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  • 作者:上海论文网
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  • 论文编号:el2019011522480818420
  • 日期:2019-01-13
  • 来源:上海论文网
Chapter One Introduction
In senior high schools, among the four basic English skills (listening, speaking, reading,writing), writing is an important way of testing one’s language proficiency. This chapter willintroduce this research briefly, which includes research background, research significance,research questions, research methods and structure of this thesis.
1.1 Research Background
Nowadays, English is the most widely used language in the world. With the deepening ofglobalization, English is increasingly important, especially for those senior high schoolstudents. For one thing, Nowadays, English is an essential way to know the outside world,especially a lot of information is spread in English. For another thing, we can see a totallydifferent world if we learn English well. In short, English plays an important role in our lives.English also plays an important role in Chinese senior high schools. According to NewCurriculum Standards, students should master basic knowledge and skills in English class.Excellent English learning ability requires students master listening, speaking, reading andwriting skills. Wang, Zhang and Xu believed that the more input, the more improvement ofEnglish learning (Wang Dawei, 1996:100-104; Zhang Sizhong, 1989:35-39; Xu Lianzan,1986:1-4). Among these four basic skills, writing is the best way to improve students'comprehensive use English ability and inspire students to learn more knowledge aboutEnglish. Excellent writing ability is also one of the requirement of the New EnglishCurriculum Standards. For senior high school students, improving their writing ability isnecessity. As a main course, the total score of English in senior high school is 150 points,among which writing accounts for 25 points. Therefore, most senior high school students who want to get high marks in English examination should put much emphasis on writing. Grabe& Kaplan stressed that writing is a very meaningful and successful process if it related to thelife experience of writer (Grabe & Kaplan, 1996). Wang, Zheng and Niu also believed thatwriting is beneficial to English learning (Wang Chuming&Zheng Xiaoshuang&Niu Ruiying,2000). In addition, writing can also train students' logical thinking ability and analyticalability, and help students clarify their thoughts, and accomplish each writing task successfully.With the development of the information technology and internet, writing is also an effectiveway of international communication. Therefore, paying much attention to English writing cannot only help students improve their comprehensive use language ability, but also help themcommunicate, share, obtain information and strengthen interpersonal relations.
1.2 Research Significance
As a new English writing teaching method, the process writing approach has a uniquevalue, and needs further research. The thesis did a deep research and systematic study on theapplication of the process writing approach to English teaching in senior high schools, whichhas great significance. To sum up, the process writing approach has great theoreticalsignificance and practical significance in English writing teaching.First of all, there is some theoretical significance. Many scholars have studied thiswriting approach abroad and at home. However, there still exist some problems in theprevious researches. The process writing approach which came from the west is still lack ofsufficient empirical studies. The researcher who looks for lots of materials will provide furtherinformation and theoretical basis in this thesis. Therefore, it has high value to conduct this research, which will improve the writing ability of senior high school students.Secondly, there is also some practice significance. According to look search somematerials, the researcher has a better understanding of the problems in English writing ofsenior high schools. The process writing approach to English teaching has high value forsenior high school students. The researcher will do an empirical study of the application of theprocess writing approach to English writing at senior high schools. This thesis will provideimportant practical information to help students improve their English writing ability.
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Studies on Process Approach Abroad and at Home
The product writing approach has been used in English writing class for many years. It isbased on the theory of behaviorism which believes that the teacher gives the stimulus andstudents give reaction in the teaching process (Nunan,1991). This writing approach mainlyputs emphasis on final product, correct grammar, words usage and spelling. The wholewriting process of the students is completely controlled by the teacher, and there is no spacefor students to create. Teng Chunhong believed that the product teaching overemphasizing thegrammatical structure of the product and ignoring the process of writing, which will causestudents lose interest in writing (Teng Chunhong, 1993:65-69). Therefore, Writing hasbecome a boring mechanical input and output process. Even if a student rewrites anunsatisfactory composition, the result is meaningless because there is no guidance for them tocorrect writing process (Wang Qiang, 2014).In the mid-1970s, the process writing teaching method began to replace the traditionalproduct writing teaching methods. The study of the process writing began in the early 1980s.This pedagogy pays attention to the students themselves and improves students’ writingability. Gu Kai believed that the purpose of teaching writing is to improve students’communicative ability and present their idea to others (Gu Kai, 2004:40-44). In the process ofEnglish writing, students take English as a tool to discover the meaning of writing, andexpressing their thoughts accurately (Taylor, 1981:5-13). The whole writing course is theprocess of discovering language point, exploring main idea and constructing to writingstructure. Writers' perspectives are formed, developed, combined, modified, and revised in the process until they are satisfied with the final product (Hu Yi, 2006). The process of writingprovides students with a way of thinking about writing which is based on the author's actionsrather than on its final product (Applebee, 1986:92-113).
