

  • 论文价格:150
  • 用途: 硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:1
  • 论文字数:42555
  • 论文编号:el2022021010402526571
  • 日期:2022-02-10
  • 来源:上海论文网


Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background of the Research

In 2017, the English Curriculum Standard for Senior High Schools (2017 edition) issued  by  the  Ministry  of  Education  explicitly  puts  forward  developing  students' subject  core  competences,  including  language  competence,  culture  consciousness, thinking  quality  and  learning  ability.  Language  competence  refers  to  the  ability  to understand  or  to  express  meanings  in  ways  such  as  listening,  speaking,  reading, writing,  and  viewing  in  social  situations  as  well  as  language  consciousness  and language  sense  in  the  course  of  learning  and  using  English  language.  It  forms  the basic elements of the core competencies of the English subject. Its improvement can not  only  help  cultivate  students’  cultural  awareness,  thinking  quality  and  learning ability but also help students expand their global outlook as well as thinking mode and carry out cultural exchanges. To meet above demands, students need to master a large size of vocabulary. The Curriculum requires students to master more than 3000 words in addition to lexical phrases or phrases. Apart from these, the  Curriculum demands that English teaching should focus on further enlarging students’ size of vocabulary, improving the ability to use vocabulary accurately and understand expressions exactly. At  present,  the  size  of  vocabulary  of  senior  high  school  students,  especially  Senior three  students  in  the  author’s  school,  is  far  from  the  requirements  of  Curriculum Standard  (2017)  and  Examination  Outline  (2019).  Due  to  the  lack  of  vocabulary, students  can  not  understand  articles  correctly.  Besides,  they  can  not  express themselves correctly when writing. Most students are struggling to find a suitable way to  learn  vocabulary.  Under  the  influence  of  memory  rules,  students  will  constantly forget the words they have learned. Therefore, scientific methods should be adopted to strengthen students' short-term memory and transform it into long-term memory so as  to  reduce  forgetting  and  improve  the  memory  effect.  Review  is  the  best  way  to strengthen their memory. 


Chapter 3 Research Design

3.1 Research Questions

Guided by High School English Curriculum Standards, this study applies Mind Map to the teaching of English vocabulary for Senior three students and mainly does research to find the answers to the following two questions:

Question 1: What influence does the application of Mind Map in vocabulary review teaching have on the size of vocabulary of Senior three students?

Question 2: What influence does the application of Mind Map in vocabulary review teaching have on vocabulary learning strategies of Senior three students? 

This  research  will  take  the  students  from  a  high  school  in  Zhengzhou  as  the research object. The advantage of picking the third year of high school is that Senior three students are familiar with English teaching modes, and have mastered a certain size of vocabulary, so they can review in a wider range. The research subject of this experiment  is  the  students  from  Class  13,  Grade  3  and  Class  14,  Grade  3  in Zhengzhou  No.  2  Senior  Middle  School.  Class  13  was  selected  as  the  control  class and Class14 as the experimental class, both of which include 54 students. The reason why  the  two  classes  are  chosen  are  as  follows:  according  to  the  scores  of  the  final English  exam  of  Senior  two  and  the  evaluation  of  the  English  teacher,  the  average score of the Language test was the closest, and the basic situation of the students was the  most  similar.  On  the  one  hand,  both  classes  are  taught  by  the  same  teacher (author), and the two classes have the same learning progress, use the same teaching materials and allocate the class hours consistent; 

Chapter 4 Result Analysis and Discussion

4.1 Students’ Vocabulary Review Before the Experiment

To  be  clear  about students’ attitude towards vocabulary review and the level of students’ vocabulary size before the experiment, the author did the following analysis: 

4.1.1 Students’ Attitude Towards Vocabulary Review

First,  the  author  analyzed  students’  attitude  towards  vocabulary  review  in pre-experimental questionnaire.


About students’ attitude towards vocabulary review, there are five items:

 Item 1: I think reviewing vocabulary is important for learning English well.

 Item 2: I am interested in reviewing vocabulary. 

Item 3: I need to get strategy training on reviewing vocabulary. 

Item 4: I wish my teacher to change her teaching method so that reviewing vocabulary can be efficient. 

Item 5: I wish to change the present way to review vocabulary by rote. 

4.2 Changes in Students’ Vocabulary Review After the Experiment

To  figure  out  whether  students  have  changed  in  vocabulary  review  after  the experiment, the author conducted the following analysis: 

4.2.1 Students’ Attitude towards Mind Map

After the Experiment. After  a  term’s  training  of  drawing  Mind  Map  when  reviewing  vocabulary, students gradually show interest in Mind Map and their attitude towards Mind Map is positive as a whole. The statistics are as follows: 

Above  7  items  investigate  students'  attitude  towards  Mind  Map  after  the experiment. As shown in Table 4.3, students’ attitude towards Mind Map is optimistic.  

As for the first item and the fourth item, the mean of it is 3.00>2.50. 66.64% of the  students  don’t  think  it  is  hard  to  create  mind  maps.  It  shows  that  the  majority students  have  no  difficulty  creating  Mind  Map.  Besides,  the  mean  of  the  fourth question is 3.28>2.5 and 55.55% of the students don’t think creating Mind Map is a boring experience. That means the most of the students like creating Mind Map. For the third item, 61.11% enjoy creating mind maps and the mean of it is 2.44<2.5. That is to say, most students accept Mind Map and they have mastered how to create Mind Map and show great interest in creating Mind Map after training. 

Chapter 5 Conclusion

5.1 Research Findings

After a term’s research, by analyzing the questionnaire, tests as well as interview, it  can  be  found  that:  Firstly,  Mind  Map  can  not  only  promote  students’  English vocabulary review and greatly enhance their memory effect of words but also expand the students’ vocabulary. 

The application of mind map in the English vocabulary review not only can help Senior three students expand vocabulary effectively but also improve the accuracy of spelling  words,  which  is  vital  to  Senior  three  students  in  preparing  for  the  College Entrance Examination. Because the increase in the size of vocabulary, they did better in translation and composition. In addition, the ability to do cloze has been improved. Besides, students can guess the meaning of some words that they are not familiar with by prefix or suffix, which helps them further understand the text.

The  process  of  reviewing  vocabulary  is  difficult,  time-consuming.  Before  the experiment,  their  reviewing  was  ineffective,  which  led  to  their  low  motivation  for vocabulary  review,  but  after  the  experiment,  combining  Mind  Map  and  vocabulary review strategies effectively can not only change their attitude, but also improve their performance. 








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