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  • 作者:上海论文网
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  • 论文编号:el2019021920500018650
  • 日期:2019-02-16
  • 来源:上海论文网
Chapter One Introduction
Reading is an important way to get information. Training students’ reading ability is animportant task in English teaching at high schools. This chapter is a brief introduction. Itbegins with research background and research significance. Then it gives a brief introductionto research questions and research methods. At last, the structure of the thesis is presented.
1.1 Research Background
Nowadays, English teaching at senior high schools is becoming more learner-centeredrather than teacher-centered. As English learning theory for senior high schools constantlyputs emphasis on the important part that learners play in the whole process of Englishacquisition, autonomous learning has been the research focus in the field of English teaching. The requirement of present situation of English reading teaching at senior highschoolsEven though we have attached great importance to cultivating students’ reading ability inEnglish teaching for a long time, basic language knowledge like vocabulary and grammar stillaccounts for a considerable proportion in the whole teaching process. What students mostneed are opportunities to think and explore independently. What’s more, the reading materialschosen by teachers may be beyond students’ reading ability, which will lead to their hostilitytowards reading. In addition, finishing the multiple choice questions after reading, studentsstop thinking. They seldom or never ask themselves such questions like “who/what/when/where/why/how”. If students grasp autonomous learning, they can read according to theirinterest and their reading efficiency can be improved.
1.2 Research Significance
In today’s society and in such an era filled with competition, being equipped withautonomous learning ability has been the requirement of the era. Nowadays, a variety oflearning methods and learning materials are provided for students. They can not only learntextbooks in class, but also learn extra-curricular knowledge after class on the internet, videoand so on. In addition, the new English Curriculum Criteria for Senior High School publishedby the Ministry of Education in 2017 indicates that the ultimate purpose of English teaching isto develop students’ autonomous learning ability.English reading is a major way of language input for high school students in Englishlearning. English reading ability plays a huge part in English learning, which will have influence on students’ mastering of the basic language knowledge. It is one of the mostimportant tasks to enhance students’ reading ability. Modern English teaching advocatesproper and efficient teaching methods. A new round of curriculum reform is trying tostrengthen students’ autonomous learning awareness, develop students’ autonomous learningability and accelerate the formation of learner autonomy, which has become a consensus inschool education. The nature of autonomous learning is to enable students to be masters oftheir learning. Students regard learning as pleasure and personal needs. The application ofautonomous learning in English reading teaching aims to change English reading intosomething students like to do.
Chapter Two Literature Review
As an important part in language teaching, reading teaching has become the researchfocus for many scholars. Therefore, the author makes a review of the main studies onautonomous learning and autonomous reading abroad and at home in this chapter.
2.1 Studies on Autonomous Learning Abroad and at Home
Autonomous learning is a kind of modern learning mode which is in contrast to thetraditional reception learning. As the name implies, autonomous learning is a student-centeredmode, by which students can achieve their learning goals.Foreign researches on autonomous learning can be traced back to ancient Greek and hasa long history of more than 2,000 years so far. Socrates, the Greek philosopher and educator,and his Socratic Method are typical model of autonomous learning. In Socrates’s opinion, aperson who had little knowledge was still able to help others to get knowledge. The SocraticMethod emphasized that learners should be guided to think and explore autonomously, andthen get knowledge and solutions by themselves. What’s more, some other educators alsoemphasized the importance of learner autonomy in some way, such as Comenius, Spenser andRosseau. Rosseau, the French educator, advocated naturalism. Spenser, the English educator,proposed that education should cultivate learners’ autonomous learning ability. Comenius, theCzech educator, suggested that education should obey the principle of natural development. Ina word, they all believed that teaching ought to put learners’ interest and learning methods infirst place. Teachers’ duty was to instruct students to explore and think on their own. Teacherssaid little and students explored much more so as to develop students’ autonomous learningability. Obviously, autonomous learning before 20thcentury still remained at the level ofphilosophical speculations.
2.2 Studies on the Application of Autonomous Learning in EnglishReading Abroad and at Home
Researches on reading can date back to 1879, when Emile Javal first published his articleabout reading on eye movement (Samuels & Kamil, 1988: 22). Researchers’ interest inreading process was triggered by Cattell’s research on letters and words in the 1880s. Fromthe mid-1950s to 1960s, some people began to seriously attempt to conceptualize theknowledge about reading process in order to establish clear and systematic reading models.However, it was not until the 1960s and 1970s that some relatively normative models aboutreading emerged. Lots of researchers and scholars who were devoted to researches on readingsprung up, like Carroll, Gough, Caver, Rudell. After that, reading theory developed a lot.There are mainly following four types of reading models at present: bottom-up model,top-down model, interactive model and schema theory (Li Yaqin, 2008). Bottom-up modelmeans a simple process in which the readers understand the literal sense through reading thewords and neglects their prior background knowledge. Top-down model involvesunderstanding an article through background knowledge. But its problem is that readers mayforce their thought on the author, which leads to their misunderstanding about the articles.Interactive model combines these two kinds of reading models, but it lacks theoretical support.Recently, the most influential reading model is schema theory. According to schema theory,reading is an active and positive process in which readers use their prior knowledge to processinput knowledge and constantly construct new knowledge patterns.
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework....... 19
3.1 Humanistic Theory...... 19
3.1.1 General Introduction of Humanistic Theory ..... 19
3.1.2 Humanistic Theory in Autonomous Learning ............. 20
3.2 Meta-cognition Theory............ 22
Chapter Four Research Design......... 25
4.1 Research Hypotheses............... 25
4.2 Research Subjects........ 25
4.3 Research Instruments .............. 26
4.4 Research Procedures ............... 27
4.5 A Teaching Sample ..... 38
Chapter Five Data Analysis and Discussion ............ 45
5.1 Analysis of the Questionnaires............ 45
5.2 Analysis of the Tests ............... 52
5.3 Analysis of the Interview ........ 57
5.4 Discussion ....... 59
Chapter Five Data Analysis and Discussion
In order to explore the effects of autonomous learning in English reading, the data of thetests, the data of the questionnaire and the data of the interview are collected and analyzed inthis chapter.
5.1 Analysis of the Questionnaires
Items 1-3 are concerned with students’ motivation and interest in reading. It can be seenfrom table5-1 (item1) that 61.7% (C+D) of the students in EC and 59.3% (C+D) of thestudents in CC have no interest in English reading. As for item 2, 28.3% (A+B) of thestudents in EC and 28% (A+B) of the students in CC only finish the reading tasks that areassigned by teachers, but don’t have other extracurricular reading activities. From item 3, wecan see that most students read English for getting high marks in examinations, which hold apercentage of 68.3% (A+B) in EC and 64% (A+B) in CC.From the above analysis, the author gets conclusions as following: 1) More than half ofthe students in both EC and CC have no interest in English reading. It’s hard to carry outautonomous reading without interest; 2) Majority of the students in both EC and CC lack theawareness of autonomous reading; 3) Most of the students learn English with instrumentalmotivation.
In spite of the limitations listed above, the effectiveness of autonomous learning inEnglish reading has been proved in this research. Therefore, this teaching mode is worthstudying and expanding later. Here, some suggestions for future research are given.First of all, if the research can choose more students as research subjects and can last forthree years (from grade one to grade three), the results might be more obvious and persuasive.Secondly, diverse interview forms should be used in future researches except face to faceinterview. For example, students can write down their answers. In this way, students will havemore time to think and organize their words. And researchers can also conduct an interviewby phone to ease students’ tension.#p#分页标题#e#
References (abbreviated)
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