2.2 Studies on Process Approach to English Writing Teaching at SeniorHigh schools Abroad and at Home
In a word, lots of researches just fix attention on the theoretical aspect. However, how toapply the writing approach to the writing class also needs further thinking. The processwriting approach is a very complicated writing process. Different people hold differentopinions on the application of the process writing approach to English writing teaching atsenior high schools. The following will demonstrate the previous studies on process approachto English writing teaching at senior high schools abroad and at home.Mittan point that “in the process of writing, peer feedback could provide creative ideasfor students and enhance their writing motivation” (Mittan, 1989: 207-209).Jensen believed that self-confidence is the key to writing, and the process writingapproach which concentrates on the process of writing can improve the confidence of students(Jensen,1993:290-294).Raimes indicated that in the process approach students do not write on a given topic inlimited time and hand in the final graft. Instead, they think about a topic through writing(Raimes,1983:164).
Chapter Three Theoretical Foundation ......... 17
3.1 The Process Writing Approach ....... 17
3.2 Constructivism............ 20
3.2.1 The Features of Constructivism ......... 21
3.2.2 Principles of Constructivism .... 22
3.2.3 Summary .... 23
Chapter Four Research Design ............. 25
4.1 Research Hypothesis............. 25
4.2 Research subjects........ 26
4.3 Research Instruments............ 26
4.4 Research Procedures ............. 28
4.5 A Sample Lesson......... 32
Chapter Five Data Analysis and Discussion............. 37
5.1 Data Analysis of the Tests..... 37
5.2 Data Analysis of the Questionnaires......... 43
5.3 Data Analysis of the Interview........ 49
5.4 Summary........... 51
Chapter Five Data Analysis and Discussion
The author collected the data of tests, the questionnaires and the interview to testify thefeasibility of the process writing approach. The tool for testing is the SPSS20.0.
5.1 Data Analysis of the Tests
The author collected all the test papers of the pre-test and the post-test in EC and CC.The full score of the test is 25 points. the score of these papers from EC and CC was given bythe same teacher. The time and the task of the test were the same in EC and CC. The studentsin both EC and CC should complete their pre-test task independently. Both EC students andCC students used the writing method as before. There was not any other class activities whenthey completed the pre-test composition. The process writing approach were used for the ECstudents after the pre-test experiment. During the post-test experiment, the students in EC putmuch emphasis on the process of writing, while the students in CC just put emphasis on theresults of the test. After the experiment, the author collected all the data of the tests andanalyzed the tests by SPSS.20 software.#p#分页标题#e#
This chapter will demonstrate the major finding of this study, pedagogical implications,limitations of the research and some suggestions, which will be given for future research.Firstly, the process writing approach regards the students as the center in the class whilethe teachers play the central role in traditional English writing class. Students cancommunicate with teachers and express themselves freely in the process English writing class.The process writing approach also provides an opportunity for students to learn English bythemselves. Students are no longer afraid of English writing class and have great interest inprocess English writing class. Most students make improvements in English writing accordingto process writing approach in this semester.Secondly, the process writing approach advocates the process of thinking, drafting, peerrevision and teachers’ feedback in English writing while the tradition English writingapproach just has one-time terminal feedback on students’ writing. The feedback from peersand teachers can motivate students to think after first drafting. In order to modify thecomposition effectively, students need to use all resources to complete a high qualitycomposition to meet the need of the sense of their achievements, which makes students moreactive to modify their composition again and again. Furthermore, in order to write a goodcomposition, students will explore and reference many related materials, such as looking updictionary and consulting others. Thus, the process writing approach can cultivate students’habit of self-learning and enthusiasm for learning.
References (abbreviated)
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