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  • 日期:2020-03-10
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本文是英语论文,Through the research of content-based interactive teaching model in high schoolEnglish teaching, this study aims to find out the current situation of interactiveteaching model in high school English teaching and the influence of teaching contenton interactive teaching model. In order to answer these questions, three tools are used:questionnaire survey, interview, and classroom observation. The findings of eightweeks of study are listed as follows.Firstly, the current situation of interactive teaching model in high school Englishteaching is unsatisfactory. Because of the curiosity and expectation, though someuncertainty or vagueness, among students about interactive teaching model, currently,many high school teachers are using interactive teaching model as encouraged orrequested by their schools. However, the application of the model seems to beinadequate, for the traditional teaching model tends to aim squarely at scores.Therefore, it can be argued, at least to some extent, that current situation of interactiveteaching model in high school English teaching seems unsatisfactory, and requires animmediate reinforcement.Secondly, in high school English classroom, when teachers take writing asteaching content, interactive teaching model is basically achieved by teacher-studentinteraction. When listening or reading is the teaching content, it is basically achievedby student-text interaction. When speaking is the teaching content, it is basicallyachieved by student-student interaction. However, in all English classes, theinteraction mode isnot single and absolute. In writing, listening, reading and speakingclasses, it is just that a certain type of interaction mode is dominant. There are alsosome other teaching contents. In these teaching contents, three interaction modes arecombined with each other, and the proportion of them is almost the same. It isinadequate for teachers to adopt fixed interactive teaching model. The implementationof interactive teaching model should be differentiated according to different teachingcontents. However, no matter how the teaching contents change, one thing remainsunchanged, that is, interaction must be carried out in high school English classes as animportant measure to avoid the deficiencies of traditional teaching model.


Chapter One Introduction


English is a language subject in high school with the characteristic ofcommunication, so it is very important to develop students’ communication skills inthe process of learning. In high school teaching practice, however, the skills areinadequately achieved. Most teachers focus more on mechanical explanation ofrelevant knowledge than training of communication skills due to heavier teachingtasks and limited teaching time. Consequently, students have to learn the knowledgeby rote and do not have enough time to practice such skills as speaking. This tends toresult in among students a good command of a large number of English sentencepatterns and vocabulary but inability to speak that is dumb English. In addition, theimprovement of students’learning efficiency demands their interest in what they learn.In the current high school English teaching, however, their interest is not high becauseof their teachers’duck-feeding teaching. In spite of this style of efficiency of teaching,students may lose their interests even get bored. Thus it is hard for them toconcentrate, reducing their learning efficiency. This study is based on the thinking ofthe two problems in high school English teaching in China.Since the 1980s, there have been somespecific teaching models at home andabroad that have more independent learning characteristics and are more in line withthe national curriculum standards. They have more reference value for guiding thecurrent independent learning teaching. Generally speaking, these teaching models can be divided into three categories. The first is based on the interpersonal interaction inthe classroom basically includes interactive teaching and cooperative mode. Thsecond is based on meaning construction basically includes problem-based learningand inquiry learning. The third category is centered on the students’ self-regulation oflearning basically includes self-regulation strategy development model andindependent learning cycle model. The interactive teaching model can meet theteaching requirements of high school English and solve the problems in high schoolEnglish teaching. The model is to strengthen the interaction between teachers andstudents and between students and students in the classroom.



Chapter Two Literature Review


2.1 Research on Interactive Teaching Model Abroad
The interactive teaching model was first proposed by American educationalpsychologists Brown and Palincsar. At the beginning, it was proposed as a teachingmethod to improve students’ reading comprehension and self-learning ability. Later,this method was further researched and developed. In view of the large number ofstudents in the class, American universities have carried out in-depth reform practice,and it improved the application research of interactive teaching model. At the sametime, Brown also used the 12 principles of language teaching (automation; meaningfulearning; expectation of rewards; stimulation of internal motivation; strategicinvestment; language ego; self-confidence; risk-taking; language and culturecombination; mother tongue impact; interlanguage; communicative competence) asthe standard to guide the development of English teaching. Brown believed that theinteractive teaching model should be fully utilized. The feasibility of interactiveteaching model should be tested by teaching practice, and the communication betweenteachers and students should be strengthened. Palincsar presented components of themodel in a short video. First, make full use of learning methods such as question andsummary. Second, weaken the participation of teachers in students’ learning.Strengthen the subject status of students. Encourage students to propose new ideasand insights, and expand students’ horizons. Third, encourage students by givingtimely encouragement and praise to improve their interest in learning. At the sametime, he believed that the interactive teaching model can well coordinate therelationship between teachers and students, between students and courses, and withinstudents. The interactive teaching model can reconcile the contradictions betweenthem and ensure that students have a harmonious and pleasant learning atmosphere.This has a role in promoting and advancing teaching.Allwright (1981) said that interactive classroom teaching is based on teachers,students and texts as the three main parts, and the three parts are organicallycombined to strengthen students’understanding of information.


