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  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:97
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  • 论文编号:el2019020722321218608
  • 日期:2019-01-28
  • 来源:上海论文网
Chapter One Introduction
English reading not only can practice students’ reading ability but also can cultivate theirother abilities, such as listening, speaking and writing. It is an activity in which readers canobtain information and can also help students to broaden their horizons and enhance theirenthusiasm for English. Therefore, English reading plays a prominent role in English learningfor senior high school students.
1.1 Research Background
Nowadays, the importance of students’ reading skills and reading ability are raised to ahigher level. One of the factors leading to this phenomenon is the current internationalenvironment. English, as the most popular language, is a powerful tool to communicate withothers and to absorb information abroad. Along with the acceleration of globalization, China’sinteraction with other countries has become more frequent. More and more English learnersequipped with comprehensive English abilities are needed. The most fundamental ability isreading, which is also a necessary approach for people to get information and interact withothers. The correctness and reading speed are greatly emphasized during this process againstthis background. Chinese senior high schools shoulder the responsibility for fostering andproviding available English talents.Students’ reading ability is also attached to great importance in the National EnglishCurriculum Standards of Senior High School. Standards clearly points out the primary task ofEnglish teaching is to attain enough stock of English knowledge and to English teachers traintheir students’ basic English application abilities from four perspectives, that is, reading,speaking, listening and writing. However, teachers should pay more attention to the cultivation of students’ reading competence, especially the improvement of reading skills, likeobtaining certain information and solving problems with information that they have acquiredwhile reading. The final objective of English reading is to turn each individual into a studentwho is equipped with independent reading ability. (Ministry of Education, 2003) Based on therecent national English test papers, higher requirements are raised in the perspectives ofvocabulary, reading speed, reading techniques and comprehension ability. (Xu Yuexing, 2010)Therefore, students should not only master enough basic language knowledge but also shouldhave the ability of attaining the information that the articles provide. What’s more important isthat students need to learn reading approaches and master reading skills, that is, let studentsknow how to acquire information accurately and quickly within stipulated time.
1.2 Research Significance
A thought has been widely dispersed by Cognitive psychologists that human language isan implement of communication as well as an important carrier of human thoughts and perception. Language learning is not just a process of learning language itself, but also anexchange of culture and information. Most of modern language theories also hold the opinionthat the purpose of English reading teaching is not simply to guide students to master Englishlanguage knowledge, but more importantly, to lead them to acquire the information andculture contained in the articles. English teachers also should impart their English readingstrategies and skills during the process of reading teaching and practice. Another reason whyEnglish teachers should pay attention to other purposes of English reading is that it not only isrewarding for senior high school students to get a higher score in the exams but also isbeneficial for their further study and lifelong development.However, language knowledge has taken the dominant place in English classes for a solong time. The knowledge-centered reading teaching actually can be regarded as articleteaching, which is somewhat different from reading teaching. Reading teaching, virtually, ismore similar to extensive reading. This reading teaching mode takes the reading material as awhole. The English teachers will not concentrate on the explanation of the new words orgrammar within the article but the information the author wants to supply. Article teaching isclosely like intensive reading. Its teaching procedures goes somewhat like this: teachers askstudents to underline and memorize the new words and phrases beforehand; sometimes,students are also demanded to preview the articles the teachers are going to teach before class.
Chapter Two Literature Review
The reasons why people read mainly can be divided into two types, one for acquiringinformation, the other for entertainment. In fact, more than English learners, other languagelearners learn language through reading at the beginning of their learning journey. As theirreading ability gradually improves, the language knowledge they obtain during their readingprocess, in return, will enhance them to read, and then they will get more information andpositive feedback. (Xu Fuqiang, 2006) Reading is a vitally important activity for people inthis modern society, in that it is beneficial for people to keep up with the world development.Senior high school is a significant period to cultivate students’ reading ability. How toimprove students’ reading ability with a proper teaching mode has become a hot topic ofteachers and the constant research object of scholars.
