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  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:191
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  • 论文编号:el2019072812512819155
  • 日期:2019-06-17
  • 来源:上海论文网

Chapter I Introduction

1.1 Research Backgroun
The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China marked a new era of China’  s  development,  attracting  a  few  of  politics, scholars  and  experts  from  different countries  and  regions.  The  translation  of  the  19th  CCPC  Report  has  therefore  become  a very direct  channel  for  them  to  know  China’s  politics,  economy,  culture,  development trend, views on different international issues and so on. In another word, the C-E version of  the  19th  CCPC  Report  has  played  an  important  role  in  presenting  China’s  stand  in international affairs to the rest of the world. As for Eco-translatology, relating to at least two  fields  as  Ecology  and  Translatology,  is  a  multi-diciplinary  crossover research  and takes translational ecology, textual ecology and translation community as subjects. It has put  forward  a  new  perspective  of holism  from  different  views  as  “Three  Dimensional Transforming, Adaptation and Selection, Multi-Dimensional Integration”.
However,  the  present  studies  on  political  documents  translation  focus  more  on Functional  Equivalence,  Skopos  Theory,  Intercultural Communication  and  so  on.  The materials  that  apply  Eco-Transtology  as  the  guide  are  most  Chinese  classics  translation, pragmatic translation, translation teaching and so on. By combining the C-E translation of the 19th CCPC Report and Eco-Transtology, the translation inspiration, translation skills, translation standard and principles are expected to provide.

1.2 Research Purpose
The C-E translation of the 19th CCPC Report are issued by Central Compilation & Translation  Bureau  which  majors  in  translating, studying  and  spreading  Marxism,  the CPC’s ideology so as to improve theory exchanges and international discourse of China. It is reported that foreign experts for the first time took part in the translation process of the 19th CCPC Report.
Chen  Mingming,  who  was  the  Executive  Vice  President  of  China  Translators Association and the director of the Translation Department of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said  that  “As  for  the  translation  of  the  19th  CCPC  Report,  there  is  a  great  progress  that foreign  experts  are  invited  in  advance  to  discuss  about  the  translations  and  expressions leading  to  a  good  result.  In  the  past, foreign  medias  considered  our  political  documents translations  were  too  tedious  and  dry  to  understand  accurately.  But  for  this time, foreign medias  commented  nothing  but  the  contents,  which  means  they  could  understand  the translation in a rather clear way(Wang Dawei, 2018).”
So the author tries to study the C-E translation of the 19th CCPC Report and learn its translation skills and methods on the language level. While for the theory level, the author expects to offer a new perspective based on the Eco-translatology.

Chapter II Literature Review

2.1 Chinese-English Translation of China’s Global Communication
Referring  to  the  political  texts  translation,  it  is  very  inevitable  to  discuss  the  “C-E translation  of  China’s  Global  Communication  ( “Waixuan”in  Chinese)”in  the  first  place. What is the “Waixuan Translation”? There are many discussions on “how to translate the Chinese word  ‘Waixuan’  ”.  The  author  has  selected  “Chinese-English  translation  of China’s global communication (Lu Xiaojun,2013)”.
Zhang  Jian,  the  professor  of  Shanghai  International  Studies  University,  thought  that the  Waixuan  Translation  can  be  understood  in both  broad  and  narrow  senses.  Narrowly speaking, “Waixuan Translation” refers to translations of practical writing such as media reports, government documents, introductions of government and enterprises, public signs and so on.While in broad sense, the concept of “Waixuan Translation” is inclusive and covers all translation activities, of which aims to spread information of politics, economy, culture of the ST.
Waixuan  Translation  is  a  special  form  of  translation,  indicating  that  against  the background of globalization, the world and foreign people who are mainly communication targets  are  expected  to  know  about  China  through  foreign  languages  via  different mediums.(Zhang Jian, 2013)
One  of  the  important  principles  on  Chinese-English  translation  of  China’s  global communication  is  Huang  Youyi’s  “Three  Being Close  to  ”,  namely,  “being  close  to  the reality  of  China’s  development;  being  close  to  foreign  audiences’  demands  of  China’s information; being close to foreigners’ habits of mind.( Huang Youyi, 2004)” Intercultural communication  is  also  an  important  perspective to study  Chinese-English  translation  of China’s global communication. Scholars and experts hold the opinion that translation itself is  a  activity of  communication.  Lv  Jun  (2007)  has  put  forward  that  translators  should dynamically  consider  both  ST  and  TT;  communication studies  regard  the  translation process as a dynamic system.

