

  • 论文价格:免费
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  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:181
  • 论文字数:0
  • 论文编号:el2019021120524618628
  • 日期:2019-02-02
  • 来源:上海论文网
Chapter One Introduction
This chapter is mainly about the research background, research purpose andsignificance, the description of the project, the time table and layout of the project.Environmental and occupational health and safety has become an increasinglyimportant aspect of social and vocational research. This issue has acquired a wideattention and a high concentration both at home and abroad because neither can thepeople live safely and healthily nor can the country develop stably without attachinggreat importance to it. The countries in the world has published laws and regulationsabout environmental and occupational health and safety to protect the dumb millionsfrom related accidents and launched books such as A Detail Explaining ofEnvironmental and Occupational Health and Safety, Practice and Theory ofEnvironmental and Occupational Health and Safety and so on to study this item. But thecurrent situation of it is still worrying. To solve this problem still has a long way to go.The author has chosen this project from her tutor for she has a great interest in it.The purpose of this project is to provide help and reference for translation ofChinese cross-text of commercial and legal texts. At the same time, the achievement ofthe project provides an opportunity to enable foreigners to understand the environmentaland occupational health and safety regulations of China to communicate and learn fromeach other better.
This is a report on the Chinese-English translation practice on Manual of theManagement of Occupational Security and Environmental Health for KingFaTechnology Corporation with nearly eleven thousand and two hundred Chinesecharacters. The company has entrusted the author to translate the manual independentlyand their requirements of the translation are correct, smooth and fluent. The rules andregulations of environment and occupational health and safety management, as well asthe basic information of the company are included in this manual. This report is finishedtaken the function theory brought forward by Nida as the guide during translation. Thispaper mainly kicks the use of informative function, the imperative function of languageand in the process of translating the manual around. When translating the manual, theauthor uses the methods of literal translation, transliteration, splitting, combinedtranslation, etc. The author tries to solve the problems she has met in translatingprofessional words, concepts and long,complex sentences in the manual. Also, theauthor concentrates on the word order in long sentences and sentence order inparagraphs in the process of translation. The time list of the project is as follows,
Chapter TwoABrief Introduction to the Guidance Theory
This chapter debates the theory used in translating this project. It includes two parts:a brief introduction to Functional Theory and the classification of the communicativefunction of language.
2.1ABrief Introduction to Functional Theory
Functional Theory was put forward by Eugene Nida. In this theory, he lays stress onthat translation activities must provide services for the readers. The standard for thetranslation work to be triumphant is the feedbacks of the readers are much at one withthose of the source text. So from Nida’s point of view, translators should reproduce thecentral theme of the source text dynamically. That is to say, translators must think overnot only the primary meaning of the languages or words, but also their communicativeimplications in concrete contests. To achieve this goal, the following factors should betaken into consideration. In the first place, the substance of the communication. It canact as the center of a discourse. Next, the participators of the language intercourse (thecollaborators in the ways of colloquial and handwriting, including the writers and thereaders). Then, the procedure of colloquial and manuscript (the steps that need to beexperienced). Finally, the very language used in exchange and the means of expression.The Function Theory tells us that the readers’ actions of reading a translation work andthe participants’ couple-back are so important that the translators should attach enoughimportance to them for swapping messages. Nida lists three types of the relationshipsbetween the target language and the source language in translation decided by thedistance between language and culture. He made a summary that there are two basicexposures of translation--form equivalence and dynamic reciprocity on this basis. Theformer focuses on the form and content of the information itself; the latter accords withthe dynamical peer which was raised based on the principles of upsides.Complementarily, Nida concentrates on peer-to-peer transferring of information. Forhim, the content of the translation text is far more momentous than its form. Thisstrategy is suitable for the translation of the material for the purpose of informationtransmission. The specially appointed purpose and task of the translation is to provideknowledge, touch off an emotional response and give advice to a specific behavior.
