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  • 作者:上海论文网
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  • 论文编号:el2020071822185520496
  • 日期:2020-07-16
  • 来源:上海论文网
本文是英语论文,It may be stated that the extracurricular English classic reading at junior middle schools can effectively cultivate the students’English core competencies. This chapter summarizes the main results and the limitations of this study. Recommendations for further research will also be covered. The main findings are summarized below. First, the series of reading activities are playing a key role in carrying out the extracurricular English classic reading, which can effectively cultivate the students’English core competencies through practical learning. The teachers also should design the English reading guidance courses for each grade respectively. Second, by analyzing the results of the reading tests (see section 5.1) and the practical activities (see section 5.3), it can clearly demonstrate the effects of extracurricular English classic reading, which can effectively cultivate the students’English core competencies, especially on the improvement of language competence and the development of thinking quality, the cultivation of cultural awareness and the promotion of learning ability. In view of the cultivation of the core competencies of junior high school students, they can have a better sense of language and can apply existing linguistic knowledge in a common context. At the same time, the selection of classic works can not only improve the language ability of students, but also effectively restrain and strengthen their spoken and written English. The most important part in the core competence is the quality of thinking. This paper proves the validity of the quality of thinking. Students can identify and analyze the specific phenomena in language and culture. After reading the required classic English works, they can organize and summarize the information and construct the new concept analyzes and infers the logical relationship of information, also they can correctly judges various ideas during writing and writing, creatively expresses their own views. They do have the power of multiple thinking and the ability to think creatively.
Chapter One Introduction 


The cultivation of core competencies is to enable students to develop into more perfect individuals, and lay a solid foundation for their lifelong learning and lifelong development. Developing and cultivating the English discipline core competencies of middle school students is one of the important measures to deepen the reform of English basic curriculum. Reading teaching is an important way to cultivate students’English core competencies with key function. Extracurricular English reading also plays a important role. In February 2016, the State Administration of Press, Radio, Film and Television drafted the regulations on the Promoting "Reading for All," (informal version for advises) in accordance with the legislative work of the State Council. This draft urges the administrative department of education to strengthen training middle students’reading interest, habits and ability in the process of promoting the implementation of quality education. At the same time, the draft also encouraged teachers to carry out reading guidance, develop teacher targeting training, set up the necessary reading courses, and carry out various forms of campus reading activities. For the reading of literature classics, it’s possible to enhance and improve the middle students’aesthetic competencies. Reading competencies not only refers to the students’reading ability in school, but also the ability to combine knowledge, skills and strategies with the interaction of reading materials and peers in their lifetime. finally summarizes the research on reading of extracurricular English classics. Theoretical basis in the third part mainly includes second language acquisition theory, reading strategy theory and cooperative learning theory. Research Design in chapter four presents the research questions, research objects, research methods and research process in detail. Reading practice of English classics in junior middle school after class based on core competencies in chapter five is based on the four elements of core competencies, explains through the concrete implementation of extracurricular reading in junior high school English with practical operation and cases. Conclusion in chapter six points out the main findings of this study, and puts forward some suggestions for teachers and teaching work according to the results of the study. Finally, the researcher reflects the disadvantages of this thesis, and raises some hopes and suggestions for English teaching.



 Chapter Two Literature Review 


2.1 Key Terms
 In the Collins dictionary of English, "competencies" mainly refers to the quality of being adequately or well qualified physically and intellectually, emphasizing that the competence is acquired and nurtured, and refers to the comprehensive expression of knowledge, ability, attitude and so on gradually formed in the process of education. The related subject is "person" or "student", which is put forward relative to the subject standard in education and teaching, and emphasizes the inter-disciplinary and integrity of the development of students’competencies. The core competencies proposed by OECD is the ability to produce valuable social and individual and to meet individual needs in a variety of situations, which is needed for all of us (Pan, 2017: 96). The researcher thinks that in a given period the core competencies is the most critical ability or character that can help individuals to realize themselves, successfully live and integrate into society, and can be divided into cognitive competencies and non-cognitive competencies. Cognitive competencies includes problem-solving ability, inquiry ability and critical thinking ability, non-cognitive competencies includes self-management ability, organizational ability and social ability. Teachers can help students to select bilingual edition of English and Chinese masterworks, so that students can guess the meaning of unfamiliar words and reduce reading barriers when reading bilingual books. Classic masterworks are flexible in language, changeable in sentence patterns and rich in grammatical content. After reading for a period of time, students can accumulate rich language points. Through their own processing and integration, they can use at any time while writing, and improve their English writing ability. Junior high school students have accumulated certain vocabulary and have the ability to read classic masterworks. Teachers should help students make good plans, guide their reading methods, lead students to like classic masterworks step by step, draw more nutritive knowledge from them, enrich English learning, and improve their comprehensive English application ability. 


