

  • 论文价格:150
  • 用途: 硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:1
  • 论文字数:39666
  • 论文编号:el2022031619485330206
  • 日期:2022-03-16
  • 来源:上海论文网


Chapter One Introduction

1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study

Although the current English reading teaching mode in junior middle school has carriedout a lot of new substantive breakthroughs that meet the requirements of educationalreform, many teachers’ educational ideas and concepts still remain on the traditionalgrammar translation method.Teachers do not attach importance to the key position ofcultural introduction and even ignore the teaching process directly in the classroom.Teachers only explain grammar knowledge and sentence structure stubbornly because ofthe deep-rooted concept of examination-oriented education system, and they ignore thecultural background knowledge behind the target language for a long time. They think that the necessity of cultural introduction seems not to be very great, and in reading exams thecultural part does not set up the special topic knowledge examination.So it is better tomake full use of the time to carry on the classroom knowledge teaching instead of wastingtime to carry on the culture introduction. Therefore, this educational concepts do not meetthe requirements of the objective of personnel cultivation and the requirements of drillingthe capacity of students’ synthetic language.

The purpose of this study is to investigate the current situation, problems andreasons for cultural introduction in reading teaching in junior middle school so as tohighlight the importance of cultural introduction and put forward reasonable reformsuggestions. The research combines the relationship between language and culture, thegoal of cultural teaching and the requirement of cultivating the goal of culturalconsciousness of the new curriculum standard, and develops the theoretical relationshipbetween language and culture which provides a theoretical reference for teachers to betterrealize the cultural introduction in English reading teaching. At the same time, the researchhas further improved the theory of cultural teaching and cross-cultural communication.

Chapter Three Research Methodology

3.1 Research Questions

From the close relationship between language and culture and the research of culturalintroduction at home and abroad, the necessity of cultural introduction in foreign languageteaching can not be ignored. According to the goal of English Curriculum Standard (2017Edition), the cultivation of cultural consciousness is the core accomplishment of secondlanguage learners. However, there are still many problems in cultural introduction inEnglish reading teaching in junior middle school in the compulsory education stage.Thisstudy is in line with the trend of the times in order to investigate the current situation ofcultural introduction, the problems and reasons for it in English reading teaching in juniormiddle school in compulsory education. The research questions are divided into two parts :

(1) What is the current situation of cultural introduction in English readingteaching in junior middle school?

(2) What are the problems and reasons for cultural introduction in English readingteaching in junior middle school ?

Chapter Four Data Analysis and Discussion

4.1 Analysis and Discussion of Questionnaires for Teachers

The following is a detailed data presentation and analysis of questionnaires, classroomobservation and interview after the survey and collection process .

1) This part is mainly to analyze and discuss Questionnaires I of what is thecurrent situation of cultural introduction in English reading teaching in junior middleschool? The following tables are detailed analysis and discussions of the specificdimensions of questionnaire I.


Table 4.1 investigates the current situation of cultural introduction in readingteaching from the perspective of teaching subject teachers.The Compulsory EducationCurriculum Standard (2017 Edition) defines the training goal of English subject as thecultivation of comprehensive quality talents with international vision and cross-culturalcommunication ability, and also puts forward the hierarchical goal for the cultivation ofcultural consciousness.From Table 4.1, it can be seen that there is a high degree of 50% ofteachers understand the goal of cultural consciousness cultivation, but merely 6.7% ofteachers do not understand it.

4.2 Analysis and Discussion of Classroom Observation

The following table4.11and 4.12 systematically summarizes the observation results of the20 English reading classes in the form of tables and facilitates observation for moreintuitive presentation.Some samples of reading class of classroom observation arepresented in Appendix VII in detail.


Chapter Five Conclusion

5.1 Major Findings

This thesis mainly investigates the current situation, problems and causes of culturalintroduction in English reading teaching in junior middle school. With the support of thethree investigated schools and the active cooperation of the investigated teachers, theresearch has basically achieved the expected research purpose. The following is a summaryof the main findings of this study.

First of all, through questionnaire I and classroom observation, it is found that thecurrent situation of cultural introduction in English reading teaching junior middle schoolconforms to the requirements of the new curriculum standard and teaching reform to acertain extent. It can be concluded from the research that the current junior middle schoolEnglish teachers have a certain degree of understanding of the goal of cultivating culturalconsciousness in the new curriculum standard, and also understand the importance ofcombining language knowledge with cultural knowledge in reading teaching. And mostteachers can apply cultural introduction in reading class. But at the same time, it can beconcluded that the method of cultural introduction used by teachers is relatively single andboring, and the contents of cultural introduction are similar. In addition to reading teaching,teachers seldom have time to expand students’ background and cultural knowledge.

Secondly, through questionnaire II and teacher interview, it is found that theproblems of cultural introduction in English reading teaching in junior middle school andanalyze the reasons. Through the investigation, teachers do not have enough time tointroduce culture in the reading classroom. Because the teaching task is too heavy, and thedeep reason lies in the influence of teaching system. The training goal of teaching talents ismainly reflected in the basic knowledge and ability of language, which lead teachers tohave no spare time to introduce culture. At the same time, teachers’ cultural knowledgeaccumulation and students’ background knowledge expansion are relatively lacking.








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