2.2 Research on Interactive Teaching Model in China
The research on interaction theory and interactive teaching started late in China.In 1979, Professor Li Xiaoju introduced communicative approach to China.Communicative approach has transformed language teaching from grammartranslation to the way of communication. Researchers and teachers began to pay moreattention to students’ communicative competence and the use of target language.Since interaction is the core of communication, scholars began to study interactiveteaching model.Chen Ying (1996) was an early researcher on interactive teaching. He thoughtthat students could learn knowledge by interacting with each other. After teachingpractice, hefully affirmed this interaction and expanded the scope of interactionbetween students in subsequent teaching activities. This practice greatly stimulatedthe classroom atmosphere.Zhou Ping (2001) put forward the application and relationship analysis ofinteractive teaching model among the various elements in the ClassroomCommunication Mode in Interactive Teaching Model.Zhou Peng (2002), a master of Northeast Normal University, introduced in detailthe principles, characteristics, methods and significance of interactive teaching modelin his master’s thesis. He analyzed its theoretical basis in many aspects and brieflydescribed the research and development of interactive teaching model at home andabroad.



Chapter Three Theoretical Basis...............................................................................17
3.1 The Definition of Interactive Teaching Model................................................17
3.2 Constructivism.................................................................................................18
Chapter Four Research Design..................................................................................25
4.1 Research Questions.........................................................................................25
4.2 Research Subjects............................................................................................25
4.3 Research Instruments...................................................................................... 26
Chapter Five Analysis and Discussion......................................................................30
5.1 Current Situation of Interactive Teaching Model in High School English
Teaching................................................................................................................ 30
5.2 Influence of Teaching Content on Interactive Teaching Model......................38



Chapter Five Analysis and Discussion


5.1 Current Situation of Interactive Teaching Model in High School English
TeachingThe situation is revealed through an analysis of the questionnaire (see Appendix I)and interview (see Appendix II). The questionnaire is designed for studying students’English learning in the perspective of interaction. It is made up of 20 questions, whichparticipants are allowed to answer according to their actual situations. It is conductedamong 100 students in two classes. In addition, five 10thgrade English teachers areselected randomly for the interview. According to different teaching contents, thequestionnaire is divided into four dimensions, with 5 questions each. And 10interview questions also correspond to these four dimensions. Detailed results areanalyzed as follows.The first five items aim at investigating students’ interest in English learning andthe four individual skills. As Item 1 in the histogram shows, 8% of the participan tsabsolutely disagree while 40% of them relatively agree. Item 2 shows that 63% of thestudents agree, absolutely or relatively, that listening is very important in English learning. In Item 3, 64% students are not satisfied with their spoken English, whichimplies that the next step might be to improve students’ interest in spoken English learning. In Item 4, 34% of the participants think that they take English readingseriously, while 50% of the them think otherwise. In Item 5, 56% of them areinterested in every topic of English writing, while 24% of them are not.Interview Question 1. What do you think is the objective of English class? Fourteachers say that the objective of English class is to enable students to learnknowledge. The fifth teacher mentions that the objective of English class is to developstudents’English skills as a language tool and build their understanding of differentcultures,focusing on the instrumentality and humanism of English.Interview Question 2. What kind of English class do you think is successful? Twoteachers think that a successful class is one whose content fits well students’cognitivepatterns, being close to their life and attracting their interest. This kind of Englishclass is very likely to be successful. The other three teachers believe that successfulEnglish class should focus on students who are thought to be the center of classroomteaching.Therefore, students should be encouraged to learn with certain independenceand autonomy, and achieve a sense of achievement .The analysis leads to a conclusion: it is necessary to improve students’interest inEnglish learning, to which interactive teaching model will probably make greatcontribution.


