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  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:51
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  • 论文编号:el2019031010560518707
  • 日期:2019-03-08
  • 来源:上海论文网
Chapter One Introduction
This is a brief introduction to the research. It mainly includes the research backgroundand significance, research objective and research questions, research method and the structureof the thesis.
1.1 Research background and significance
With the rapid increase of China’s comprehensive national strength and economy, thecommunication between China and the world is becoming more and more frequently. As aninternational language, the importance of English in China is self-evident. It is also known tous that students with a good command of English are more likely to find highly paid jobs aftertheir graduation. Therefore, more attention should be attached to English teaching. DavidNunan, an Australian linguist as well as the chief editor of the ELT textbook series Go For It,points out that “Among the four basic skills of English learning, writing is the last in sequencebut should by no means be the least in importance”(Nunan, 2001: 200-256). He also indicatesthat writing is the most difficult task both in student’s learning and in teacher’s teaching. It iscommon knowledge that writing needs more comprehensive ability, including logical thinking,appropriate words and expressions. However, students in senior high schools are required towrite a 120-word-long composition in only 25 minutes, it is really a huge challenge for themto complete a composition with high score in the limited time. Therefore, more time andattention should be focused on students’ writing training. The following paragraphs willillustrate the present problems of English writing in senior high schools and analyse thecauses of them.
1.2 Research objective and research questions
In view of the present problems listed above, it is urgent to find out an effective methodto improve senior high school students’ English writing performance. So the author tries toapply the brainstorming method to improve students’ English writing ability. Three researchquestions of this study are listed as follows:Question 1: What are the main problems in senior high school students’ English writing?Question 2: What are the advantages of the brainstorming method for English writingteaching at senior high schools?Question 3: How does the application of brainstorming method improve senior high students’ English writing proficiency and ability?
Chapter Two Literature Review
Chapter Two is the literature review of the research. The author first gives a briefintroduction of writing and then reviews the previous studies on English writing teaching,brainstorming method and the previous studies on the application of brainstorming method toEnglish writing teaching abroad and at home.
2.1 An introduction to writing
Writing is a medium of human communication that represents language and emotionwith signs and symbols. In most languages, writing is a complement to speech or spokenlanguage. Writing is not a language, but a tool used to make languages be read (WiKi). In thepast few decades, numerous definitions of writing have been raised. According to the OxfordAdvanced Learner’s English-Chines Dictionary (2009), writing means the activity of writing,in contrast to reading, speaking, etc. Li Zhenqi and Li Kaiyuan (1994) point out that writing isthe use of the written language in appropriate forms to describe things, express ideas andexchange information. (Li Zhenqi and Li Kaiyuan, 1994) Cui Xiujian (2009) summarizes theprevious definitions and gives his opinions on writing in College Writing Course. He defineswriting as a psychological mechanism of feeling and cognition by which the writing subjectsuse the language to express his or her feelings and perceptions of the objective things. He alsoillustrates the nature of writing is a mental activity and a kind of creative activity of spirit. Inthis research, the author tries to find out an effective way to improve senior high schoolstudents’ English writing ability. According to The New English Curriculum Standard forSenior High School (2011), the writing requirements for senior high school students aredivided into two levels. The first level is that students can finish a 60-80 words simple letteror essay related to the textbooks in 30 minutes according to the prompts, which have clearmeaning and no serious error in basic grammar and sentence patterns. The second level is thatstudents can write simple letters, notes, notifications and resumes about 80-100 words in 30minutes to express their ideas correctly and grammatically.
