading strategies is 2.88, which indicates that students’ overall use of them is at a middle level. In other words, they sometimes use critical reading strategies in their English reading process, but not very often. The results suggest that the current situation of senior high students’ use of critical reading strategies is not optimistic. The results analyzed from the questionnaire are consistent with the records of classroom observations. The records of multiple classroom observations show that teachers still adopted the traditional reading teaching model in most of the classes, focusing on vocabulary and grammar knowledge. Students  sometimes  use  strategies  for  critical  reading,  but  not  regularly  and systematically. 

4.2 The Factors Influencing Students’ Use of Critical  Reading Strategies in English Reading    

The results and analysis of the questionnaire and classroom observation exposed many problems in students’ use of critical reading strategies. First of all, on the whole, the frequency of students’ use of critical reading  strategies is in middle level, which means that students don’t adopt these strategies very often. Secondly, through classroom observation, the author found that students are not always actively engaged in the reading process. Their thinking about the implied meaning of the text is not deep enough, which is reflected in the result of questionnaire that they are less likely to use questioning, analyzing and evaluating strategy. To explore the reasons behind these problems, the author sorts out relevant  literature  about critical  reading for reference. Besides, the interviews  with students and  teachers  are  also served as  a  supplement to  explore influential factors affecting senior high students’ use of critical reading strategies in English reading. Many complicated factors influencing students’ use of critical reading strategies are going to be discussed below. 

Chapter Five   Conclusion

5.1 Major Findings of the Study

The major findings of this research summarized on the basis of the results of the questionnaire, classroom observation and interview are as follows: 

The current situation of senior high students’ use of critical reading strategies in English reading is  not optimistic: the frequency of students’ use of previewing and predicting strategy, inferring strategy, self-regulating strategy, annotating strategy and analyzing strategy is at a middle level. Students’ using frequency of summarizing strategy, questioning strategy and evaluating strategy is at a low level. 

As  for  predicting and  previewing strategy, most  of  the  students have  strong awareness of predicting the theme and content of the text by looking at the title or other information. Besides, they sometimes predict the author’s writing intention and preview the frame structure of the text. 

As regard to annotating strategy, students usually mark key words, phrases and important sentences in the process of reading. And they sometimes mark the contents that they don’t understand. However, they seldom write down  their questions  and comments about the text. 

About inferring strategy, most of the students are quite good at inferring the meaning of new words according to the context. In addition, they sometimes infer the author’s writing intention, emotion and implied meaning according to some detailed clues.  








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