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  • 论文编号:el2019061611062019018
  • 日期:2019-05-15
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Chapter  Overview of Translation Task

1.1 Background and Content of the Task
The  task  of  translating  the  quality  manual  of  strand  steel  enterprise  is  completed through  group  cooperation.  The  number  of  the entire  translation  task  is  approximately 18,000 words. What the author has done is 18 chapters and 1 attachment drawings of the strand steel quality manual, the total number of which is about 10,000 words. The contents of the quality manual include engineering accessories and production processes related to strand  steel.  So,  before  the  translation,  the  author  and  other  translation  team  members firstly learnt  and  understood  the  relevant  engineering  terminology  and  its  process  flow chart  so  that  we  can  unify  the  terminology’s expression,  and  then  carry  out  the  task assignment,  potential  translating  problems  collection  and  re-confirmation,  initial translation, review, translation, final draft and other related translation process. The final translation  draft  is  submitted  to  the  enterprise  who  wrote the  quality  manual.  The  whole process  of  translation  practice  has  given  the  author  a  further  understanding  of  the characteristics  of the  quality  manual  and  a  great  improvement  for  the  translation  skills. Also,  it  enriched  the  author’s  translation  experience  for  text translation  combined  with scientific  and  descriptive  texts.  The  author  hopes  more  in-depth  study  and  more engineering-related processes so that a better translation can be completed. Absolutely, the author  hopes  the  translation  of  the  quality  manual  can  better serve  the  enterprise  and  be beneficial to win a good reputation for the enterprise in foreign countries.

1.2 Introduction to Quality Manual
The quality manual is a general statement of the enterprise’s internal quality system; the main documents to establish and carry out the quality system; a key part of the quality system of the enterprise. (Hu Changyong,1994) No matter what scopes the quality manual is  applied to,  it  must  include:  quality  policy,  management  responsibility,  activities  and manual  management.  (Li  Jingxiao,1999)  Furthermore,  the English  translation  of  the quality manual can be used to gain more recognition and trust from overseas enterprises, which  will  enable enterprises  to  get  a  better  international  publicity  to  some  extent.  The quality  manual  is  generally  written  by  the  enterprise according to  the  international standards.  The  scope  of  management,  product  scope,  processes  and  requirements described  by  the  enterprises are  all  the  work  carried  out  by  the  enterprise  and  a programmatic document to be observed by the enterprise. So, there is a saying about the quality manual: write what you do, and do what you write. (Zhang Wenhui,1995) On one hand, the quality manual can determine the quality policy and objectives of the enterprise, communicate with the internal staff of the enterprise to ensure the work can be conducted orderly; on the other hand, the quality manual is a favorable proof of the strength for the enterprise and it can help the enterprise to establish the image of the enterprise. Besides, it can help win the trust of customers and meet customers’ regulations, so as to achieve the role of corporate outreach. No matter in which aspect, the quality manual is crucial to an enterprise, especially in responding to our country’ One Belt and One Road policy.

