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  • 作者:上海论文网
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  • 论文编号:el2019011920424018475
  • 日期:2019-01-18
  • 来源:上海论文网
Chapter One Introduction
This chapter is a general introduction of the whole study, including research backgroundand significance, research questions and method, as well as the layout of this thesis.
1.1 Background of the Study
Listening, speaking, reading and writing are given enhanced status in senior high schoolEnglish teaching practice. Among them, writing remains an important index of students’comprehensive language competence. It can reflect students’ overall ability of languageapplication, including vocabulary, grammar, as well as discourse organization. According tothe National English Curriculum Standard for Senior High Schools, students are supposed toemploy proper vocabulary and expressions, tense, sentence structures in their writings. Andmeanwhile cope with different genres. However, most senior high school students’compositions cannot meet the requirements, and their writing scores are far from satisfactory(周巧, 2016).Students’ writing ability is still weak, and there exist a variety of problems in theircompositions. In terms of language, monotonous vocabulary, wrong grammar, implicitsentence structures and Chinglish are often found in students’ compositions. As fororganization, students’ writing is lack of accuracy, fluency and coherence. The textualstructure is usually loose and weak in logic. With regard to content, students’ writing is almoston the surface level, and there are few in-depth thoughts or innovations (高江梅, 2015).
1.2 Significance of the Study
In the past decades, empirical studies on the application of lexical chunk approach arewidely conducted in colleges. This new approach is first tested in the field of vocabularyteaching, and has received remarkable achievements. Gradually, researchers introduce lexicalchunk approach to other domains, for example the listening and writing instructions (崔新燕,2014). Lexical chunk approach advocates students to store and retrieve words as meaningfulunits in their brains, which eases the burden of language processing, and improves theefficiency of language input to a great deal. Nowadays, lexical chunk approach is gettingmore and more popular in college English writing teaching (詹宏伟, 2013).However, given that college students’ overall English competence is much better thansenior high school students, some researchers suggest that special attention should be paid toexploring the application of lexical chunk approach to English writing teaching in senior highschools. Therefore, on the basis of students’ writing situations and previous research findings,this study aims to investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of lexical chunk approach toEnglish writing teaching in senior high school.
Chapter Two Literature Review
Chapter Two is literature review, and it includes four major parts. Firstly, someinfluential English writing teaching methods, such as product approach, process approach,genre approach and length approach are stated in detail. Secondly, the author introduces thecomprehensive review of the previous studies on lexical chunks abroad and at home,including the definition, classification and function of lexical chunks. Thirdly, relevantresearches on lexical chunk approach are presented. Fourthly, the author presents relevantresearches on the application of lexical chunk approach to English writing teaching abroadand at home.
2.1 Studies of Approaches to Writing Teaching
Writing has always been an important index of students’ comprehensive languagecompetence. However, it is not easy to compose a good piece of writing. To improve students’writing competence, researchers propose a range of English writing teaching approaches, andcarry out a series of empirical experiments in the past few decades. Among them, productapproach, process approach, genre approach and length approach are the most influential ones(徐昉, 2012).Product approach arouses in the 1950s, and it bases its theoretical foundation onbehaviorism. Product approach insists that language learning is a linear process whichconsists of stimulus, response and reinforcement. Accordingly, it also follows certain teachingprocedures, such as theoretical instruction, writing skills development, model essay selection,sample analysis, and imitating writing (Pincas, 1982). As its name implies, product approachattaches great importance to the ultimate language products, especially the accuracy andfluency of language. Therefore, grammar, syntax, vocabulary and spelling are stressed in theteaching process. In addition, product approach highlights the imitation of model essays, sothat students have a clear perception of the style and structure of the articles before writing. Forhigh school students, product approach enables them to write independently on the given topicwithin the required time. Due to the above advantages, product approach remains one of themost lasting and prevailing writing teaching instructions in senior high schools (徐昉, 2012).
