Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Background
Since the 1970s, lexical pragmatics has attracted much attention in the field of linguistics, giving rise to an explosion of relevant researches. Previous studies have been focusing on the understanding of words from lexical pragmatic view. Most of the data in the study are intuitional and in English. Therefore, Chinese verb duplication form, one of the important and typical grammatical structures, needs further exploring in dialogic interaction.
There have been different studies on Chinese verb duplication forms. The upsurge of interest in duplication forms can be traced to the 1960s (Wang Huan, 1963; Fan Fanglian, 1964; Zhao Yuanren, 1979; Lv Shuxiang, 1979), however, these studies were not systematic enough, and just some small discussions. In the 1980s, Zhu Dexi (1983) advocated that scholars should pay attention to the following points in the study of Chinese duplication forms: (1) structural classifications and phonological features of duplication forms; (2) differences of grammatical functions between basic form and duplication form; (3) grammatical meanings of duplication forms. Later on, many studies concerning duplication forms were conducted around these three aspects. After the 1990s, scholars adopted new research methods based on new theories from new perspectives, such as comparative analysis (Li Shan, 1993), semantic features analysis (Chen Guang, 1997) and typological and cognitive methods (Li Yuming, 1996; Zhangmin, 1997).
Chapter Three Theoretical Foundation
3.1 Introduction to Lexical Pragmatics
Pragmatics is a booming field in contemporary linguistics, which is manifested in its continuous integration with neighboring disciplines. Nowadays, social pragmatics, cognitive pragmatics, and other interdisciplinary fields have been well known. The development of pragmatics is especially reflected in relation to the core branches of linguistics, such as syntax, semantics and lexicology. Lexical pragmatics is one of the interface studies of lexicology and pragmatics.
Lexical pragmatics started from McCawley (1978), but more systematic studies in the field of lexical pragmatics arose in the 1990s. It was Reinhard Blutner, Professor of the Pittsburgh University in German, who first introduced the term “Lexical Pragmatics” in Journal of Semantics. Blunter (1998a) defined lexical pragmatics as “a research field that tries to give a systematic and explanatory account of pragmatic phenomena connected with the semantic under-specification of lexical items”(Blutner 1998a: 115). Later, he published a series of articles himself or collaboratively (Blutner, 1998a, 1998b, 2000, 2002, 2004; Blutner & Solstad, 2001). In 2001, Nemeth & Bibok pointed out there must be an interaction between lexical semantics and lexical pragmatics to interpret various meanings of words. In 2004, at the 78th International Linguistics Conference in Boston of America, Professor Lawrence Horn delivered a speech named Lexical Pragmatics: Grice and Beyond, which is regarded as the frontier of linguistics.
Wilson (2003) considers “lexical pragmatics is a rapidly developing branch of linguistics that investigates the process by which linguistically-specified (‘literal’) word meanings are modified in use” (Wilson 2003: 273). Lexical pragmatics tries to give a systematic and explanatory account of the semantic under-specification of lexical items that are too difficult to be solved by lexical semantics. The goal of lexical pragmatics is to study the the word usage and comprehension in communication dynamically and multi-dimensionally. In addition, lexical pragmatics studies the pragmatic process of interpreting lexical meaning and the theoretical accounts of these issues. Therefore, lexical pragmatics systematically analyzes and studies pragmatic issues on the lexicon, involving pragmatic enrichment, pragmatic triggers, and how to bridge information gap between the word meanings in the utterance (Ran Yongping, 2012).
Chapter Five Major Types of Chinese Verb Duplication Forms and Their Grammatical and Semantic Properties
5.1 Major Types of Chinese Verb Duplication Forms
Based on the data collected and demonstrated above, three major types of verb duplication forms, namely, AA, ABAB and A一A are used in dialogic interaction.
A large number of the AA forms are collected from the corpus, 1089 in total, taking account for 79.5%. The AA forms are mainly used to require the hearers to take actions by themselves or together upon their words. For examples,
(4) 许子东:以你这么 15 年演主旋律的经历,你说说..为什么老百姓他们这么对穿越剧感兴趣,而对南泥湾,张思德他们记不住呢?(凤凰卫视\中文台\《锵锵三人行》\2013-04-13)
(Xu Zidong: Yi ni zheme 15 nian yan zhuxuanlu de jingli, ni shuoshuo weishenme laobaixing tamen zheme dui chuanyueju ganxingqu, er dui nanniwan, zhang Side tamen jibuzhu ne?)
