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  • 作者:上海论文网
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  • 论文编号:el2019010822073018345
  • 日期:2019-01-06
  • 来源:上海论文网
Chapter One Introduction
In junior middle school, vocabulary teaching is one of the important parts of Englishteaching. One’s vocabulary proficiency is related to his abilities in listening, speaking, readingand writing. In this chapter, the background and significance of the research are introduced,and then research questions and methods are expounded, after which the framework of thethesis is presented.
1.1 Background of the Research
Tracy once said that vocabulary learning is very crucial to the understanding and outputof language, and students can understand and speak a large number of second languages withsufficient vocabulary, even if they know nothing about the structure of the language (FengQinglai, 2003). It can be concluded that vocabulary is the basis of students’ English learning.What’s more, there are high demands for English vocabulary learning from the perspective ofsociety and English Curriculum Standards of Compulsory Education.On the one hand, excellent vocabulary ability is the demand of society. Withglobalization, the whole world has become a small village. There is more and morecommunication and connections among different countries and areas in politics, economy,culture and technology. China is no exception. At the same time, English is widely used as aglobal language by people from various countries. English classes are offered for Chinesestudents not only at schools but also in many educational institutions. As we all know,nothing can be conveyed without vocabulary. Actually, vocabulary teaching plays animportant role in English teaching to some extent. However, there is no specialized Englishvocabulary class in junior middle school.
1.2 Significance of the Research
Multimodal teaching mode itself is a new teaching mode, especially in rural junior middle school where traditional teaching method is widely applied. In recent 4 years, somescholars have introduced multimodal teaching mode to English vocabulary teaching in juniormiddle school, however, research on rural junior middle school is little. The author conductsthis deep and systematic research on the application of multimodal teaching mode to Englishvocabulary teaching in rural junior middle school, which has great significance both in theoryand practice.On the one hand, the research is of some theoretical significance. There are so manyscholars doing research on English vocabulary teaching in junior middle school from variousperspectives. Although they have made certain achievements, there still exist some problemsthat cannot be neglected, such as outdated ideas, weak evidence and invalid research. As formultimodal teaching mode, the research on it is still at an initial stage, and most researchsubjects are college students and senior middle school students. Recently, scholars andresearchers have started to shift their attention to junior middle school students. However,rural junior middle school students are still ignored. Besides, most scholars apply this newmode to English listening teaching, and only a few scholars pay attention to vocabularyteaching. There is little experimental research on the application of multimodal teaching modeto English vocabulary teaching in rural junior middle school. Therefore, it is challenging andnecessary to do the research, which will enrich the theory of English vocabulary teaching to acertain degree.
Chapter Two Literature Review
Due to the importance of vocabulary, some research has been carried out into Englishvocabulary teaching. The author has been reading and collecting books and essays on thissubject for a long time. Based on this, she makes a review of the main research on Englishvocabulary teaching abroad and at home, previous research on multimodal teaching mode,and previous research on the application of multimodal teaching mode to vocabulary teachingabroad and at home.
2.1 Previous Research on English Vocabulary Teaching Abroad and at Home
Vocabulary teaching was of secondary importance before the 1970s, though vocabularywas related to students’ listening, reading, speaking and writing skills. In addition, the studyof vocabulary learning and teaching was also ignored by domestic and foreign scholars. Sincethe 1970s, scholars have shifted their attention to English vocabulary teaching, and researchon foreign vocabulary teaching has sprung up.Earlier research on vocabulary teaching started in the late eighteenth and early nineteenthcentury. Grammar translation method was the main teaching method at that time, whichfocused on developing students’ ability of reading classic works and literature. It emphasizedthe importance of grammar teaching, but the importance of vocabulary teaching was ignored.What’s more, the vocabulary taught by teachers was chosen from classic works and literature,which was obsolete and outdated. Generally speaking, the teaching content of this methodwas out of real life and the teaching object was not suitable for the development of society.At the end of the nineteenth century, direct method came into being, which compensatedfor the drawbacks of grammar translation method. The significant characteristic of this newteaching method was “direct”. Mother language should not be used in the teaching process,which was beneficial to improving students’ oral ability. It also advocated that vocabularyshould be taught with the help of pictures, material objects, and body language.
