
Nature and Women As Victims of Patriarchy之英语研究

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  • 日期:2019-04-21
  • 来源:上海论文网

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Literature Review
According  to  CNKI,  there  are  867  entries  relating  to  A  Midsummer  Night’s Dream,  including  15  doctoral  dissertations.  Many scholars  focus  on  the  linguistic analysis  of  this  play,  such  as  Wang  Yingjun  (2012),  Xing  Xiaoqin(2009),  Wang Aiqin(2004)  and Hu  Jiangbo  (2013).  There  are  also  many  articles  studying  the characters  in  the  play,  such  as  Li  Weimin  (2004),  Zou  Huan (2013)  and  Liu Jihua&Zhao  Haiping(2016).  In  addition,  many  scholars  have  carried  out  detailed analysis  from  various perspectives.  For  instance,  Zheng  Chang  (2009)  and  Luo Xianyong  (2015)  study  from  the  perspective  of  aestheticism,  Zhou Xinyun  (2013) and  Dong  Quanyue  (2013)  study  from  the  perspective  of  translation  studies.  And there  are  also  studies  carried out  from  the  perspective  from  psychology,  such  as Zhang Siyuan (2013). However, there is only one journal article which studies the play  from  the  eco-feminism,  i.e.  Hao  Miao  (2013).  According  to  CNKI,  there  are 2,241entries  about  eco-feminism, demonstrating  the  significance  of  this  literary critic term. Many articles have also employed this term as a methodology to study a certain literary work, for instance, the doctoral dissertation of Zheng Chen (2014), who has analyzed the two translated versions of Tess of the D’Urbervilles, and the doctoral dissertations of Yang Pan (2013) and Yu Yang (2014), who have studied Gone with the Wind. Since A Midsummer Night’s Dream is one important comedy of  William  Shakespeare,  which  embodies  many  wise  comments  on love and  life, studying  the  play  from  the  perspective  of  eco-feminism  will  have  far-reaching influences on the future work.
According to Proquest database, there are 4380 academic journal articles, 4099 newspaper  articles  and  more  than  4500  articles  in academic  journals.  Especially, there are more than 7000 publishing works in the past two decades, signifying the great  influence  of this  play  in  the  academia.  The  scholars  carried  out  their  work from  various  perspectives,  including  Charlton  (2005)  who studies  the  work  as  a speculative political allegory, and Colin Mcginn (2006), who studies the play in its courtly  context.  etc.  There is no  article  studying  this  play  from  the  perspective  of eco-feminism, but there are six e-books concentrating on these issues. For instance, Karen  (2002)  has  presented  a  thorough  analysis  of  literary  works  in  the  late renaissance.  Therefore,  studying  this comedy  on  the  basis  of  eco-feminism  would be rather rewarding.

1.2 Research methodology, significance and thesis framework
The  eco-feminism  is  employed  in  this  thesis  to  analyze  the  relationships between  nature  and  women  in  A  Midsummer  Night’s Dream.  As  the  union  of feminism  and  eco-criticism,  eco-feminism  studies  the  connection  of  nature  and women in literary works and encourages a feminist writing of nature. Eco-feminists are fully aware that throughout the human society history, both nature and women have  been  in  a  status  of  being  suppressed  and  dominated  by  man.  This  thesis evaluates nature and women from the perspective of eco-feminism, which will help the readers to understand Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream from a new angle. 
This  thesis  mainly  consists  of  five  chapters.  Chapter  1  presents  the introduction,  including  the  literature  review  about  the topic and  the  research methodology,  significance,  thesis  framework.  Chapter  2  presents  the  literary theories of this thesis, including the brief introduction of feminism, ecocriticism and eco-feminism.  Chapter  3  presents  the  influences  of  patriarchal  culture  on Midsummer  Night’s  Dream.  And  particularly,  this  chapter  analyses  the  patriarchal culture  in  English  Renaissance,  and furthermore,  the  hidden  meaning  of  Titania’s rebellion against Oberon. Chapter 4 describes the influences of English Renaissance on Midsummer Night’s Dream. In this chapter, this thesis presents in detail the eco-friendly  consciousness  in  English  Renaissance which  has  great  influences  on  the plot of the comedy. Besides, this chapter also describes the eco-feminism reflected in  Midsummer Night’s  Dream.  Based  on  the  above-mentioned  analysis,  Chapter  4 also showcases the author’s eco-feminist ideal. Finally, Chapter 5 is the conclusion of the thesis.

Chapter 2 Theoretical Framework

2.1 Feminism
In  general,  feminism  is  an  extensive  definition  of  social  theories  as  well  as political movements, which is initially based on and motivated by the activities of women.  Generally  speaking,  feminism  provides  a  critique  of  the  relationship between men and women. Nevertheless, many feminists also devote themselves to the research of gender inequalities and the promotion of women’s rights, status and so  on.  One  of  the  main  purposes  of  feminism  is  to  improve  women’s  social condition.
The  voice  of  women  is  heard  as  early  as  from  the  period  when  religious thoughts  prevailed.  In  the  early  European  social  life of  16th  and  17th  century, marriage  is  the  most  important  to  women’s  life.  However,  some  women  began  to become literate, and learned various cultural knowledge. In the patriarchal society, women  are  not  encouraged  in  the  work  of  missionary  work, music,  writing  and another related field. According to the Bible, the image of women is negative. Eve tempted  Adam  to  eat  the apple, leading  to  the  fall  of  man;  Jezebel  swung  the Hebrew belief in God, and made the Hebrews kill each other. In the end, they were executed. In the secular world, women also strive for their own rights and interests. Known  as  the  most  learned  of  the  seventeenth century,  British  women,  Bathsua Makin stressed, in her book On the Revival of Lady in Religion, Etiquette, Art and Language Aspects of Classical Education, that, women can only become strong by education,  who  should  not  be  enslaved  (Hunt,2008).  However,  in order  to  allow women  to  be  able  to  successfully  come  to  the  classroom,  she  also  points  out  that although  women  have chances  of  being  educated,  the  time  of  doing  housework  is not  reduced.  At  that  time,  University  of  Cambridge  and  University of  Oxford refused  to  build  a  school  for  female  students.  When  the  females  fought  for  their rights, they attempted to blur the inequality line between men and women because although  they  gained  the  achievements  in  literature,  only  the  men  were  greatly praised  for.  Gradually,  women  began  to  be  allowed  to  play  a  significant  role  in literature, but the basic content of the story is that, no matter how smart the female were compared with male, the female finally would compromise. #p#分页标题#e#

