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  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:85
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  • 论文编号:el2019032421565018750
  • 日期:2019-03-24
  • 来源:上海论文网
Chapter One Introduction
This chapter starts with a general introduction to the research, including researchbackground, research significance, research questions, research methods and researchstructure.
1.1 Research Background
With the ever-accelerated updating society, English has become increasingly importantas an instrument of international communication. Under the background of the New EnglishCurriculum Standard, reading plays an increasingly important role in language teachingprocess. It is essential to change students’ reading methods and improve their reading ability.Through reading, students can get plenty of information and improve their comprehensivelanguage competence. The National English Curriculum Standards for General High Schooland the National Matriculation English entrance have also changed remarkably in differentaspects. The contemporary language teaching theories also points out that the importantprerequisite for language learning is to guarantee the adequate input of language information.To some extent, English listening and English reading play an indispensable in Englishlearning. It is also necessary for students to develop their comprehensive abilities of listening,speaking, reading and writing. Since China introduced reform and opening policies, the scaleof English teaching has been expanding and English has become a compulsory course inelementary education. More importantly, the scores of English reading comprehensionaccount for the biggest proportion in national matriculation English. Moreover, the EnglishCurriculum Standards and college entrance examination require students’ integrative readingability should be improved.
1.2 Research Significance
The application of Cohesion Theory to English reading teaching can help students toanalyze the relationship between text and context, and find the cohesive points in a text. Inaddition, compared with traditional English reading teaching method, cohesion-based learningmethod attaches more importance to the development of integrative competence.Firstly, students at senior high schools need theoretical direction. In the traditionalEnglish teaching, such as bottom-up model and top-down model, students focus too much onwords, languages points and sentences patterns. However, it is critical for them to understandthe further meaning of a text and to regard the text as a whole. Cohesion Theory plays animportant part in English reading learning. Besides, cohesive devices can be found in apassage and cohesion deals with the text rather than the vocabulary. Therefore, in order toimprove the reading method, senior high school students need Cohesion Theory as a theoretical direction in their English reading.Secondly, students at senior high schools should develop good reading habits. For manystudents, reading is to get information rather than kill time. The Grammar Translation Methodcan restrain students’ enthusiasm and their understanding of reading texts. Lacking of thegrasp of macro-ability, students are easy to read word by word and only grasp the details,which ignores the main ideas in a text. In practice, each text has cohesive devices whichinclude grammar cohesion and lexical cohesion. Cohesion Theory can be an effective way tohelp students cultivate good reading habits. To some degree, it can promote the developmentof English reading in senior high schools.
Chapter Two Literature Review
Chapter Two is literature review and it includes three parts. To be specific, the first one isfour reading process models. The second one is related researches on English readingteaching abroad and at home. The third one is the research on the application of CohesionTheory to English reading teaching abroad and at home.
2.1 Previous Studies on Reading Models
Since the 1960s, with the rapid development of psycholinguistics, applied linguistics andcognitive linguistics, researches on reading skills have become an important part of languageteaching. In practice, linguists like Goodman, Gough, Carrel and Rumelhart are majorrepresentatives of the reading model. And they have made remarkable achievements onEnglish reading, which lead English reading teaching into enormous transformation in somerespects all over the world. In English reading teaching, there are four main types of readingmodels: top-down model, bottom-up model, interactive model and schema theory.
2.2 Previous Studies on English Reading Teaching
Reading is a cognitive activity, which has drawn more attention among cognitivepsychologists in recent forty years. English reading teaching has made brilliant achievementsin the past years at home and abroad.Great achievements has been made in English reading teaching overseas, whichaccelerates the development of English reading teaching in some respects. The following aresome related researches on English reading teaching.In the middle of the twentieth century, generative grammar and structural linguistics hada significant impact on English reading teaching, so the bottom-up model became popular inEnglish reading teaching at that time. And it is a fixed processing model from part to whole.Goodman (1967) considered reading as a psycholinguistic guessing game, which was calledtop-down model that underlined the previous knowledge of a reader. The interactive modelcombined the advantage of the bottom-up model and top-down model, which was put forwardby Rumelhart (1977). Subsequently, schema model, first proposed by Rumelhart in the late1970s, was to explain the psychological process.
Chapter Three Theoretical Foundation ....... 19
3.1 Definition of Cohesion ........ 19
3.2 Key Points of Cohesion Theory .......... 20
3.3 Devices of Cohesion Theory ....... 21
Chapter Four Research Design ..... 27
4.1 Research Hypotheses........... 27
4.2 Research Subjects........ 27
4.3 Research Instruments .......... 28
4.4 Research Procedures ........... 31
4.5 A Teaching Sample of Cohesion-based Teaching Approach in the EC ........... 33
Chapter Five Data Analysis and Discussion......... 41
5.1 Analysis of the Tests.... 41
5.2 Analysis of the Questionnaires.... 46
Chapter Five Data Analysis and Discussion
This chapter presents and discusses the experimental results that include the data of tests,questionnaires and interviews. Besides, the author also comes to a final conclusion based onthese data at the end of this chapter.
5.1 Analysis of the Tests
In order to know students’ English reading proficiency before and after the experiment,all the students in both classes were invited to take part in the pre-test and post-test. Theresearcher collected and analyzed these data by SPSS statistics 20.The experiment was conducted to judge whether there were obvious differences ofstudents’ English reading ability between the two classes. No one was absent from pre-test. Tobe specific, the totals of 133 tests were issued, and the valid response rate was 100%. Thefollowing Table 5-1 demonstrates the comparison between EC and the CC in the pre-test.
With this cohesion-based teaching method being applied to the English reading teaching,the author finds it is feasible and effective by analyzing the data of tests, questionnaires andinterviews. Major findings of this research are presented as follows.Firstly, students’ English reading interest and attitude can be improved based on theCohesion Theory. Before carrying out the cohesion-based teaching method, the author foundthat most students in both two classes were not interested in English reading and believedEnglish reading was difficult. And students were easily confused and not actively involved inEnglish reading. In other words, students were not confident in their English reading to someextent. After thirteen weeks, there existed significant differences about students’ Englishreading interest and attitude in the experimental class. They became more interested inEnglish and could take part in activities actively. Moreover, their reading enthusiasm andconfidence were developed after the experiment. In addition, this new method can helpstudents master some cohesive devices and form good reading habits.Secondly, cohesion-based teaching method can improve students’ English reading ability.Based on the pre-test and post-test between the two classes, it was obvious that students’English reading ability could be improved a lot after the experiment, while students could notmake remarkable progress in the control class. For students in the experimental class, underthe guidance of Cohesion Theory, students acquire some effective strategies and completetheir reading task more accurately. 
References (abbreviated)
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