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  • 作者:上海论文网
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  • 论文编号:el2019011122340918383
  • 日期:2019-01-10
  • 来源:上海论文网
本文是一篇英语论文,英语是与电脑联系最密切的语言,大多数编程语言都与英语有联系,而且随着网络的使用,英文的使用更普及。英语是联合国的工作语言之一。 (以上内容来自百度百科)今天为大家推荐一篇英语论文,供大家参考。
Chapter One Introduction
English writing is a practical tool of communication. It plays an important role inEnglish competence. To express oneself correctly in writing is the main goal of Englishlearning and teaching. However, there are still some problems in students’ English writing andteaching. As a new theory, memetics provides a new perspective to deal with these problems.In this thesis, the author tries to explore the effectiveness of the teaching of English writingbased on memetics in junior middle school. This chapter mainly introduces the researchbackground, research significance, research questions, research methods and organization ofthe research.
1.1 Background of the Research
The new curriculum standards for students in junior middle school require that studentsshould be able to write short stories and express their ideas by using simple language. Theyshould use the language correctly, including vocabulary, grammar and even punctuation.English is one of the main subjects in junior middle school and English writing plays animportant role in English learning, so it is important for teachers to help students improvetheir English writing ability.However, in the process of English writing teaching, the traditional English writingteaching methods can not meet all the requirements of improving students’ writing ability orstimulating their learning interest. Many teachers admit that writing is not only a skill, butalso a process of thinking. But they mistakenly believed that it can achieve the teaching goalsby just teaching students to divide the article into the basic structure. Therefore, they alwaysemphasize the writing format and provide students with the sentence patterns or writing models. It often makes students analyze syntactic structure and paraphrase the sentence, butseldom to appreciate the words, let alone to analyze the text structure and to appreciate thetext as a whole. In fact, writing is also a process of thinking, it requires gradual and long-termthinking training. Ignoring the thinking training in the process of teaching will undoubtedlylead to students lacking of confidence and motivation in writing.Therefore, how to find an effective method of English writing teaching and enhancestudents’ writing competence has puzzled many English teachers and learners for a long time.In this situation, in order to enrich English writing teaching, memetics will be applied toEnglish writing teaching. It is a new theory which is based on Darwin’s theory of evolution. Itaims to explain the rules of cultural evolution. Under the guidance of theories, this researchcombines memetics with English writing to construct a new writing teaching model, which isbased on the life cycle of memes. It aims to help students improve their English writingcompetence and it will bring much inspirations to teachers and learners in the process oflanguage learning and teaching.
1.2 Significance of the Research
This thesis does a research on the application of memetic theory to English writingteaching in junior middle school. The author designs an experiment by combining memetictheory with English writing teaching. It has theoretical significance and practical significance.This study combines memetics with English writing teaching. Theoretically, it intends tofind a useful way to improve junior middle school students’ English writing competence. Onthe one hand, this study can find a new perspective for the study of second languageacquisition. The theory will tell learners to choose the most useful expression and instructthem to grasp the most effective method of learning. That is to say, learners should set up a model and form the perspective of second language acquisition. On the other hand, it canprovide theoretical foundation for the reform of the teaching of English writing in juniormiddle school. It makes teachers pay more attention to the cultivation of students’ creativity inthe process of teaching. Teachers can help students to set up a complete database of writingresources, which can improve their English writing ability. As for students in junior middleschool, it will help them to master this method and make full use of it.
Chapter Two Literature Review
This chapter is the theoretical foundation of the thesis. It tries to review the relevantresearches on English writing teaching as well as the memetics at home and abroad, whichprovides theoretical foundation for the construction of memetic English writing model.