2.2 Eco-criticism
As  a  kind  of  literary  and  cultural  criticism  tendency,  the  ecological  criticism was formed in the United States in the middle of 1990s, and then appeared in many countries  in  the  world.  The  definition  of  the  term  “ecological  criticism”,  the  most widely accepted  by  most  scholars,  is  advocated  by  American  ecocritic.  Namely, “ecological  criticism  is  to  explore  the  relationship between  literature  and  the environment of criticism” (LIU& ZHAO, 2016: 31). 
Ecocriticism  is  short  for  ecological  literary  criticism.  And  ecocriticism examines  the  relationship  between  literature  and  physical environment,  it  takes  an earth-centered  approach  to  literary  studies.  Eco  criticism,  literally,  seems  to  be  a combination  of ecology  and  literature  and  art  criticism,  just  as  the  spirit  of analytical  criticism  or  the  myth  of  the  archetypal  criticism.  Actually, it  is  not  the case.  Although  some  ecological  critics  cited  some  of  the  results  of  ecological research,  environmental  science research  data,  the  natural  scientific  traits  of ecological criticism are still not prominent from the whole point of view. Ecological critics are not the specific research results of natural science, but the basic idea of ecology,  or  more  accurately,  the  idea  of  ecological philosophy.  Ecological philosophy is the theoretical starting point and basis of ecological literary criticism. Kroeber has provided clear discussion on this point. He said: “ecological criticism is not the ecological, biological, mathematical research methods or any other natural science  research  methods  for  the  analysis  of  literature.  It  is  only  the  most  basic concept of ecological philosophy humanities that is cited from criticism.” ( Krober, 1965: 26). 
Chapter 3 Influences of Renaissance Patriarchal Culture on Midsummer Night’s Dream ...............................15
3.1 Patriarchal Culture in English Renaissance ...............................15
3.2 Patriarchal Culture Reflected in Midsummer Night’s Dream ........................18
Chapter  4  Influences  of  English  Renaissance  Proto-Eco-feminist  Ideas  on Midsummer Night’s Dream ...................26
4.1 Eco-friendly Consciousness in English Renaissance ...................26
4.2 Eco-feminism Reflected in Midsummer Night’s Dream ..........................30
Chapter 5 Conclusion ..............................37

Chapter 4 Influences of English Renaissance Proto-Eco-feminist Ideas on Midsummer Night’s Dream

4.1 Eco-friendly Consciousness in English Renaissance
In the English Renaissance, with the influence of Renaissance humanism and the  awakening  of  human  consciousness,  individualism and  materialism  have expanded extremely. The human has suffered from the mental imbalance, with both the spirit and the flesh of people suffering from the feudal autocratic and theocratic oppression  of  the  middle  classes.  But  because  of  the  limitation  and  the infinite desire  of  human  reason,  a  sensual  material  becomes  proliferated.  One  of  the manifestations of spiritual ecological crisis is the separation of soul and flesh, with the  spirit  pole  representing  reason,  spirit  and  faith,  and  the  flesh  pole  representing the sensibility,  desire  and  instinct.  The  spirit  of  the  state  holding  poles  dynamic balance  is  a  prerequisite  for  the  human  spirit  of ecological  harmony,  which  will result in the mental imbalance as well as the separation of people’s soul and flesh. It could distort personality and cause mental detuning. When humans began to set out of the medieval church theocratic barriers, they would face no restraint, with faith theocratic statute and human subjectivity. Their self-interests and dignity would be uplifted,  and  people  began  to believe  that  he  was  a  “human  God”,  “with  large amount of capital”, making them being able to create, enterprise and plunder, thus causing  vitality  greatly  excited.  Those  involved  with  the  development  of  industry and commerce are the first to get rich. They are the first among the feudal lords and the powerful people in the church, who are under the eyes of Satan as the life of the people.  With their  own  wisdom,  they  possessed  cunning  and  adventurous  spirit. Almost with the spirit of God, they could turn from a beggar into a rich man with a blink  of  an  eye.  The  human  perceptual  desire  and  indulge  in  worldly  life  have enjoyed  the  ecstasy  and conceit,  which  showed  their  powerful  and  unconstrained style  of  self-confidence  and  unbridled  ambition.  On  the  one  hand, they  have  the endless  pursuit  of  material  and  irresistible  creativity  to  promote  the  historical progress  of  the  unstoppable  force; but  on  the  other  hand,  with  the  rational  and material  desires  human  awaken  (Mcginn,  2006:  43).  In  this  world  of  personal interest  and  desire  to  grab  infinite  indulgence,  people  tried  to  achieve  their  own value  and  pursue  self-existence  in  the process  of  its  value.  They  have  fallen  into nothingness  and  the  paradox,  resulting  into  the  loss  of  faith,  spiritual  emptiness, confusion, and no confidence. The spirit of people’s ecological problems becomes more and more prominent.

Chapter 5 Conclusion

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