

  • 论文价格:150
  • 用途: 硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:1
  • 论文字数:48988
  • 论文编号:el2022030312175229343
  • 日期:2022-03-03
  • 来源:上海论文网


Chapter One Introduction

1.4 Overall Structure of the Thesis

The thesis is composed of five themed chapters. Chapter one introduces thebackground, purpose and significance of the study. Chapter two is the literature part, itbegins by laying out the theoretical foundations of the research, followed by the keyconcepts and relevant literature, the gap in this filed will be identified as well. Chapterthree is concerned with the methodology used for the study, covering the researchquestions, research participants and research materials, research instruments and researchprocedures. Chapter four is the results and discussion part, it will present the dataobserved in the class, which is supported by the results of interview. Specific analysis oftheme and activities will also be illustrated. Chapter five is the conclusion part, includingthe major findings, the limitations existed in this study and some correspondingsuggestions provided by the author.


Chapter Three Research Methodology

3.1 Research Questions

Carrying out thematic unit teaching under the guidance of the theme-oriented AVELis of great innovation for improving the quality of English classroom teaching andpromoting the cultivation of subject core literacy. However, the IUT based AVEL is stillin an initial stage. After talking with English teachers in high school about this teachingmode, challenges are widely existed among them. Thus, if this teaching mode wants to bewidely practiced in English classroom teaching, there may be many problems waiting tobe solved. To this end, this study is devoted to exploring the following questions:

In the eight units of this study, what activities did the teacher use? Are theseactivities based on unit themes? What’s the feature of these activities?

What is teachers’ attitude towards the IUT based AVEL? Are there any problemsin implementing this teaching mode?

What is students’ attitude towards the IUT based AVEL?

Chapter Four Results and Discussion

4.1 The application of Three Types of Activities

The new English curriculum standard puts forward the concept of core literacy,which includes language competence, learning ability, thinking quality and culturalawareness. The AVEL is the basis and way to realize the development of students’ coreliteracy. Lin Shudi (2017) proposed that teachers need to fully consider academicconditions, integrate the subject context, mix together the learning of language andcultural knowledge, the development of language skills, and the application of learningstrategies into the three types of interrelate activities, so as to reflect the integration of theinstrumental and humanistic features of English. Based on this, the distribution of thethree types of activities should be arranged reasonably, aiming to promote students toform core literacy by completing different levels of learning activities. Additionally, thedesign of these three types of activities should be in line with the cognitive developmentof students, that is, learning from the first level of activities to the third level of activitiesis a process of in-depth understanding of the text (Zhang Xu, 2020).

In order to understand whether the research teacher properly arranges the three typesactivities A(Learning and Understanding Activities), B(Application and PracticeActivities), C (Transformation and Innovation Activities) and its branch activitiesA1(Perception and Attention), A2(Memory and Retrieval), A3(Extraction andGeneralization), B1(Description and Interpretation), B2(Analysis and Demonstration),B3(Integration and Application), C1(Reasoning and Judgment), C2(Creation andImagination), and C3( Criticism and Evaluation) proposed by the AVEL when conductingthe IUT. During the research period, the amount of these activities in the eight units among compulsory one and compulsory two from new English textbooks and their timeallocation are recorded in each lesson.

4.2 Teacher’s Attitude towards the IUT based AVEL

This interview is used to further understand Jean’s attitude towards the IUT basedAVEL. The answers of the teacher’s interview were organized by the author according tothe outline, which can be found in Appendix Ⅱ. Table 4-3 illustrates the key points.


Chapter Five Conclusion

5.1 Major Findings

At the initial trial of the 2019 edition of General High School English Textbook ingrade 10, the author takes the English teacher Jean and her class in Hubei as the researchparticipants, aiming to explore the current status quo of the IUT based AVEL in highschool. According to the results of classroom observation and interview data, the researchquestion early listed in chapter three now can be answered:

Research question 1: In the eight units of this study, what activities did the teacheruse? Are these activities based on unit themes? What’s the feature of these activities?

n this case study, the classroom activities designed by the teacher Jean are allbased on the unit themes, the three types of activities and their branch activities areinvolved in unit modules. However, unbalanced activity distribution is a prominentproblem in the teaching process. The number of application and practice activities (B)among eight units is the largest, which is more than twice that of transformation andinnovation activities (C). Learning and understanding activities (A) are only slightlybehind application and practice activities. Correspondingly, the time proportions of thethree types of activities are in the same order as it. AS for branch activities, the number ofanalysis and demonstration activities (B2) is the largest, eight times that of the smallestcriticism and evaluation activities (C3). The time proportion of B2 is still the first, sixtimes that of the smallest criticism and evaluation activities, which is contrast to theteacher’s ideal time distribution. What stands out among the data is that none of type Cactivities involved in the seven modules among the eight units (see table 4-2), whichreflects due emphasis can’t be given to the cultivation of students’ innovation ability. Allin all, these data show that the teacher pays much attention to the application and practiceactivities while ignores the application of the transformation and innovation activities. 








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