2.1 Researches on English Writing Teaching Abroad and at Home
In junior middle school, English is one of the main courses. The important part inEnglish teaching is English writing. Many experts, scholars and English teachers at home andabroad have came up with many methods to improve students’ writing ability.In recent years, many western educators and linguists has focused on the teaching ofEnglish writing for a long time. A lot of writing teaching methods have been proposed, suchas the product approach, the process approach, the genre approach, the content approach andthe task-based language teaching approach.The product approach is based on behaviorism theory and Skinner’s condition theory. Itemphasizes the “product” and focuses on knowledge about the structure of language and thedevelopment of writing. It includes four steps: familiarization, controlled writing, guidedwriting and free writing. In the process of writing, teachers instruct students and studentsmake responses to teachers.
2.2 Researches on Memetics Abroad and at Home
Gabriel Tarade is the founder of the memetics theory. Early in 1890, he pointed out thatpeople’s thought will be disappear as a potential meme if they don’t spread it out in hismasterpiece The Laws of Imitation. He believes that the communication of society is just aprocess of imitation.In 1976, Richard Dawkins defines the meme as “the unit of cultural transmission”(Dawkins, 1976:192) in his book The Selfish Gene. He divided memes into strong memes andweak memes and pointed out three characteristics of strong meme, which is the longevity, thefecundity and the copying-fidelity.Later, Susan Blackmore (1999), Dawkins’ student, expanded the concept of a meme inhis work “ The Meme Machine”. She believed that anything was able to be replicated andtransmitted by imitation could be regarded as a meme.Kate Distin (2005) believed that memes are the important parts in the development ofhuman culture. It provided a new explanation about the usage of language.
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework...... 15
3.1 Memetic Theory ...... 15
3.2 Relationship between Meme and Language.... 18
3.2.1 Input and Memetic Assimilation ........... 18
3.2.2 Memorization and Memetic Retention............ 19
3.2.3 Output and Memetic Expression ........... 19
3.2.4 Interaction and Memetic Transmission ........... 20
Chapter Four Research Design .......... 21
4.1 Research Hypotheses......... 21
4.2 Research Subjects.... 22
4.3 Research Instruments ........ 22
4.4 Research Procedures ......... 24
Chapter Five Data Analysis and Discussion ......... 37
5.1 Analysis and Discussion of the Results of the Questionnaire ....... 37
5.2 Analysis and Discussion of the Pre-test and Post-test Results ...... 43
Chapter Five Data Analysis and Discussion
This chapter mainly focuses on the results of the questionnaire, tests and interview andanalyzes whether the memetic English writing teaching model can have a positive effect onstudents.
5.1 Analysis and Discussion of the Results of the Questionnaire
According to the data, a lot of students think that the English writing is very important.The author designed a questionnaire and it aims to examine their attitude towards Englishwriting and know about their suggestions for English writing teaching. There are fifteenquestions in this questionnaire. Questions one to three make a survey of students’ attitudetowards English writing. The fourth question aims to examine whether students analyze thewriting topic by themselves before writing. The fifth question examines whether studentswould make a writing plan before they write. Questions six to eight aim to examine whetherstudents would accumulate materials during writing. The ninth and tenth questions are abouttheir attitude towards reciting essay model. The eleventh question makes survey of problemsthat students would encounter during writing. The twelfth question is a survey about whatstudents would do after writing. The thirteenth question makes survey of their assessmentabout their writing level. The last two questions are students’ suggestions for English writing.The questionnaire is done in EC before and after the experiment. All of the questions aredesigned in Chinese. After gathering the questionnaire, the author analyzes the data by usingSPSS.
According to the new curriculum reform, teachers’ role in the process of teaching haschanged. Just as the old saying goes, “Teaching associates to fish rather than simply givingthem fish.” That is to say, teachers should teach students the ways of learning rather than thecontents of learning. They should give students different tasks at different stages. In the phaseof input, it is responsible for teachers to choose the teaching materials. In the phase ofmemorization, teachers should explain and analyze the materials for students, which canarouse students’ interest and affect them. What’s more, these comprehensive materials can bestored in student’s memory. These materials can help them make preparations for thereplication and transmission of language memes. During the period of output, practice is themain task in this period. After practice, teachers should give mark and comment, which canhelp students to analyze and correct errors.
References (abbreviated)
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