

  • 论文价格:150
  • 用途: 硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:1
  • 论文字数:36599
  • 论文编号:el202203131653230
  • 日期:2022-04-04
  • 来源:上海论文网


Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Setting of the Study

English becomes one of the important languages for international communicationwith the development of economic globalization. English also plays a great role inspreading the cultures of different countries. English courses have been started from thestage of compulsory education in China to adopt the development trend of times. Inrecent years, the Chinese experts and scholars usually focus on studying Englishpragmatics, discourse, communication and learning strategies, while the status of themajor element of language---word seems to be declining. However, word learning isthe basis of English learning. Just like world famous linguist Wilkins (1972) said“Without grammar very little can be conveyed; without words nothing can beconveyed.” So enough words are the precondition of grammar, pragmatics, discourseand communication. What’ more, the quantity and difficulty of words increases a lot injunior high school compared with primary school. Therefore, at the critical period,students need teachers to provide certain teaching methods for them to learn Englishwords. In this case, the author does a survey on the use of word teaching methods andmeta-methods by junior high school EFL teachers. Its purpose is to find out theeffective methods to improve the current situation of students' words learning andteachers' words teaching.

Chapter Three Methodology

3.1 Research Questions

Based on the current status of English word teaching in junior high school, thisstudy will deal with the following three questions.

(1) What is the frequency of the use of different word teaching methods by juniorhigh school EFL teachers?

(2) What is the relationship between the choice of different word teaching methodsand the teachers’ years of teaching?

(3) What are the effects of different word teaching methods on word learning tasks?

Chapter Four Results and Discussion

4.1 Frequency of the Use of Word Teaching Methods and Meta-methods

The fourth chapter talks about the results of the study specifically, including theresults of the frequency of word teaching methods and meta-methods, the relationshipbetween the teaching age and the choice of word teaching method 、 meta-methods.What’s more, the results of class observation and teachers’ interview will be discussedin detail.


From the 4 point scoring scale table, this study take the middle value 2.5 as acontrast ratio, 60 subjects were tested, the maximum of intuitive method is 4, theminimum is 1, the average of institutive method is 3.27, which is higher than the ratio2.5. According to the teachers’ communication below, teachers usually use pictures,real object, or PPT to help with their teaching, which are easy and clear for students to understand words quickly and directly. In terms of combining sound, shape andmeaning method, the minimum value is 1, the maximum value is 4, and the mean valueis 3.17, which is higher than the contrast ratio 2.5. As we all known, sound, shape, andmeaning are basic components of a word, junior high school teachers usually pay moreattention to the basic knowledge, they spend a lot of time teaching student Englishwords from their pronunciation, shape, and meaning.

4.2 Relationship Between Teaching Age and the Choice of WordTeaching Methods and Meta-methods


From the above table, we can see that 10 teachers, accounting for 16.7% of thetotal subjects, have less than 1 year of teaching experience. 6 teachers have 1-3 yearsteaching experience, accounting for 10.0% of the total subjects; 11 teachers have 4-6years experience, accounting for 18.3% of the total subjects; There were 15 teacherswho have 7-10 years experience, accounting for 25.0% of the total subjects; Therewere18 people who have been teaching for more than 10 years, accounting for 30.0%of the total subjects.

Chapter Five Conclusion

5.1 Main Findings of the Study

Along with the steady growth of junior high school EFL teaching practice ingeneral, junior high school EFL word teaching practice has made remarkable progress.So far, however, there are still some problems in the use of word teaching methods byjunior high school EFL teachers. Meanwhile, with the continual advance of junior highschool EFL teaching research, the study of junior high school EFL word teaching hasalso made considerable achievements. Up to now, however, the study of the use ofword teaching methods by junior high school EFL teachers has not been adequate.

In such a setting of teaching practice and research, therefore, the present study hasintended to, with 60 junior high school EFL teachers from three high schools in Chinaas participants, on the basis of relevant foreign language teaching theories and methods,and through a methodology integrating questionnaire survey, interview, and classroomobservation, explore the use of word teaching methods by junior high school EFLteachers in terms of the frequency of the use of different methods, the relationship ofthe choice of different methods to the teachers’ years of teaching, and the effects ofdifferent methods on word learning tasks. To be specific, this study aims to address thefollowing questions:

(1) What is the frequency of the use of different word teaching methods by juniorhigh school EFL teachers?

(2) What is the relationship between the choice of different word teaching methods and the teachers’ years of teaching?

(3) What are the effects of different word teaching methods on word learning tasks?








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