2.2 The Translation of Political Texts
The  political  texts  translations,  as  one  branch  of  C-E  translation  of  China's  global communication,  refer  to  documents,  issued  by the  Party  Central  Committee,  the  state council and the local governments at all levels, concerning the major policies on society and economic development of the nations and locals. The English version of it has become an  important  channel  for  foreigners  to  know China’s  policies,  guidelines,  politics, economy, military, education, culture, diplomacy and so on. 
Recent  years,  as  the  development  and  position  of  China  are  rising,  the  studies  on political documents translation are increased correspondingly. By inputting the key words “political documents translation” in the CNKI for fuzzy research, the results show that the number of published papers on political documents translation maintains stable. In another word, the amount of published papers which take“political documents translation”as key words is only a few. But if we track down the subject like “Chinese-English translation of China’s  global communication”,  the  published  literature  are  more  than  the  former  one. Because the political documents translation is a branch of Chinese-English translation of China’s  global  communication.  The  research  scope  of  C-E  translation  of  China’s  global communication is wider than the anther one’s.
As  for  papers  of  political  documents  translation  on  the  CNKI,  there  are  three  main types of studies: theoretical research; translation strategies and skills; practice report. The perspectives  of  theoretical  research  are  as  follows:  functional  equivalence;  textual perspective; intercultural  communication;  adaptation  theory  and  so  on.  However,  the number of political documents  materials which applies Eco-translatology into translation guidelines is as not much as we thought. There is a long way to make researches in this field, which not only brings new research direction to Eco-translatology but also finds new translation inspiration to the political documents translation.#p#分页标题#e#
Chapter III Theoretical Framework ................................................8
3.1 Connotation of Eco-Translatology .................................8
3.2 Translators’s Adaptation and Selection Principle .............................8
3.3 Three-dimensional Transformations Principle ....................................9
Chapter  IV  The  Analysis  of  the  C-E  Translation  of  the  19th  CCPC  Report  from  the Perspective of Eco-Translatology .................. 11
4.1 Translational Eco-environment of the C-E Translation of the 19th CCPC Report ......................... 11
4.2   Adaptation and Selection in the English Version of the 19th CCPC Report ...... 12
4.2.1 Adaptive Selection on the Linguistic Dimension ...................... 12 
Chapter V Conclusion .................................. 30
5.1 Findings ................................. 30
5.2 Innovation and Limitations ............................. 31
5.3 Suggestions for Future Study .............................. 31

Chapter IV The Analysis of the C-E Translation of the 19th CCPC Report from the Perspective of Eco-Translatology

4.1  Translational  Eco-environment  of  the  C-E  Translation  of  the 19th CCPC Report 
Translational  Eco-environment  refers  to  “a  world  formed  by  ST,  SL  and  TL,  which means an interactive integrity of language, communication, culture, society, author, reader, sponsor  and  so  on.  (Hu  Gengshen,  2013)”  The  translational  Eco-environment  is  an extensive  concept,  relating  to  the  macro  environment  like  the  world’s  politics,  economy, culture and so on. The micro environment contains author, reader, sponsor and so on.
On the macro level:
With the rapid economic development in recent years, China has become the second largest economy in the world. China’s economy has played an important role in the world market.  However,  compared  with  its  economic  position,  China  has  not  completely  and accurately voiced  its  political  ideology  that  a  major  political  power  should  have.  In  the political  field,  there  were  many  China’s  advanced  and favorable  ideas  which  were neglected  by  the  international  community.  Besides,  most  foreign  medias  have  always given  shallow information  on  China  because  of  unclear  Chinese-English  translation  of China’s global communication. 
On the other side, foreign friends at present know more about China compared with the past. Many China’s big cities, provinces and even some villages become recognized by more  and  more  foreign  friends.  We  have  noticed  that  the  number  of  foreigners  studying Chinese  are  increasing,  which  means  that  foreigners  are  willing  to  know  China.  As  a matter  of  fact,  every  time  of  C-E  translation for  global  communication  before  has  been optimizing the macro environment of translation.

Chapter V Conclusion

5.1 Findings

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