2.2 A Review of the Research on Core Competencies 
Since the end of the last century, international organizations and countries around the world have vigorously carried out research on core Competencies. Representatives include: UNESCO, OECD, EU, and the United States and Japan. Among them, UNESCO and EU are to study the core competencies under the goal of lifelong learning, and OECD is to study the core competencies under the goal of realizing the harmonious development of people and society. The United States and Japan are study the core competencies under the goal of developing capacity. In 2004, UNESCO published the Core Competencies of Developing Education: Experiences and Lessons from Several International and Countries. The book points out that core Competency is the basic quality to enable individuals to live an ideal life and to do well in society. In 2013, the UNESCO Ad Hoc Working Group identified seven learning areas for the core competencies indicator system. These seven areas of learning include the health, social emotions, culture and art, text communication, learning style and cognition, digital mathematics and science and technology in early childhood, primary and secondary education. America’s core competencies research is mainly aimed at the curriculum. In the 21st century, American enterprises, institutions and education circles put forward the "21st Century Learning system", which takes the future social and professional needs as the value orientation, and aims to train students’skills, knowledge and professional competency that they must master in their future work and life. It is centered on core competencies and consists of index components, content and four support systems (Richard, 2009: 26). The index components of core competencies include "learning and innovation competencies", "information, technology and media competencies", "professional quality and core subject", contents include core subject and 21st century theme. Core subjects refer to English, reading, language arts, foreign languages, art, math, economics, science, geography, history, government and citizens. The 21st century theme includes global awareness, financial competencies, civic competencies, health competencies, and environmental competencies. The four support systems are composed of the standards and evaluation of core competencies, curriculum and teaching, teacher professional development and learning environment as the guarantee of implementing core competencies in the 21st century. This comprehensive construction of the United States is more helpful to guide curriculum reform and promote the implementation of core competencies. 



Chapter Three Theoretical Framework ........................................................................ 15 
3.1 Krashen’s Second Language Acquisition Theory ........................................ 15 
3.2 Second Language Reading Theories .............................................................. 17 #p#分页标题#e#
Chapter Four Research Design .................................................................................... 21 
4.1 Research Questions ........................................................................................ 21 
4.2 Research Subjects .......................................................................................... 21 
4.3 Instruments ..................................................................................................... 21
Chapter Five Results and Discussion ........................................................................... 33 
5.1 The Results and Analysis on the Reading Test .............................................. 33 
5.2 The Comparison and Improvement of the Guidance Course ........................ 37 
5.3 The Evaluation Standard ................................................................................ 38 
5.4 The Analysis of the Interview Results ........................................................... 41 
Chapter Six Conclusion ............................................................................................... 44 



Chapter Five Results and Discussion 


5.1 The Results and Analysis on the Reading 
Test According to the Table 5.2, 65% of the students are able to understand the details and achieve excellence, 86% of the students are able to grasp the basic contents of the book and qualified, and only 14% of the students failed to meet the reading requirements. In the test of The Last Leaf, there are two different text types like True or False and Match the Right Information. The test includes the 8 stories from the whole book. Students are supposed to judge the intentions of the author and the details of the eight stories, and the test examines the main characters of the 8 stories in the whole book. The examination questions are difficult and moderate, and the investigation focuses on the objective facts. According to the score distribution, students’reading comprehension ability has been greatly improved, who can not merely understand the main idea and content of the story, but also grasp the details accurately. There are some differences from the test in Junior 2, in this test, word-meaning matching and sentence-pattern matching have been added, and the composition has been increased to 10 points. Table 5.4 indicates students with more than 80 points of improvement in the last test are able to get higher scores on word-meaning matching and sentence-pattern matching. Most students with a score ranging from 60 to 80 can understand the text and do not lose points in the radio selection and judgment questions, but in the language knowledge questions, there is a step back from the last time. The proportion of students who failed the test has increased, and it can be seen from the situation that the students did not treat the reading and reading tests directly. The problem that appears in the composition is that some students do not recognize the straight questions, do not grasp the main points or do not grasp the tenses well, but simply copy the contents of the test questions. 


5.2 The Improvement of the English Reading Guidance Course  
According the interactive-model theory which is based on the text generation mechanism and contextual factors. Its focus is not on the reader’s reading process, but rather emphasizes the context and theme (Margolis, 2004: 225). We have given two cases of English reading guidance course in the research procedures. Compared with the first reading instruction, the second practice has changed the first from the following aspects: First, there is a clearer division of labor for the students’reading tasks before class. Second, the students have time and main requirements for reporting on the author’s life materials. For example, "within three minutes", "Please introduce the author’s life, creative characteristics and character evaluation," and so on are not all in a single flat level. Third, teachers encourage students to express their views and feelings on the works in English as much as possible. Fourth, the evaluation criteria are clearer, from student evaluation, group evaluation to teacher-and-student evaluation, and the two practical cases and analysis above aim at reading guidance class of famous works in junior middle school English, which provides help, an effective example for the majority of mathematics teachers to cultivate the core accomplishment of students, for further research. While the students are working in groups and in literary circles, they establish a correct outlook on English learning, and the colorful English activities maintain the interest in English learning. When they read, they always have clear learning goals, and most of the students are able to obtain English learning resources through multiple channels, and to effectively plan learning time and tasks. They choose appropriate strategies and methods so as to monitor, evaluate, reflect and adjust their learning content and process, and gradually improve the awareness and ability of learning other subjects using English. This course aims to give the middle students the basic knowledge about British and American literary works and cultivate their appreciation and critical thinking on these works. 



Chapter Six Conclusion 
In the development of the quality of thinking, after reading the necessary English classic books, the students can gain cultural knowledge and they can understand the cultural connotation. They also can compare the similarities and differences with the culture, absorb cultural differences and form correct values and can enhance cultural self-confidence and form a good self-esteem, self-confidence and self-improvement personality. A series of practices have fostered their ability to communicate and spread our Chinese culture. When students work in groups and literary circles, they can have a correct view of English learning. Colorful English activities maintain the students interest in English learning. When they read, they always have clear learning goals; most students are ability to access English learning resources through multiple channels and they have effectively plan of learning time and tasks. They choose the right strategies and methods to monitor, evaluate, reflect and adjust their learning content and processes, so they can gradually improve their awareness and ability to learn other subjects in English. 
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