2.2 Previous studies on English writing teaching
As the demand for writing grows, writing has been given more and more attention in thepast few decades. Besides, the development of linguistics, pragmatics, cognitive linguistics,psycholinguistics, social linguistics, second language acquisition and other related disciplinesalso provide continuous theoretical support for the development of writing teaching. (ShuDingfang and Zhuang Zhixiang, 2008) Many educators and scholars abroad have explorednumerous effective ways to improve students’ writing performance, such as product-basedapproach, process-based approach, genre-based approach, the imitation method, thebrainstorming method etc.Before 1970s the product-based approach took the dominant role in the filed of writingteaching. As its name implies, product-based approach focuses on the language points only inwriting products, including grammar, sentence structure and the proper use of words. Basedon behavior theory, the product-based approach regards writing teaching as a correction of theerrors and mistakes in the final draft. It is mainly divided into four stages: familiarization,controlled writing, guided writing and free writing. In the writing teaching classes, teachersanalyze a model essay at first and point out the useful expressions and structures, then askstudents to write or more specifically to imitate. Finally, students’ products are assessed incorrect grammar, advanced vocabulary and complex sentence structure. Therefore, studentsonly pay attention to the use of advanced expressions, which limits their logical thinking to some extent. However, it is also undeniable that product-based approach is a direct andpractical method in writing teaching.
Chapter Three Theoretical Foundation ......... 21
3.1 Constructivism theory ....... 21
3.1.1 The origin and development of constructivism......... 21
3.1.2 Constructivism learning theory ............. 22
3.2 The schema theory ............ 24
3.2.1 The origin and development of the schema theory ............. 24
3.2.2 Types of schema...... 25
Chapter Four Research Design ............. 27
4.1 Research hypothesis .......... 27
4.2 Research subject...... 27
4.3 Research instruments......... 27
4.3.1 Test ...... 28
4.3.2 Questionnaire .......... 28
4.3.3 Interview........ 29
4.3.4 SPSS .... 30
4.4 Research procedures.......... 30
4.5 Teaching sample...... 32
Chapter Five Data Analysis and Discussion............. 41
5.1 Analysis of the test ............ 41
5.2 Analysis of the questionnaire ...... 46
5.3 Analysis of the interview............. 51
5.4 Summary ....... 55
Chapter Five Data Analysis and Discussion
In this chapter, all the data collected in the experiment will be analyzed and discussed,including the data of the tests, questionnaires and the interviews. Besides, a brief summarywill be made at the end of the chapter.
5.1 Analysis of the test
The collected data of the pre-test and post-test both in EC and CC will be analyzed asfollows. The first part is the analysis and comparison of the pre-test between EC and CC. Thisis to make sure that the writing ability of the two classes is at the same level before theexperiment. The second part is the analysis and comparison of post-test between EC and CC,which is to prove the students in the EC have greater progress than CC. Lastly, the analysisand comparison of the pre-test and post-test between EC and CC aim to testify the changeafter the teaching experiment. The detailed analyses are as follows.The pre-test was conducted both in the experimental class and the control class, there arealtogether 105 students in the two classes, the scores of them are collected (see Appendix VIII).The following tables show the comparison between them.
Chapter six is the conclusion of the whole research. It presents the major findings, theimplications, the limitations of the research as well as the suggestions for further research.This research is intended to explore whether the brainstorming method has a positiveeffect on English writing teaching at senior high schools. Based on the experiment, the authormakes a detailed analysis and comparison of the test, questionnaires and interviews and thenreports her major findings as follows:Firstly, the main problem with senior high school students in writing Englishcompositions is that students cannot fully express themselves. The results of both thequestionnaire and the interview show that most of the students, even the students with highwriting proficiency have this problem in their compositions writing. Besides, due to thelimited time, students can’t organize the vocabulary and grammar they are not so familiarwith in the test. As a result, they have to use very simple sentence patterns and elementarywords thus their ideas cannot be fully expressed.Secondly, the application of the brainstorming method can not only help to improvestudents’ writing competence but also build their confidence in English writing. According tothe interview at the beginning of the research, the majority of the students have no confidencein their grammar and vocabulary. After the experiment, students in EC have obviousimprovement in their writing skills such as logic, grammar and coherence. Besides, they arenot so afraid of writing English compositions any more.#p#分页标题#e#
References (abbreviated)
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