
“2020 年三星新品发布会”模拟英汉同传实践报告

  • 论文价格:150
  • 用途: 硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:1
  • 论文字数:49998
  • 论文编号:el2021111817051625689
  • 日期:2021-11-18
  • 来源:上海论文网


Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background of the Task

As the late English expert Wang Zuoliang said in his book Yan Fu’s Intentions, “In history,  a  large  cultural  movement  was  often  accompanied  by  a  translation movement.”(Wang  Zuoliang,  1978).  From  the  global  perspective,  the  spread  of civilizations,  the  rise  of  the  Renaissance,  and  the  global  expansion  of  colonial economies  were  all  inseparable  from  language  exchanges.  China  has  been  a  world power since ancient times. From the Silk Road and other trades transactions, to the subsequent World War I and World War II, these were inseparable from the exchange and communication among countries. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, China has opened its doors to the world in various fields such as economy, culture, trade, diplomacy, and science and technology, which have further demonstrated the  importance  of  translation  and  interpretation.  Interpretation  was  recognized  as  a formal  profession  in  the  20th  century.  Before  the  1920s,  French  was  the  common language in Western countries. After the end of World War I, the United States became more  powerful  and  English  became  one  of  the  international  languages  (Zhao Yonghong&Zhao  Hualing,  2007).  With  the  rapid  development  of  science  and technology, interpretation have become one of the major arteries for the improvement in  the  comprehensive  national  strength  of  countries.  The  importance  of  EST Interpretation is increasingly highlighted in international academic exchanges (Wang Guojun, 2010). Compared with other countries, China’s scientific and technological development started late. Its foundation is relatively weak. It is difficult to make up for the shortcomings in such a short time only by relying on China’s independent research and development. Therefore, learning from Western developed countries is the only way to go. What’s more, today’s science and technology play a crucial role in promoting the development of all countries. Although China’s technological development is fast, there is still a gap compared with foreign technology giants. It is very important to learn foreign advanced technology. Interpretation and translation play an irreplaceable role in this process. It is generally accepted that translation, as a way of using language, is also a cross-cultural communicative activity (Snell-Hornby, 2001).




Chapter Three Process of the Simulated Interpretation Practice

3.1 Pre-task Preparations

Adequate preparation should be made before formal interpretation (Li Wei, 2016). It is pre-requisite  for  interpreters to  make  all-round  pre-task preparations when the interpretation material is fixed. During the pre-task preparations, interpreters should not only  understand  the  theme  of  the  conference,  but  also  learn  other  related  content. Interpreters need to have a large amount of knowledge (Liu Qin, 2018). That’s because the speaker may expand on a certain part of their speech, its scope may cover various fields. This interpretation material belongs to the category of science and technology. That means the interpretation may have the issue of interdisciplinary. So the interpreter should make full pre-task preparations, which can help him perform the interpretation practice  more  confidently  and  calmly.  In  the  process  of  understanding  the  source language,  the  interpreter’s  knowledge  structure  is  mainly  composed  of  bilingual knowledge, encyclopedia knowledge and interpretation skills (Zhong Weihe,2003). The author made the pre-task preparations from four parts, including the background of the conference, related terminology, the characteristics of the speakers and problem prediction. The preparation will be described below.




Chapter Four Case Study

4.1 Words Interpretation under the Guidance of the Interpretive Theory

Words  interpretation  of  EST  is  often  different  from  the  common  Chinese interpretation of the source language, so it needs to be reinterpreted by applying the Interpretive Theory in order to conform the meaning of the word of the context. Lederer claimed that the interpreting processes are essentially based on language-free utterance sense rather than linguistic conversion process (Lederer, 2003). The author thinks that the lexical interpretation under the guidance of the Interpretive Theory can be divided into the interpretation of technical terms and abbreviations. Both types of interpretation need to be combined with the Triangle Model. The author needs to understand the source language according to the context, quickly responds to the meaning of the target language, combines with the common expressions of EST, then explains the meaning of the source language without the shell of the source language, so as to select the most appropriate target language. The following two parts will be discussed in detail.

4.1.1 Technical Terms

Example 1:

Source  language:For  example,  by  syncing  your  Samsung  Notes  with  your OneNote Feed, your hand-drawn sketch on your Galaxy Note20 will be available in different PC experiences like Outlook on the web.

Target Language:例如,通过将三星 Notes 和 OneN ote 源进行同步,你在Galaxy Note20 上的手绘草稿,将在不同的 PC 体验上中可用,如网页版 Outlook。

Example 2:

Source language:By syncing Samsung Reminder with Microsoft To Do, your reminders will show up on your PC in the To Do app, Teams and also here.

Target language:通过将三星 Reminder 与微软 To Do 同步,你的提醒将显示在电脑上的 To Do 应用、Teams 以及这里。


4.2 Long Sentences Interpretation under the Guidance of the Interpretive Theory

Long  sentences  interpretation  is  one  of  the  most  difficult  part  in  simultaneous interpretation. In order to accurately convey the information contained in the source language to the audience, the interpreter must quickly choose appropriate interpretation techniques. In the simulated simultaneous interpretation practice, the author used the Interpretive  Theory  to  interpret  long  sentences,  mainly  using  two  interpretation techniques:  Syntactic  Linearity  and Word-order Adjustment  to  make  long  sentences more fluent and more consistent with Chinese habits. 

4.2.1 Syntactic Linearity

Example 13:

Source language:You know, for many years, everyone in technology has promised to change the world. Sometimes it’s easy to forget that the opposite can happen.

Target language:你们知道,多年来,科技行业中的每一个人都承诺过要改变世界。有时候很容易忘记,相反的事情也会发生。

Although  the  word  order  was  not  changed,  all  parts  of  the  sentences  were interpreted literally, which would inevitably confuse the audience. If the author took the  literal  meaning  of  “opposite”,  the  interpretation  would  not  show  the  speaker’s semantic meaning. In interpretation, the interpreter needs to add some words, phrases or even short sentences to the target language according to the language or cultural habits of the audience. The meaning of “opposite” in the sentence was “科技行业也可能无法改变世界”. Combing with the former part of the whole sentence, the author added “事情” to make the interpretation more clear. 


Chapter Five Conclusion

5.1 Major Findings

Through  reviewing  and  analyzing  the  practice,  the  author  draws  the  following conclusions and inspiration:

Firstly, current domestic interpretation studies pay little attention to the release of scientific and technological products. There are few papers about EST Interpretation in CNKI.  So  this  paper  has  some  innovative  significance.  The  author  applies  the Interpretive Theory to Samsung Galaxy Unpacked 2020, which proves that the theory is feasible and correct in guiding EST. 

Secondly, pre-interpretation preparation is an essential part of every interpreting practice. Before this practice, the author made some preparations of the background, spokesman’s information and technical terms of the science and technology product press  conference,  and  predicted  the  possible  emergencies.  These  have  played  an important role in practice. This shows that adequate pre-interpretation preparation can make the interpreter maintain a more relaxed and confident state, deal with the different situation more calmly, and better convey the speaker’s information to the audience in time and accurately, so as to complete the conversion between languages.

Thirdly, post interpretation summary and reflection play a crucial role in promoting the interpreter’s competence. They can help the interpreter understand his interpretation performance objectively and comprehensively. The excellent performance should be maintained, and the poor performance should be trained. 








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