2.2 Studies of Lexical Chunks
The studies of lexical chunks first start in western counties, and have receivedremarkable achievements. In the last few decades, researchers abroad and at home try to givea comprehensive description of the definition, classification and function of lexical chunks.Becker (1975) first puts forward the concept of lexical chunks, which paves the way fora new perspective for English teaching. Lexical chunks, as the name imply, refer to thecombination of words or other meaningful elements, which are stored and retrieved as awhole unit in the human brain. And they can be extracted as prefabricated for learners to use,such as as it were, on the other hand, believe it or not and so on. This new linguisticperspective inspires a large number of researchers, and they put forward different terms todefine this language phenomenon.Pawley and Syder (1983) adopt the term of “lexical sentence stems” to define theselexical patterns. They believe that the grammatical forms and lexical contents of lexicalizedsentences stems are completely or partly fixed. They make communication more convenientand effective.Nattinger and DeCarrico (1992) apply the term “lexical phrases” to describe thephenomenon of multi-words. They hold that the lexical phrase is a synthetic body of form andfunction.Wray (1999) calls it “formulaic sequences”. He points out that it is a “multi-word” unit.It has certain structure and prefabricated words with specific meanings. These formulaicsequences are stored as overall form in memory. When people are in communicativesituations, they will be extracted as a whole without processing and analyzing grammaticalrules.
Chapter Three Theoretical Foundation ......... 21
3.1 Chunking Theory..... 21
3.2 Input Hypothesis ..... 23
Chapter Four Research Design ............. 27
4.1 Research Hypotheses......... 27
4.2 Subjects ......... 27
4.3 Research Instruments ........ 28
4.4 Research Procedure ........... 30
4.5 A Sample of Writing Teaching for the EC....... 35
Chapter Five Results and Discussion.... 39
5.1 Analysis of the Tests.......... 39
5.2 Analysis of the Questionnaires.... 45
5.2.1 Analysis of the Pre-questionnaire.......... 45
5.2.2 Analysis of the Post-questionnaire ........ 48
5.3 Analysis of the Interviews ........... 53
5.4 Discussion ..... 55
Chapter Five Results and Discussion
In this chapter, detailed result analysis of the tests, questionnaires and interviews areillustrated respectively. In addition, at the end of this chapter, the author also draws acomprehensive conclusion based on these data.
5.1 Analysis of the Tests
To study the impact of lexical chunk approach on students’ writing scores, the authorconducts two tests both in EC and in CC before and after the experiment. The pre-test andpost-test share the same full score of 100, and the detailed data analysis is presented asfollows.There are totally 133 research subjects in this experiment, including 66 students in theEC and 67 students in the CC. Before the experiment, they are asked to take a pre-test. Thefollowing table demonstrates a comparison of the pre-test between EC and CC.As Table 5-1 shows, the mean of the EC is 58.67, and the mean of the CC is 56.54. TheStd. Deviation of EC and CC are 16.815 and 16.564 respectively. The Std. Error Mean of ECis 2.070, and the Std. Error Mean of CC is 2.024. Since the two parallel classes are assignedrandomly for this experiment, there are some differences between the average scores of theEC and that of the CC.
As a practice teacher, the author has already perceived the superiority of lexical chunkapproach over traditional writing teaching method during the teaching experiment. In addition,based on the analysis of the tests, questionnaires and interviews, the author lists her majorfindings as follows:Firstly, the application of lexical chunk approach can help students improve their writingscores. As we can see from Chapter Five Results and Discussion, the average sore of the ECincreases by 5.030. In addition, the improvement of students’ writing competence can alsofind evidences in their compositions. Generally speaking, there are less grammar mistakes,Chinglish, and inaccurate expressions. In contrast, more lexical chunks, cohesive devices andrhetorical devices can be found in students’ writings. Besides, some students also shorten thetime of composing, and improve their writing efficiency.Secondly, Lexical chunk approach can stimulate students’ writing interest. Moreover,enhance students’ writing attitudes and confidence. After the introduction of lexical chunkapproach, students become willing to practice writing, recite excellent sample writings, andconsult their teachers and classmates after class. Their learning enthusiasm has been greatlyimproved. Furthermore, some students have already cultivated chunking awareness. Theytend to accumulate and absorb more lexical chunks from some extracurricular materials.#p#分页标题#e#
References (abbreviated)
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