2.2 Previous Research on Multimodal Teaching Mode Abroad and at Home
Multimodal teaching mode was put forward by Stein, and it has gained many scholars’attention both abroad and at home. However, research on multimodal teaching mode is still atembryonic stage.Multimodal teaching mode is put forward based on the theory of multimodal discourseanalysis and input hypothesis. Since the 1990s, foreign scholars have paid close attention tomultimodal discourse analysis from different perspectives and they have made outstandingachievements over the past two decades.Barthes (1977) explored the interaction between images and language and pointed outthat images must be used with characters to express meaning elaborately, who was the firstlinguist to do researches on multimodal discourse analysis. New London Group (1996) wasthe first one to apply multimodal discourse analysis to foreign language teaching and theythought that the main task of language teaching was to cultivate students’ multiliteracies.Kress & Van Leeuwen (2006), as representative figures of the theory of multimodal discourseanalysis, studied the multimodality of discourse. Later on, the concept of “Multimodalteaching” came into being. Brett applied it to listening teaching by the use of television, taperecorder, multimedia respectively. He pointed out that multimedia group was the best way toachieve teaching aims (Brett, 1997). Multimodal teaching mode was put forward by Stein in2000. He suggested that teachers should make full use of various modes in classroomteaching and activate students’ sensory organs to help them have a good grasp of knowledge(Stein, 2000). After that, some other scholars paid attention to multimodal teaching mode.Kress & Van Leeuwen (2001) explored three theoretical foundations of informationtransmission in multimodal teaching. Unsworth (2001) combined text with electronic imagesformat and facilitated the development of multimedia teaching. Royce (2002) studied thecomplementarity and cooperativity of multimodal symbols in multimodal discourse.
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework .......... 19
3.1 Theoretical Basis of Multimodal Teaching Mode ........... 19
3.2 Related Concepts of Multimodal Teaching Mode........... 24
3.2.1 Multimodality............ 24
3.2.2 Definition of Multimodal Teaching Mode ............ 25
3.3 Multimodal Vocabulary Teaching Mode .............. 26
Chapter Four Research Design ............. 29
4.1 Research Hypotheses........... 29
4.2 Research Subjects..... 29
4.3 Research Instruments .......... 30
4.4 Research Procedures ........... 32
4.5 A Sample Lesson in EC....... 36
Chapter Five Data Analysis and Discussion.... 41
5.1 Data Analysis of the Tests .............. 41
5.2 Data Analysis of the Questionnaires ......... 45
5.3 Data Analysis of the Interview ....... 57
5.4 Summary ....... 59
Chapter Five Data Analysis and Discussion
In order to testify the feasibility of applying multimodal teaching mode to vocabularyteaching, the data of pre-test, post-test, questionnaires and interview are collected by theauthor and analyzed with the help of SPSS20.0.
5.1 Data Analysis of the Tests
In the whole experiment, students in both EC and CC are required to take part in thesame pre-test and post-test. In this part, the data of the pre-test and post-test are collected bythe author and analyzed with the help of SPSS20.0.To have a better understanding of students’ vocabulary proficiency both in EC and CCbefore the experiment, a pre-test is done. Table 5-1 (a) is the results of the group statistics inEC and CC and Table 5-1 (b) is the results of independent samples test of the pre-test. The fullmark of the pre-test is 100 points, and 60 points is the passing mark.From Table 5-1 (a), it is clear that the average mark of EC (71.97) and that of CC (72.00)are nearly the same. What’s more, the average marks of both classes are above the passingmark (60 points). Although these two classes have close mean scores, it can’t be concludedthat they have the same vocabulary proficiency. Further analysis of the independent samplestest is needed. Table 5-1 (b) shows that the value of the sig. in Levene’s Test for Equality ofVariances is 0.286 (0.286>0.05), which indicates that these two classes have equal variances.In addition, the value of the sig. (2-tailed) is 0.985 (0.985>0.05), which shows that there is nosignificant difference between these two classes. It can be seen that before applyingmultimodal teaching mode, the two classes are nearly at the same vocabulary level.#p#分页标题#e#
Although the feasibility of multimodal teaching mode applied to vocabulary teaching isproved, there are still some problems.First of all, the research lasts for only five months, which might be too short for ateaching experiment. The data analysis of the pre-test has shown that there is no obviousdifference between EC and CC before the experiment; however, the improvement in EC isclear after the application of multimodal teaching mode. Therefore, if the experimental timehad been longer, there would have been more time and chances to research the questions, andthen the research results would have been much more persuasive.Secondly, the samples are also limited. The samples are students in Grade Seven in ruraljunior middle school. They have only studied English for one year at primary school and don’thave so much pressure from the Senior Middle School Entrance Examination. Canmultimodal teaching mode be applied to students of Grade Eight or Nine? It needs furtherresearch.
References (abbreviated)
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