

  • 论文价格:150
  • 用途: 硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:1
  • 论文字数:38856
  • 论文编号:el2022032616091530232
  • 日期:2022-03-26
  • 来源:上海论文网


Chapter One Introduction

1.2 Research Purpose and Significance

Many theories in improving students’ English reading abilities through gradedreading are derived from British and American countries. English is their nativelanguage for these countries. Whereas in China, English is a foreign language. Combingthese advanced graded reading and teaching theories with teaching practice to makethese theories operable according to our country’s actual status is the ultimate purposeof this study.

The author has been teaching English for ten years. When teaching English, gradedreading has always been at the center of English reading teaching made by the author.Based on the accumulation of great practical experience and pedagogical materials, theauthor needs to carry out such research to systematize the whole graded readingteaching course and form a top-down and all-around graded reading course system.

In this study, the author uses GE value and Lexile value for judging students’reading levels. In theory, the minimum Lexile value that Chinese junior high first-yearschool students should achieve is 200L, and the GE value is 1.5. By analyzing thepre-test data, it can be seen that before the beginning of the study, the Lexile value andGE value of 8 students in Class B who are weak in foundation did not meet theacademic requirements. However, it is important to point this out at the end of this study.The Lexile value and the GE value of seven students in Class B all meet the academicrequirements. The eight students of Class A who have an excellent foundation meet theneeds of grade two of junior high school (at the end of this study, they are in their firstsemester of junior high school). These findings powerfully demonstrate the need forsuch a study. At the same time, it also proves the great significance of this study forgraded reading teaching.


Chapter Three Research Methodology

3.1 Research Questions

The purpose of this study is to explore how to use graded reading effectively inextracurricular reading to stimulate students’ interest in learning English and graduallyimprove their reading skills. Based on that, the author further explores the factors thataffect students’ reading outside of class. Ultimately, the author hopes to providepractical suggestions for future teaching practice. Depending on the goal of the study,the author will address the following two main questions.

(1) What are effective ways for teachers to organize junior high school students’extracurricular reading activities through graded reading?

(2) What is the effect of graded reading on students’ English ability?

Before the research, invitation letters were sent to many students to obtainparticipants for the study. In the end, 16 participants were recruited for this study. Allthe students participate in this research voluntarily. The author explained to everyonethat participates in the survey is voluntary and that if they decide not to participate orwithdraw from the research, there won’t be any repercussions. To maintain theconfidentiality and anonymity of the participants throughout the study, the authorassigned each of them a pseudonym.

Chapter Five Findings and Discussion

5.1 Data Analysis

The author assigned each student a pseudonym. Here are the students’ names andgender: Nine boys, their names are James, Tommy, Boya, Hans, Mega, Kevin, Leo, Ray,Rhys. Seven girls’ names are Fayer, Phoebe, Lisa, Fern, Nina, Alice, and Tina. Beforecommencing the search, the teacher helps students log in to www.renaissance.com totest the students’ reading scores.

5.1.1 Pre-test

Pre-test results for students are as follows: James

Based on the difficulty of questions and the number of correct responses, Jamesgot 167 scaled scores in the pre-test. His grade equivalent (after this referred to GE) is1.9, which means his test performance is comparable to that of an average first graderafter the ninth month of the school year in the US. His best grade of pedagogical level is 1.0. So the best AR(Accelerated Reader) for him is the first-grade level books preparedby instructional materials in the US. His ZPD (Zone of Proximal Development) is1.9-2.9, which means James must-read books at this right level to have an optimalreading challenge without frustration. His Lexile Rating is 325.

Domain scores, ranging from 0-100, estimate James’ percent of mastery on skillsin each domain at a seventh-grade level. The chart reads as follows.


5.2 Ways to Apply Graded Reading to Extracurricular ReadingTeaching

The first research question is: What are effective ways for teachers to organize junior high school students’ extracurricular reading activities through graded reading?Here are the findings of the first question.

5.2.1 Let Students Know the Words

Language learning plays the most fundamental and vital role in the learning ofEnglish. Mastery of the English language plays a critical role in reading English. Alarge number of English linguists and educators have shown in their works theimportance of vocabulary in English learning. In Linguistics in Language Teaching,British linguist Wilkins says, “Without grammar, very few things can be handed down.With no vocabulary, nothing can be passed on.” Reading comprehension is based onmastery of a particular vocabulary. Broadening vocabulary plays a crucial role inenhancing reading comprehension. The number and mastery degree of vocabulary isclosely related to reading ability. If students look to improve their literacy skills, theyfirst have to make sure they have some vocabulary.

Nevertheless, in the search process, the author finds that many students in class Bdid not lay a good foundation for words during primary school. Their vocabularies arepretty limited so that they can’t take any reading training. Therefore, it is the firstcomplex problem for students to master English words quickly. The author mainly usesthe following methods to help students learn vocabulary.

Chapter Six Conclusion

6.1 Overall Findings

The results of this study show that when organizing students’ extra-curricularreading activities through graded reading, teachers can start from the following aspects:expanding vocabulary, selecting suitable graded reading materials, and using effectivereading strategies. It is found that graded reading can not only facilitate students’grammar learning and vocabulary expansion, but also strengthen their readingmotivation, increase their language input, improve their comprehensive languagecompetence, and inspire their interest in English learning.

Through this study, the author notes that many factors affect students’extracurricular reading, such as interests, emotional problems related to reading,capacity, acceptance of peer groups, and maturity, which lots of scholars have discussed.In this section, the author deals mainly with the reaction of the Rhys case. The GE andLexile post-test scores of 15 students were improved, but only Rhys’ scores did notchange. The author starts to think about the reason for this result.

Rhys is a boy. After he enters junior high school, his academic achievement in theschool is outstanding. He is in the top 10 in the class containing 55 students. When hesigned up for the study, he showed no difference in comparison to other students.However, after obtaining the pre-test information, the author got a bit surprised. Thepre-test GE score of Rhys was 0.0. The author had to do the second pre-test for Rhys.His GE score on the second test is 1.4. The writer interviewed him for the first time.Through the interview, the author learned that Rhys studied at a primary school in thecountryside.








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