

  • 论文价格:150
  • 用途: 硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:1
  • 论文字数:38445
  • 论文编号:el2022032416285530231
  • 日期:2022-03-24
  • 来源:上海论文网


Chapter 1 Introduction

1.2 Purpose of the Research

Continuous writing is a teaching mode that high school English teaching attachesgreat importance to, and is also one of the important questions type in college entranceexamination. It is the result of the combination of reading and writing, and acontinuation writing after understanding the main purpose of the article. Continuouswriting is very helpful to students' English reading and writing ability, the use ofEnglish knowledge and the development of English language. But through the review ofthe previous research, the author finds that the former research objects are mostlycollege students, so it is necessary to study the current situation of high school students.According to the current situation of English writing teaching in senior high school andthe previous research, this paper applies the mind map to the teaching of continuouswriting, aiming to explore whether this new teaching method can improve the Englishwriting achievement of senior high school students and stimulate their enthusiasm forEnglish writing. Therefore, this study attempts to explore the following two researchissues:

1. Can the students' continuous writing performance be improved by applying themind map method to the continuous writing in senior high school?

2. Can the students' enthusiasm of writing be improved by applying the mind mapmethod to the continuous writing in senior high school?

In order to collect effective research data, this study uses teaching experiments,tests, questionnaires and interviews to answer these two research questions. The resultsshow that the continuous writing which is based on mind map can improve the Englishwriting achievement of senior high school students and stimulate their enthusiasm forEnglish writing.


Chapter 3 Research Methodology

3.1 Research Questions

Since the reform of Zhejiang college English entrance examination in 2017, theteaching method of continuous writing has been highly valued. Therefore, there is anurgent need to find an effective teaching method to improve the level of students'continuous writing. In view of the current teaching situation of English writing in seniorhigh school, the author applies mind mapping to the teaching of continuous writing onthe basis of literature review, trying to answer the following two research questions:

1.Can the students' continuous writing performance be improved by applying themind method map to the continuous writing?

2.Can the students' enthusiasm of writing be improved by applying the mind mapmethod to the continuous writing?

Chapter 4 Data Analysis and Discussion

4.1 Data Analysis of the Test

Firstly, during the pre-test, independent samples test and Mann Whitney test areused to compare whether there are significant differences in the pre-test indicators ofdifferent groups, so as to test whether the pre-test indicators of different groups have thesignificance of follow-up comparison. When p < 0.05, it means that the current pre-testindicators of different groups have statistical differences. When p > 0.05, it means thatthere is no statistical difference in the current pre-test indexes of different groups.

Secondly, according to the grouping situation, paired samples test and Wilcoxonsigned ranks test are used to compare whether there are significant differences in thepre-test and post-test of various indexes in different groups, so as to test whether variousindexes are significantly improved before and after the test. When p < 0.05, it indicatesthat there are significant differences in the pre-test and post-test of the current index.When p > 0.05, it means that no statistical difference is found before and after thecurrent index.

Finally, during the post-test, independent samples test and Mann Whitney test wereused to compare whether there were significant differences in the post-test indicators ofdifferent groups, so as to test whether the indicators of the observation group weresignificantly improved compared with the control group. When p < 0.05, it means thatthere are significant differences in the pre-test current indicators of different groups.

4.2 Results of the Questionnaires

According to the experimental results, it can be found that there is a statisticallysignificant difference in the scores between the experimental class and the control classafter the experiment, that is to say, mind mapping, as a writing method, plays asignificant role in improving the performance of continuous writing. However, thequestion to be answered in this study whether the application of mind mapping incontinuous writing can improve students' enthusiasm for it needs further exploration.Therefore, before and after the experiment in this study, two questionnaires wereconducted to the students in the experimental class (Appendix IV) to understandwhether the students' enthusiasm for continuous writing has changed.

4.2.1 Results of pre-questionnaire

Continuous writing is a type of question that students have not touched in juniorhigh school, so before the first questionnaire, the author first introduced the writingrequirements and standard for evaluation of the new question, and then got the results ofthe pre-questionnaire (Table 4-5).


Chapter 5 Conclusion

5.1 Major Findings of the Research

Through a four month experimental study, the English writing teaching model ofapplying mind mapping to continuous writing is applied to the English class of seniorone. This new English writing method significantly improves the students' performanceof continuous writing and stimulates the students' enthusiasm for English writing. Thisstudy presents the research results one by one in the form of tests, questionnaires andinterviews.

Firstly, in the teaching experiment, in the experimental class and the control class,the results of the post test are significantly higher than those in the pre test, which showsthat the English writing level of the two classes has improved, and the continuouswriting is helpful to improve the students' English writing performance. However, in theresults of data analysis, we found that compared with the pre-test, there were significantdifferences in the post-test results of continuous writing scores between theexperimental class and the control class. From the independent sample t-test of thepost-test, it can be seen that the average score of the experimental class is higher thanthat of the control class, indicating that after using mind mapping, the progress of theexperimental class is greater than that of the control class. The differences between theexperimental class and the control class can also be found from the face-to-facefeedback and classroom display. The composition of the students in the experimentalclass has a high degree of fit with the above, and there are few cases of low scores dueto running away from the topic, which can better avoid abnormal play in thecomposition. In addition, in the experimental class, the students can better imitate the vocabulary and grammatical structure in the original text, with richer expression forms,and the use of syntax is more accurate. Therefore, whether from the analysis of data orfrom the analysis of practical process, it shows that the application of mind mapping tocontinuous writing can improve students' English writing level, which answers the firstquestion to be studied in this paper.








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