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  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:184
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  • 论文编号:el2019012517323218534
  • 日期:2019-01-23
  • 来源:上海论文网
Chapter One Introduction
As one of the four basic English skills, reading plays a significant role in acquiringinformation and learning various kinds of knowledge and skills. Getting better at Englishreading is necessary for senior high students. Language learning lies in acquiring the fourbasic skills, while reading comprehension contains two kinds of skills, reading and writing.One’s reading ability can reflect the listening and speaking abilities as well. In this chapter,the research background and the research significance will be presented, came after theresearch questions and research methods, and the framework of this thesis will be elaboratedlater on.
1.1 Research Background
In view of the New English Curriculum Standards, National College EntranceExamination and society, it can be said that the requirements for excellent reading abilitybecome higher and higher.To start with, excellent reading proficiency is the requirement of the New EnglishCurriculum Standards. The emphasis of English study is always being put on readingproficiency, especially for senior high students. The New English Curriculum Standards havemade a clear reading proficiency requirement that senior high students should meet. Therequirements are divided into nine levels. Senior high students are required to reach levelseven when they graduate according to the standards. The criteria of reading proficiency forlevel seven are depicted as follows:-be able to obtain and process main information from medium difficulty readings;-be able to understand the gist of article and the author’s intention;-be able to figure out the new words via the overall context and comprehend the textualmeaning;-be able to reason by means of the clues in context;-be able to obtain information as required from resources like network;-be able to read English newspaper and periodical and magazine which suit senior highstudents;-except for the teaching material, extracurricular reading quantity is required to beyond230 thousand words.
1.2 Research Significance
Meta-cognitive strategies are new reading approaches, and have distinct value whichdeserves further study. The author does a systematic research on the implementation ofmeta-cognitive strategies to English reading teaching in senior high school, which attachescertain significance on both theory and practice.On one hand, there are some theoretical significances. Many scholars from aboard and athome have done researches in senior high school on English reading from varieties of pointsof view by using various instruments. It has already acquired some certain achievements.While, problems still exist, such as the teaching contents deviates from practicability andsystem is absent. Concerning about meta-cognitive strategies, previous studies are mostlyadopting comparative study in students’ meta-cognitive strategies practice pattern, in order tocompare their usage of strategies before and after the research. Only a small amount ofscholars refers to the investigation about the usage of meta-cognitive strategies among seniorhigh students. In addition to this, the majority of them do research from the students’ point ofview. Up to now, few studies have been found to study meta-cognitive strategies applied tosenior high students from both students and teachers point of view. Thus, it is bothchallenging and high-value to carry out the research. To some extent, it will enrich the theoryof English reading teaching.
Chapter Two Literature Review
Scholars abroad and at home express concern about reading teaching, which is one of themost important components of language teaching. The study about reading has gone in deepfor the rapid development of various reading teaching schools. On account of this, the mainstudies on reading teaching at home and abroad are shown in this research. In addition, theauthor also presents previous studies of the application of meta-cognitive strategies to Englishreading teaching at home and abroad.
2.1 Previous Studies on English Reading Teaching at Home and Abroad
Since 1950s, reading models appeared while regarding native language reading as themain research objective, which brings a significant influence in foreign language reading.According to Barnett, in the process, there are three influential and dominant reading models:bottom-up model, up-bottom model and interactive model (Barnett, 1989).Bottom-up model also known as idiodynamic action model. It took up an important placein English reading teaching in early 1970s. Bottom-up model, based on informationprocessing theory, is a text-driven model. In 1972, the American Psychologist P. B. Goughputs forward the bottom-up model, which emphasizes that readers acquire informationaccording to the pass in linear sequence (Gough, 1972). That is to say, in the reading process,readers mainly acquire character information from the reading material, as well as put emphasis on comprehending words, sentences and some syntactic structure. Reading underthe instruction of this model goes this way: letter - word - phase - short verse - sentence -paragraph - passage, the information pass on from bottom level to up level. If the barrier ofunderstanding happens in the lower level, then the information in the upper level cannot beacquired smoothly by readers. It is only concerned about words and syntactic structure. Andthe teachers put emphasis on analyzing the meaning of words, phrases and sentences.