Chapter  Ⅱ  Theoretical Foundation

2.1 Introduction to Newmark’s Communicative Translation Theory
Before translating, the author searched a lot of relevant translating theories. Such as: Nida  once  said  in  The  Theory  and  Practice  of Translation  that  ‘Translating  consists  in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message,  first  in  terms  of  meaning  and  secondly  in  the  terms  of  style’(Nida  &  Taber, 2004); Gentzler believes that if the translator chooses to translate close to the translations, it  will  be  acceptable.  (Gentzler,1980);  Yan  Fu  believes  that  three  translation  difficulties should be “faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance” in the translation. (Yan Fu,1897) 
Peter Newmark, who is a famous English translation theorist and translation educator, proposed  semantic  translation  and  communicative translation.  Many  translation  scholars have  been  immersed  in  literal  translation  and  free  translation,  but  have  neglected  the purpose of  translation  of  the  target  text,  the  characteristics  of  the  reader  and  the  type  of text.  He  holds  the  opinion  that  communicative translation should  ‘attempt  to  produce  on its  readers  an  effect  as  close  as  possible  to  that  obtained  on  the  readers  of  the original.’(Newmark,2001)In  the  book  Approaches  to  Translation,  Newmark  proposes  that different translating method – semantic translation and communicative translation should be adopted according to different text types.(Newmark,1981). The biggest similarities and differences between semantic translation and communicative translation are:
(1) Semantic translation is more objective, emphasizing accuracy, so that more translation forms  are  verbatim  translation,  literal  translation and  faithful  translation;  while communicative translation is more subjective, paying attention to the reader's reaction, so that more translation forms are domestication, free translation and authentic translation.
(2) In terms of expression, the semantic translation is closer to the source form, but it is more  complicative  and  clumsy  than communicative translation,  so,  compared  to  the semantic translation, communicative translation is more smooth, clear, and suitable for the reading habits of target readers.

2.2 Application of the Theory to Translation Practice
After  analyzing  these  translation  theories,  the  author  found  that  Newmark’s communicative  translation  theory  is  more  suitable  for the translation  of  quality  manual. Because the function of the quality manual for English version is to gain the third party’s trust from the international customers. The reader’s reading effect is quite important. The quality  manual  is  a  descriptive  text  with  engineering terminologies,  so  that  its  textual features are more suitable for translation under the guidance of communicative translation theory. Therefore,  the  translation  tasks  of  this  quality  manual  are  carried  out  under  the guidance of communicative translation theory.
Besides, communicative translation is one of the two translation modes proposed by Newmark.  The  purpose  is  to  ‘…attempts  to  render, as  closely  as  the  semantic  and syntactic  structures  of  the  second  language  allow,  the  exact  contextual  meaning  of  the source.’(Newmark,2001). In other words, the focus of communicative translation is to convey  information  according  to  the  language and culture  of  the  target  language,  rather than  copying  the  text  of  the  source  text.  The  focus  of  communicative  translation  is  the target language  readers,  which  can  exclude  readers  from  reading  or  communication difficulties and obstacles in some point, so that communication can proceed smoothly.#p#分页标题#e#
Chapter  Description of Translation ProcessⅢ  ··························· 7
3.1 Pre-translation ····································· 7
3.1.1 Unification of Terminology ·························· 7
3.1.2 Preparation of Translation Tools ···················· 8
Chapter  Case AnalysisⅣ  ···························· 11
4.1 Problems and Solutions of Lexical Translation ····················· 11
4.1.1 Terminology ··························· 11
4.1.2 Lexical Conversion ······················· 12
Chapter  SummaryⅤ  of Translation Practice ·························· 23
5.1 Reflections on Translation Process ························· 23
5.2 Qualities an Excellent Translator Should Have ····················· 24

Chapter  Case AnalysisⅣ 

4.1 Problems and Solutions of Lexical Translation
4.1.1 Terminology
The enterprise's quality manual contains some technical terms related to strand steel equipment and processing flow, such as:
预应力混凝土用钢绞线:Steel wires for prestressed concrete 中频回火: Intermediate frequency tempering 预应力筋用锚具: Anchorage for prestressed tendons 粗  车 Rough turning 粗钻孔 Coarse drilling 粗铰孔 Coarse reaming  精铰孔 Fine reaming 毛坯 rough 攻丝 tapering
For the confirmation of technical terms, the following methods are mainly used:
(1)  Through  the  enterprise's  2014  old  version  of  the  quality  manual  to  obtain  the expression of relevant technical terms;
(2) Through the online query related expressions of terms, such as Alibaba English page;
(3)  Group  discussion  and  relevant  information  searching  to  confirm.  Finally,  the translation  team  members  conduct  the  confirmation  to  achieve  consistency  in  the translation.

Chapter  SuⅤ mmary of Translation Practice

5.1 Reflections on Translation Process

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