2.1 Studies on English Reading Teaching Abroad
The researches on English reading teaching abroad can be traced back to more than onehundred years ago. Some prominent scholars and researchers have dedicated themselves tothe studies on the essence of reading and a variety of reading methods. There are somefamous representatives, such as Gough, Goodman, Smith and so on. The earliest studies onreading were initiated by psychologists in the 19th century. The process of the studies onreading before 1960s was much slower comparing with the process during the period after1960s. The researchers in the former period advocated that the teaching methods shouldoutweigh the position of the readers’ understanding to each words and sentences. The latterperiod had witnessed the astonishing development of the researches within the area of readingnature and reading models. These researches can be mainly divided into several categories,like information processing model, psycholinguistic model, interactive model, and schematicmodel etc.The researches before 1960s were generally regarded as the classical stage where theresearchers held the opinion that reading activity should begin with the understanding ofevery word or sentences rather than the text. This opinion had been generally accepted bymost of people. If someone wanted to understand a random article, he or she must obey thereading procedures, that is, to understand a text from the words, sentences, the paragraphs andthen the whole text. At that moment, most linguists thought that the readers’ reading abilityand reading accuracy, to an overwhelming extent, depended on how big their vocabulary was.One of the typical representative works was A General Service List of English Words (MichealWest, 1953). Some linguists also believed that there was a direct relationship between thevocabulary and the percentage of the readers’ understanding toward an article.
2.2 Studies on English Reading Teaching at Home
The studies of Chinese researchers and scholars on English reading could be traced backto the 1960s. They mainly introduced the relevant foreign reading theories and modified thetheories according to Chinese specific education conditions. They made their efforts to applythe theories or research achievements abroad to English reading teaching in order to perfectthe current English reading teaching reality. During their researching process, greatcontributions were made by them and they also found something innovative and valuable.They could be roughly divided into several groups according to their research characteristics.Some of them believe that the three reading models mentioned above are very beneficialand valuable. Most of them find out the shortcomings of the current English reading teachingapproaches and express their criticism to these approaches. They try to modify the currentEnglish reading teaching method with the guidance of different reading models. They hopethat the students can be mobilized to concentrate their attention on English reading classesand the reading ability of students can be promoted more efficiently and effectively. Thereading teaching researches can be roughly divided into four categories. The opinions of therepresentatives are as follows:
Chapter Three Theoretical Foundation ......... 21
3.1 Text and Text Analysis ...... 21
3.1.1 Text...... 21
3.1.2 Text Analysis ........... 22
3.2 Cohesion and Coherence............. 23
3.2.1 Cohesion........ 23
3.2.2 Coherence...... 26
3.3 Context ......... 27
3.4 Theme and Rheme............ 28
Chapter Four Research Design ............. 31
4.1 Research Hypotheses......... 31
4.2 Research Subjects.... 31
4.3 Research Instruments ........ 31
4.3.1 Questionnaires......... 32
4.3.2 Tests..... 32#p#分页标题#e#
4.4 Research Procedures ......... 33
4.5 A Sample Lesson in EC..... 37
4.6 Summary ....... 42
Chapter Five Results and Data Discussion .... 43
5.1 Analysis of the Tests.......... 43
5.2 Analysis of the Questionnaires.... 48
5.3 Summary ....... 52
Chapter Five Results and Data Discussion
The results of the tests and the questionnaires are shown in this chapter. The author willexamine the effectiveness of the English reading teaching model guided under the textanalysis theory in senior high school. That is, the author tests whether the new teaching modelcan promote students’ reading ability or not. This chapter also illustrates the difference of theresults between the students who are instructed by the common English reading teachingmethod and by the text-analysis-based English reading teaching model. The data collectedfrom the tests are processed and analyzed by SPSS in order to guarantee the reliability of theanalysis.
5.1 Analysis of the Tests
All of the students in EC and CC have participated in the pre-test and post-test. TheEnglish paper in college entrance examination in 2016 has been chosen as the pre-test paperand the one in 2017 as the post-test paper. Both of these test papers have four articles and thetotal points are thirty. In the following parts, the author will compare the test scores ofstudents’ pre-test from the EC and CC in order to make sure that their original reading scoresare, generally, at the same level. Next, students’ grades in post-test in the EC and CC will becompared and analyzed to prove whether there is a more apparent effectiveness of the newteaching method exerted on the students. Then, the CC students’ and EC students’ grades inpre-test and post-test are also compared in this chapter.
After the application of the new English reading teaching model, the influence of it onstudents has been shown and discussed in the preceding chapters, which indicates thestrengths of the text-analysis-based English reading teaching model. In this chapter, the authoris going to make a conclusion about the major findings in this research. Nevertheless, theauthor also finds out that there are some shortcomings during the research processes. Somesuggestions will be supplied for further relative researches.According to the experiment and the analysis above, the writer finds out:Firstly, with the carrying out of the new reading teaching model, whether the newteaching method can be adopted in senior high school has been proved. The procedures ofhow the reading class is carried out have been shown in the thesis. The teaching proceduresare mainly composed of six steps: to introduce the background information, to predict articles’contents, to get know the text genre and structure, to analyze cohesive and coherent devices,to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words and to practice and consolidate. The text analysistheory provides a scientific guidance for the design of the English reading teachingprocedures.
References (abbreviated)
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