2.2 Previous Studies on Meta-cognitive Strategies Applied to English Reading Teaching Abroad and at Home
Since meta-cognitive strategies was presented by Flavell in 1979, nearly 40 years haspassed. This approach is a typical learning strategy, and has been applied to various subjectslearning. Flavell believed that meta-cognitive strategies should be used by students.Since 1980s, an increasing number of foreign scholars have endeavored to applymeta-cognitive strategies to English reading teaching and some studies have been done. It canbe divided into two categories, one was about what meta-cognitive strategies was helpful toreading, the other focused on the advantages of applying meta-cognitive strategies to reading.Carrell (1989) conducted meta-cognitive strategies training to students in order toimprove their reading ability, in which meta-cognitive strategies played an important role inimproving second language reading ability. The results indicated that students’ performance inreading comprehension can be improved through semantic mapping and ETR (experience,text, relationship).
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework...... 21
3.1 Meta-cognition ........ 21
3.2 Meta-cognitive Strategies............ 25
3.2.1 Origin and Definition of Meta-cognitive Strategies............ 25
3.2.2 Contents of Meta-cognitive Strategies ............ 26
3.2.3 The Cultivation of Meta-cognitive Strategies ........... 27
Chapter Four Research Design .......... 29
4.1 Research Hypotheses......... 29
4.2 Research Subjects.... 29
4.3 Research Instruments ........ 30
4.4 Research Procedures ......... 31
4.5 A Teaching Sample............ 39
Chapter Five Data Analysis and Discussion ......... 45
5.1 Data Analysis of the Tests ........... 45
5.1.1 Data Analysis of the Pre-test ....... 45
5.1.2 Data Analysis of the Post-tests .... 46
5.2 Data Analysis of the Questionnaires ..... 49
5.2.1 Data Analysis of the Pre-questionnaire ........... 50
5.2.2 Data Analysis of the Post-questionnaires ........ 53
5.3 Data Analysis of the Interview .... 60
5.4 Discussion ..... 62
Chapter Five Data Analysis and Discussion
For the purpose of testifying the feasibility of meta-cognitive strategies, the data of thequestionnaires, the tests and the interview are collected and analyzed by SPSS20.0.
5.1 Data Analysis of the Tests
A pre-test (reading task 1) was conducted in order to understand the reading ability inboth of the EC and CC before the experiment better. The data of the pre-test were collectedand analyzed. The results of the pre-test in the two classes, which include group statistics andindependent samples test are shown in the following Table. The full score of the test is 40points, and the score for a pass is 24 points.From Table 5-1(a), it shows that the average score of the EC (22.1333) is a little bithigher than the CC (22.0303). In addition, the average scores of the two classes are bothbelow the passing score (24 points). The conclusion that the two classes are at the samereading level cannot be reached even though the mean scores are close. In this case, it isnecessary to make further analysis, the independent samples test. From Table 5-1(b), the valueof the sig. In Levene’s Test for Equality of Variances is 0.977 (0.977>0.05), which means thatthe variances of the two classes are at the same level. In addition, the value of the sig.(2-tailed)is 0.914 (0.914>0.05), which indicates that the reading level in the two classes is quite similarand there is no significant difference in reading ability of the two classes. It’s conclusive thatthe two classes are almost at the same reading level and they are not good at English readingbefore applying meta-cognitive strategies.#p#分页标题#e#
This chapter was the conclusion of the study. The major findings of this study will bepresented at first. Implications and suggestions for English reading are followed. In the end,limitations of the study will be shown.There are some findings of the research in accordance with the data analysis anddiscussion in the last chapter. These findings are also the answers of the research questions.Meta-cognitive strategies play an effective role in changing students from negativereceiver to autonomous learner.Meta-cognitive strategies provide students a comfortable atmosphere for thinking, whichencourage the students to take an active part in the class. What’s more, students are the mainbody of the class, which makes them study actively. By this means, students find that it is notso difficult to comprehend a passage. Students’ interest as well as confidence in reading hasimproved.
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