(Xu Zidong: With your experience of acting as the main character for 15 years, could you please tell us why common people are so interested in time travel drama, but cannot remember the Nanniwan and Zhang Side?)
Chapter Seven Pragmatic Functions of Chinese Verb Duplication Forms in Dialogic Interaction
7.1 Imposition-mitigating Functions of Chinese Verb Duplication Forms
As mentioned in the above chapter, the main syntactic function of Chinese verb duplication form is to play the role of the predicate in a sentence. Generally speaking, the duplicated verbs are mostly performative verbs that the speaker wishes the hearer to do a series of actions through words. Therefore, an imposition is produced to the hearer which requires mitigation. Chinese verb duplication form is an important device in mitigating such imposing forces on the hearer.
7.1.1 Reducing Negative Effects of Imposition
The foremost significant pragmatic function of Chinese verb duplication forms is mitigating the tones and the imposing force of the actions produced by the speaker. The use of verb duplication forms bring the tone down, giving more freedom and space to the hearer, which reduces the negative effects of conflicts and misunderstandings and etc. Chinese verb duplication forms are largely used in imperative sentences and in the speech act of directives, which could transform assertion into negotiation. For example,
(79) 许戈辉:您特别强调,您说以前曾经为了追逐名啊利啊,也曾经是卑躬屈膝过,是文学帮助您找到了做人的自我,您说如今您只有在低头写作思考的时候才会低头,那是对文学的一种敬意,我想听听..这背后,这个过程中的一些心路历程的变化,您能稍微详细一点给讲讲..吗?
(Xu Gehui: Nin tebie qiangdiao, nin shuo yiqian cengjing weile zhuizhu ming a li a, ye ceng shi beigongquxi guo,shi wenxue bang nin zhaodaole zuoren de ziwo, nin shuorujin nin zhiyou zai ditou xiezuo sikao de shihou, nin caihui ditou, nashi dui wenxue de yizhong jingyi,wo xiang tingting zhebeihou de, zhege guocheng de yixie xinlulicheng de bianhua, nin neng shaowei xiangxi yidianer gei wo jiangjiang ma?
Chapter Eight Conclusion
8.1 Major Findings
The present study mainly deals with the Chinese verb duplication forms in dialogic interaction on the basis of lexical pragmatics by analyzing the data from the Media Language Corpus. This study has mainly examined three questions, and the major findings are presented as follows:
First, three major types of verb duplication forms are used in dialogic interaction, namely, AA, ABAB and A一A, among which the single syllabic verb duplication AA is used most frequently. In terms of their grammatical properties, these verb duplication forms have the grammatical meanings of reducing ‘quantity’, involving short in time and short in duration and slight in action, and conveying relaxation and causality; they serve as the grammatical functions of the predicate, subject and object; compared with verbs, these verb duplication forms present some different grammatical features. They cannot be followed by the quantifier, complement and interrogative pronoun. The trying auxiliary can be added to these verb duplication forms but tense auxiliary words cannot. In terms of their semantic properties, verb duplication forms are continuous, controllable positive action verbs to convey slightness meaning. The semantic orientation of verb duplication forms is quite complex, and it might refer to the subject of the sentence, the subject and object of the clause; sometimes direct to the subject and object of the clause, and when it serves as the subject of the whole sentence, no semantic orientation exists.
Second, the use of these Chinese verb duplication forms is constrained linguistically and contextually. Linguistic factors include types of speech acts, tense and sentence patterns. Chinese verb duplication forms are used in directives, assertives and expressives. The use of verb duplication forms mitigates the force of imposition in directives, conveys the tone of casualty in assertives and strengthen the expressive degree in expressives. They can be used in interrogative, statement, imperative sentences while negative sentence will constrain the use of it; on the other hand, the tense of the sentence pattern will constrain the use of verb duplication forms. To be specific, verb duplication forms can be only used in the future tense of imperative sentences; in interrogative and statement, verb duplication forms are mostly used in the future tense and only those actions performed regularly can be used in the perfect tense while they are rarely used in the progressive tense. Contextual factors are communicative intentions, relationship and identity of interlocutors and the expectation of the topics involved. First, the verb duplication forms minimizes the imposing force of the act and mitigates the face threat; second, the use of these verb duplication forms indicate the identity of the interlocutors, showing politeness and respect to the hearer and promote the harmonious relationship in interaction; third, the use of Chinese verb duplication forms could reflect the identity of the interlocutors and intimate their harmonious relationship, mitigating the imposing force on the hearer and showing politeness and respect to the hearer.