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  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:190
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  • 论文编号:el2019012922440318573
  • 日期:2019-01-26
  • 来源:上海论文网
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
The vocabulary is one of the three elements of language. People can’t communicatewith each other without words (Wilkins, 1976). The vocabulary teaching is a difficult and keypoint in English teaching in senior high schools. It runs through all aspects of learners'learning. The quality of vocabulary learning has a direct impact on the development ofstudents’ various skills. There are some drawbacks in traditional vocabulary teaching. One ofthe prominent features of English books in the senior high school is the large vocabulary.Fifty or sixty words in each unit is a heavy memory burden to students. In face of such anarduous task, the teachers consciously teach students vocabulary with various forms and carryout a variety of activities to improve efficiency of vocabulary learning. However, there aresome problems that cannot be ignored. Some students have the weak ability of memorizingvocabulary. Other students know the meanings of words but they do not know the usages. Thefundamental reasons are some mistakes in English vocabulary teaching. First, the teachers justteach the students knowledge. They can't really make every student play his initiative andenthusiasm. Second, the methods of vocabulary teaching are not various. It can not arousestudents' learning initiative and self-learning ability. So the vocabulary teaching istime-consuming. The current situation of the following aspects requires the teachers to usenew teaching methods to eliminate the disadvantages of traditional teaching.
1.2 Purpose of the Study
As one of the basic contents of senior high school English teaching, more and moreattention has been paid to vocabulary by linguists, educators and learners in recent years. Inview of the time-consuming and inefficient vocabulary teaching in senior high schools, theauthor intends to improve the effectiveness of vocabulary teaching with Group Cooperativelearning. The author explores effective methods of vocabulary teaching under the guidance ofthe New Curriculum Standards so as to meet the requirements of students' vocabulary anddevelop students' language comprehensive ability. At the same time, the author hopes toexplore the concrete implementation method of Group Cooperative Learning in senior highschool vocabulary teaching, test its feasibility and reveal its existing problems and limitations.This study not only provides some references for later researchers in theory but alsogives them some research methods in practice. Previous scholars only explored vocabularyteaching and vocabulary learning from learning strategies, memorizing methods, context andschema. Although cooperative learning has many uses in language teaching, there are notmany researches related to cooperative learning in vocabulary teaching. Especially, theresearches of cooperative learning and vocabulary teaching are not enough in senior high schools. So the author applies cooperative learning to senior high school vocabulary teaching.Thus the author can explore a way of enlarging students' vocabulary and improving theirability of using vocabulary so as to provide new ideas and methods for English vocabularyteaching in senior high schools.
Chapter Two Literature Review
In this chapter, the author collects information about Group Cooperative Learning andvocabulary teaching at home and abroad.
2.1 Group Cooperative Learning
Group Cooperative Learning emerged in the United States in the 1970s. It later becamethe main teaching strategy around the world. The Group Cooperative Learning emphasizesstudents’ participation and their cooperative consciousness. So the students can grasp theskills of cooperative learning and communication.The scholars have different expressions about the Group Cooperative Learning. Theauthor lists several representative definitions as follows:The professor Slavin (1980) of the United States thought the cooperative learning was aclass teaching technology which allowed students to engage in learning activities in groups toobtain rewards or recognition on the basis of group's performance.The Johnson brothers of the United States believed the cooperative learning was that theteachers made students study together to maximize their self-learning and others' learning byusing groups in teaching (D. W Johnson & R. T Johnson, 1994).The scholar Wang Tan (2001) thought that cooperative learning was a teaching strategywhich aimed at promoting students’ mutual cooperation in heterogeneous groups, achievingcommon learning goals and rewarding the group on the basis of the group’s overall results.
2.2 English Vocabulary Teaching
The vocabulary is one of the basic elements of English. It is important for students tohave a number of reasonable English words when they communicate with others. Therefore, itis necessary for students to understand the definition and the development of Englishvocabulary teaching.Many English learners think they can master the word if they know the word’s meaning,pronunciation and spelling. British educator Ur (1996) thought that vocabulary teaching mustinclude part of speech, grammar, collocation, meaning and word formation. In short, thevocabulary teaching must include five aspects like pronunciation, form, meaning, part ofspeech and context.The forms of the word should not only include the spelling of the word, but also itsgrammatical form. The common grammatical forms include the singular forms, the pluralforms, the possessive cases, the past tenses, the present participles, the past participles, thecomparatives and the superlatives.
Chapter Three Theoretical Foundations...... 19
3.1 Input and Output Theory ......... 19
3.2 Constructivism Theory ............ 20
3.3 Summary ......... 21
Chapter Four Research Design ......... 23
4.1 Research Hypotheses............... 23
4.2 Research Subjects........ 23
4.3 Research Instruments .............. 24
4.4 Research Procedures ............... 26
4.4.1 Preparations of Experiment....... 26
4.4.2 Teaching Process of Experimental Class........... 28
4.4.3 Data Collection.............. 33
Chapter Five Data Analysis and Discussion............. 35
5.1 Analysis of the Tests.... 35
5.2 Analysis of the Questionnaires............ 41
5.3 Analysis of the Interview......... 46
5.4 Discussion ....... 47
Chapter Five Data Analysis and Discussion
This chapter is the data analysis of vocabulary tests, questionnaires and interview. Theauthor collects data of pre-test and post-test, questionnaires and interview from the twoclasses. The author uses SPSS 20.0 and excel software to analyze the data. The author tries tocheck the effects of Group Cooperative Learning on vocabulary teaching on the basis of theauthenticity and validity of the data.
5.1 Analysis of the Tests
The author uses SPSS 20.0 to handle the data to prove whether or not there are somechanges between the two classes when the experiment is finished. The tables which arepresented below are the results of two tests for the experimental class and the control class.This part is the pre-test which is about students’ vocabulary test score of the two classes.The purpose of the pre-test is to get information about students’ ability of using vocabularyfrom test papers and verify that there is not a big difference between the experimental classand the control class. The Group Statistics and the Independent Samples Test are made toanalyze the results. The data can be seen in Table 5-1 and Table 5-2.
The research subjects are 96 students from two parallel classes of Class 3 and Class 5 inthis study. The author adopts methods of vocabulary tests, questionnaires and interview tochange the current situation of vocabulary teaching in senior high schools and explore newmethods of vocabulary teaching. It is found that:First of all, the application of Group Cooperative Learning to English vocabularyteaching in senior high schools can improve students' interest in vocabulary. The classteaching is not only based on teachers’ explanation. The forms of class teaching are colorful,such as group cooperation, individual presentation and mutual evaluations. The students areno longer bored with vocabulary learning. The single teaching method are replaced byflexible group activities, which enhances students’ interest and enthusiasm. The students aremore active in vocabulary learning than in the past.Next, the students can improve their ability of mastering vocabulary and usingvocabulary through various group activities. There are group previews, group discussions,group presentations, mutual evaluations, words discrimination in the process of preview, classteaching and review. The pronunciation, forms and meanings of words are effectivelydemonstrated and strengthened in various activities. The students' ability of using vocabularyhas been enhanced through various creative learning activities. The students can use variousopportunities to practice vocabulary. It is beneficial for them to memorize words and usewords.#p#分页标题#e#
References (abbreviated)
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