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  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:140
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  • 论文编号:el2019012121034418499
  • 日期:2019-01-20
  • 来源:上海论文网
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 The Background of the Study
For foreign language learners, the purpose of learning language is to master the fourskills, such as: listening, speaking, reading, and writing, which are mutually connected.Among the four skills, listening and reading are the processes of input, while speaking andwriting are the processes of output. According to Krashen (1981), input is one of the mostimportant elements which affects learners’ second language acquisition. If there is nosufficient input, the output can not be guaranteed. People can know a lot of informationaround the world especially by reading newspapers, magazines or different kinds of books.Reading is an important way to accumulate foreign language knowledge.In senior high school, reading comprehension is a key part of English teaching andlearning and it has great value in all kinds of English tests. While nowadays, due to thepressure of university entrance examination, most of students and teachers lay more emphasison vocabulary and grammar learning, and this kind of teaching method is calledGrammar-Translation and is still widely used in many English reading classes. Teachers teachreading by analyzing the new words, difficult sentences and grammar rules, and studentsstrive to remember the words and do lots of exercises to pass the exam. In this way, it’s equalto separate the words and sentences from the context. So with the deepening of Englishlearning, increasing of reading difficulty, students will find that their reading ability has notbeen improved a lot. For example, sometimes, the original meaning may be easily distortedeven each word’s meaning of the passage is clear in their mind. Gradually, students tend tocomplain that English learning is so boring that their linguistic competence cannot be improved obviously even if they have put into much efforts, and finally they will lose theirinterest in foreign language learning.
1.2 The Research Questions and Purposes of the Study
To make sure that the research is valid and meaningful, the whole research process mustbe goal-oriented. So it is necessary to put forward the research questions in advance and theresearch purposes also should be explicit. This thesis aims to answer the following questions:(1) What’s the specific teaching model of the new English reading teaching methodbased on relevance theory?(2) How can the teaching model based on relevance theory be put into use in English reading classes ?(3) What is students’ attitude towards the teaching method based on relevance theory?The research purpose of the study is to find a teaching method which is better thantraditional teaching model. The differences between the new teaching method and thetraditional method are that students are the center of the whole class, and the role of teacher isa guider who provides some relevant background information and cultivates students’ abilityof using known information to infer the hidden messages the author expresses in the article,so students can make correct inference and predication bravely. All in all, the ultimate purposeof using the relevance theory is to put the theory into practice and students’ reading ability canbe improved efficiently.
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Studies on English Reading Abroad and at Home
In modern society, reading is one of the vital ways in which people gain knowledge, andreading comprehension is the process of communicating between the knowledge stored in thereaders’ mind and the new knowledge acquired by reading comprehension. And manyresearches about reading have been put forward by many scholars.Some scholars and researchers have made summaries about the definition of reading.Wilson and Peters (1983: 53) put forward that: “…reading is a constructing meaning processwhich through the dynamic interaction among the readers’ existing knowledge, theinformation suggested by the written language, and the context of the reading situation.” AnAmerican psychologist Goodman (1967: 126-130) proposed that “reading is a psychologicallanguage course, a guessing game of psycholinguistics, including the process of mutualinteraction of thought and language.” So, actually speaking, reading is very complex anddifficult process, or in other words, reading is a communication process of imparting thethoughts which are in the author’s mind to the reader’s.
2.2 Studies on English Reading Based on Relevance Theory Abroad and at Home
The relevance theory has come into existence for nearly 30 years, and there are largenumber of comments both positive and negative which can be found in many documents,literature or some bibliography. A brief introduction of several comments on relevance theoryis presented here.Levinson (1989) pointed out the valuable restructuring of Grice’s ideas (1989) that couldbe found in relevance theory, which stressed the part of inference. At the same time, he madesome comments about the disadvantages of relevance theory. Such as, “it ignores manycurrent developments in pragmatics, semantics and the study of inference; it is too globallyreductive and ambitious; and anyhow the theory is obscure and how to put it into practice inEnglish reading class is waiting to be studied”. Francisco Yus (1998), a Doctor in theDepartment of English Studies in University of Alicante, illustrated his view of the relevancetheory, and analyzed its situation and prospect in the following ten years, and also made somecomments on this theory and made an analysis about the application of relevance theory insome areas, such as grammar & discourse analysis, literature, and transition.
Chapter Three Theoretical Basis of the Research ......... 21
3.1 The Definition of Relevance Theory............ 21
3.2 Working Mechanism of Relevance Theory........... 21
3.2.1 Ostensive-Inferential Communication ........ 21
3.2.2 Cognitive Context ............ 22
3.2.3 Optimal Relevance and the Principles of the Relevancy ....... 23
3.3 English Reading Comprehension based on relevance theory .......... 24
Chapter Four Research Design ............ 29
4.1 Research Hypothesis ......... 29
4.2 Research Subjects..... 29
4.3 Research Instruments ........ 30
4.3.1 Pre-test and Post-test ........ 30
4.3.2 Questionnaire .......... 314.3.3 Interview......... 31
4.4 Research Procedures ......... 32
Chapter Five Data Analysis and Discussion ...... 43
5.1 Analysis of the Data Collected from the Questionnaire and Discussion............ 43
5.2 Results and Discussion of Interview ............ 44
5.3 Analysis of the Data Collected from the Pre-test and Post-test........ 46
Chapter Five Data Analysis and Discussion
In previous chapters, it has mentioned that the pre-test and post-test will be taken beforethe experiment and after the experiment, and its relevant data were collected and analyzed. Inthis chapter, the data will be analyzed further and discussed. The results of the two tests andquestionnaire will be illustrated in tables, which aims to analyze whether there are statisticallysignificant differences between the control class and experimental class before and after theteaching experiment.
5.1 Analysis of the Data Collected from the Questionnaire and Discussion
In order to hold the general situation about the effects of the new teaching method basedon relevance theory on students’ attitude towards English reading. Before and after theexperiment, 100 questionnaires were handed out to students of experimental class. Itrequested that every student must finish the questionnaire without any interference andprejudice. Then the data were collected and analyzed. If students’ attitude towards Englishreading turned into more positive and more active than before, which owed to the effectsexerted by the new reading teaching model. So the researcher conducted a t-test which couldcheck whether students of experimental class guided by the new teaching method havechanged their attitude towards reading comprehension. The results are shown in the followingTable 5.1.
This is a preliminary research on the teaching of English reading under the guidance ofrelevance theory. It is hoped this research will provide a certain reference for studies in thisfield. Thus, here are some recommendations for future studies:Firstly, though it has been proved that the teaching method based on relevance theorytruly has positive effect on the improvement of students’ reading ability, a further researchwith more participants from different grades and different senior high schools is suggested tobe conducted so that the result can be more convincing.Secondly, a longer time of teaching experiment should be conducted both in theexperimental class and the control class so that the reliability of the experiment can be guaranteed.All in all, though the relevance theory is put forward and used in English reading class,the traditional English teaching method is still widely used in English class of China. So afurther research is necessary to be carried out. The promising future of English readingteaching in senior high school is in sight.#p#分页标题#e#
References (abbreviated)
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