2.2 Classification of the Communicative Function of Language
Nida lays his finger on that the Communicative Function of language has a closecollection with a lot of factors not in only one aspect. To sum up, the mainclassifications of this function are as follows. To begin with, expressive function. Itmeans the function that one could give voice to him or herself. Then, cognitive function.It is a function used for thinking with the logic of language. Moreover, interpersonalfunction--a function to build up relationships with different people for identifying theidentities of the communicators. Informative function is regarded as a way for passingon information. Imperative function can influence actions of people or lead to newconducts by phonetic. Imperative function tries to change situations with words. Theemotive function plays a roll to call up people’s emotional reaction by oral. Finally,aesthetic function can help listeners express their feelings when a talk is over.From the brief description above, it is obvious that Nida thinks highly of theequivalence between what one wants to say and what one actually says in a rightchannel. The function of language must be deeply noticed deeply and agilely revolvedto serve for the communications between and among different persons.This report mainly talks about the informative function and the imperative functionin communicative function of language.
Chapter Three Translation Preparation....... 6
3.1The Linguistic Features of the Source Text....6
3.2 Translation Tools..............6
Chapter Four CaseAnalysis............7
4.1Abrief introduction to the translation procedure.........7
4.2 Literal translation..........7
4.3 Transliteration....9
4.4 Splitting......11
4.5 Combined translation........13
4.6Amplification........... 15
Chapter Five Assessment of the project......23
5.1 Self-assessment..............23
5.2Assessment from the tutor...... 23
5.3Assessment from the company........23
Chapter Five Assessment of the project
This part is about the assessment of the project. Self-assessment, assessment fromthe tutor and assessment from the company are included.Over all, translation has a very long way to go. Having done the translation workdoesn’t mean that all jobs are finished. Assessment is important for the project for it willhelp the author know the advantages and disadvantages of the work. Suggestions forbetter quality of it can be provided.
5.1 Self-assessment
The author has committed the translation work on time as soon as she has finishedit. She has got to know much common sense about the management of the health andsecurity of the enterprise by the way of reading related books and have talks with theones who major in it. The writer of the report has finished the project very carefully. Inshort, the author did a good job apart from a few little mistakes.In the midst of translating the manual, the author uses the methods such as literaltranslation, transliteration, splitting, combined translation, etc. The author tries to solvethe problems she has met in translating professional words, concepts and long sentencesin the manual. Meanwhile, the author concentrates on the word order in long sentencesand sentence order in paragraphs in the process of translation.To solve the problems, the author concentrates more accuracy and style of Englishwriting. In the meantime, the writer had discussions with the people who major inmanagement of occupational security and environment. She has corrected the mistakesof exclamation marks, grammar and spelling to make her work more acceptable afterchecking it for three times taken the advice of both the tutor and the company.
This is the conclusion part of this report. The author will make a summary aboutboth the translation project and the report of it and point out the limitations and givesuggestions.This project is about the translation of Manual of the Management of OccupationalSecurity and Environmental Health for King Fa Technology Corporation for twelvethousand Chinese characters. This is a handbook about the introduction to the enterpriseand the bylaws of the firm. It is a piece of commercial essay. The author has done thetranslation work of the manual in the instructions of smooth and loyal on behalf of thecompany.As for the process of translation, the author spears her time and effort no matter inlearning the basic knowledge in the fields of environment, occupational health andsecurity management or finding out appropriate translating skills for the task by readingmany books and having talks with vocational people in related domain to make the taskcan be finished well to the best of her ability.This report focuses on the description of the translation task. The theory used intranslating the manual is involved. This article takes the case analysis of the translationwork as the main line to summarize the difficulties encountered in the translationpractice and put forward solutions to them. Also, different methods and strategies whichhas adopted in the translation process of the project are described in this article.The central issue of the functional theory is to tell the public that the translationworks must serve for them for better communications between readers and the writersof the source texts. And the ways one shows him or herself should be reciprocal withwhat people really want to express. The classification and the informative function ofthe function theory are the main points of this report. The informative function aims togive people information with spoken, written and body languages; while the goal ofimperative function is to change situations with words of directions.#p#分页标题#e#
References (abbreviated)
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