5.2 Influence of Teaching Content on Interactive Teaching Model
With the knowledge of the current situation of interactive teaching model in highschool English teaching through the questionnaire and interview, classroomobservations are carried out in two classes of the first grade in high school.Observation form is used to record the practice of interactive teaching model based ondifferent contents.Many factors may affect the interactive teaching model, including teachers’knowledge and ability as well as students’ recognition of interactive teaching. Apartfrom the human factors, the teaching content has a great influence on the interactiveteaching model. At present, the overall trend of English teaching in high schools istowardsdiversification. Specifically speaking, English teaching will no longer be thatteachers teach while students passively listen. It should be a threedimensionalinteractiveprocess of students, teachers, and teaching materials. Since this viewpoinwas put forward in the 1980s, it has attracted wide attention in the field of foreignlanguage teaching. Now it is suggested that students, teachers, and teaching materialsshouldform multiple intersections of English classroom teaching. Teaching materialsare the main source of information and the major tool for teachers’ teaching andstudents’ learning. The materials should be selected according to students’ actualcognitive situation, their English proficiency, and their purpose of English learning.Student are the center and the biggest beneficiary of classroom teaching. Throughvarious interactive classroom activities, they may acquire the necessary knowledgethat they should acquire, and improve their ability of language use. Accordingly,teachers’ role orientation in classroom should be dominant. They coordinate everydetail of every part and play a role in promoting students’ learning. They teachknowledge to students and evaluate the effect of their reception. At the same time,teachers should have equal and harmonious interaction and communication with theirstudents in their classroom teaching. Therefore, in the teaching process, students,teachers and teaching materials should be organically and harmoniously combined.They are mutually reinforcing and inseparable, the point of interactive teaching model.The model generally involves three kinds of interaction modes in high school Englishclassroom: the interaction between students and teachers; the interaction between students andstudents; and the interaction between students and teaching materials. Itis argued that the selection of interactive modes depends largely on the teaching contents, i.e.English listening, speaking, reading, and writing.



Chapter Six Conclusion


6.1 Major Findings
Firstly, the current situation of interactive teaching model in high school Englishteaching is unsatisfactory. Because of the curiosity and expectation, though someuncertainty or vagueness, among students about interactive teaching model, currently,many high school teachers are using interactive teaching model as encouraged orrequested by their schools. However, the application of the model seems to beinadequate, for the traditional teaching model tends to aim squarely at scores.Therefore, it can be argued, at least to some extent, that current situation of interactiveteaching model in high school English teaching seems unsatisfactory, and requires animmediate reinforcement.Secondly, in high school English classroom, when teachers take writing asteaching content, interactive teaching model is basically achieved by teacher-studentinteraction. When listening or reading is the teaching content, it is basically achievedby student-text interaction. When speaking is the teaching content, it is basicallyachieved by student-student interaction. However, in all English classes, theinteraction mode isnot single and absolute. In writing, listening, reading and speaking, it is just that a certain type of interaction mode is dominant. There are alsosome other teaching contents. In these teaching contents, three interaction modes arecombined with each other, and the proportion of them is almost the same. It isinadequate for teachers to adopt fixed interactive teaching model. The implementationof interactive teaching model should be differentiated according to different teachingcontents. However, no matter how the teaching contents change, one thing remainsunchanged, that is, interaction must be carried out in high school English classes as animportant measure to avoid the deficiencies of traditional teaching model.


6.2 Pedagogical Implications
Through the analysis and research of the content-based interactive teachingmodel in high school English teaching, the following research implications are drawn, the difficulty of interactive teaching content should be moderate.Choosing appropriate teaching content is the key to developing interactive teachingmodel. Many studies have shown that today’s students are not satisfied with theteaching content which is isolated from reality. They hope that the difficulty of thecontent is moderate. At the same time, they also hope that the content of high schoolEnglish class can be close to their lives and easy to interact with their peers, teachersand teaching materials.Secondly, teachers should give enough time for students to interact. It is difficultf or students to achieve substantive communication with peers and teachers, and doclassroom activities or practice in just one class. Therefore, in order to design aclass suitable for interactive teaching, teachers should make appropriate adjustmentsclass time arrangement, highlighting the priorities. In addition, they should graspgood allocation of time and sometimes consider connecting two lessons to finish themat one time.Thirdly, the implementation of interactive teaching model should attachimportance to the guiding role of teachers. Teachers should provide some necessaryand prepared guidance for students. Psychological research and teaching practiceshow that high school students have certain observation and thinking abilities, buttheir analytical and judgment abilities are still developing, and their autonomy is notstrong enough. It seems unrealistic to expect independent and full interaction amongschool students. If teachers completely let students interact, students will not get, and the quality of teaching can not be guaranteed. Therefore, teachingshould be based on the development of students. It needs both students’ autonomy andinitiative and teachers’ guidance that interrelate and interact with each other. In theprocess of English teaching, teachers should create a harmonious, relaxing, equal andcooperative atmosphere to stimulate students’ interest in learning English. In addition,theimplementation of interactive teaching model requires a lot of time and energy. Itrequires teachers to change the concept of examination-oriented education andvigorously promote the application of multimedia technology in English teaching.The form of interaction, the evaluation of interaction and the integration of moderninformation technology and interactive learning need to be explored in practice.
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