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  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:199
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  • 论文编号:el2019010521371918305
  • 日期:2019-01-03
  • 来源:上海论文网
Chapter One Introduction
In this chapter, the background of teaching basic English sentence patterns injunior high school is discussed. The significance and objective of this study arepresented and the general structure of the study is outlined.
1.1 Background of the Study
In the process of learning English, the sentence pattern is a must, but sometimesthe complicated sentence patterns make students helpless. Students should learnEnglish tenses, morphology, non-finite verbs and clauses before they learn the basicsentence patterns, because all of them are related to the sentence patterns. While thoseelements are fundamental, sentence patterns belong to syntactic category in Englishgrammar. The English teaching in the Chinese middle school, the basic sentencepatterns are often ignored. On the other hand, even if the teacher teaches suchsentence patterns, students are still confused and can hardly master these concepts. Inparticular, when some teachers find it is very boring to teach English grammar, it isharder for students to learn them. At the same time, such grammar knowledge is alsovery easy to forget, so the teaching effect in this area is not effective enough. Thisstudy aims to help teachers and students to overcome the problem of boringtraditional grammar teaching and adopt the interesting modern flexible interestingEnglish teaching methods following the natural laws of human language acquisition(Lian Shuneng, 1985).
1.2 Research Objectives
The purpose of this study is to explore a way of improving the efficiency ofEnglish sentence pattern teaching in the junior high school by teaching basic Englishsentence patterns through reading, and Usage-based approach was introduced in thisstudy as a guiding philosophy. Teaching Basic English sentence patterns in theprocess of reading will enable students to master these sentence patterns better, andstudents will also grasp the meaning of the whole text more effectively. Englishsentence patterns are no longer regarded as independent grammatical knowledge asbefore. At the same time, students can learn more complex sentences after they learnthe basic sentence patterns. Finally, the students’ English listening, speaking, readingand writing ability will be greatly improved. Specifically, there are two purposes inthis study.(1) To explore the effectiveness of the usage-based sentence pattern teachingmethod under the guidance of Usage-Based approach.(2) To exam whether students’ interest and confidence in sentence patternlearning has improved under the guidance of Usage-based approach.
Chapter Two Literature Review
As is known to all, grammar teaching is very important. Sentence patternteaching and grammar teaching have an indispensable connection. Therefore, basicsentence pattern teaching should also be stressed. The literature review of the thesis isdivided into three parts. In the first part, relevant concepts of sentence patternteaching is given. The second part is about previous studies of sentence patternsteaching abroad and at home. Lastly, some inadequacies about these studies arebriefed, and then the author presents a summary of this part, putting forward somesuggestions for improvement of English sentence pattern teaching.
2.1 Relevant Concepts
The sentence pattern is the sentence model summarized from numerous practicalsentences of oral and written language. It has the characteristics of representation andcommonality. Sentence patterns are limited, but English sentences extended fromsentence patterns are unlimited. English grammar teaching usually pays moreattention to sentence structure, so it is very useful to use sentence teaching to drivegrammar teaching. Sentence patterns teaching can be extended to the whole languageteaching system, and basic sentence patterns teaching is the most basic part ofsentence patterns teaching. This teaching ensures that the systemic continuity of thelanguage teaching.
2.2 Previous Studies of Sentence Patterns Teaching Abroad and atHome
Foreign researches on sentence patterns teaching are mainly based on thefollowing three theories, the first one is the structural linguistics, second one is thesystemic functional approach and the third one is the sociolinguistics researchapproach. The structural linguistics, coming into being in 1916, proposes the study oflanguage phenomena in a system way, against the isolated analysis. It also contendsthat language is a symbol system and has a hierarchical structure. When describing alllevels of language structures, it focuses on the analysis of all kinds of its constituents.In the view of the structural approach, the language is a closed system. According toSaussre (1949), teachers have neglected finding out cognitive motivation or relationship between “cock” and its “referent”, so that teachers cannot teach the word“cock” successfully to their students. As a result, students only remember how to spellthe word “cock” instead of knowing what is a cock exactly looks like, etc. Bloomfield(1933) regards language as a kind of behavior, and a series of stimulus and response:S-r...s-R(S: the actual stimulus, r: an alternative reaction of language, s: an alternativestimulation, R: the actual response).These structural linguists found that although language phenomena wereconfusing, they are all composed of different levels of structures, and the sentencepattern is the basic structure, so the sentence pattern is the basis of foreign languageteaching. They held the view that structures were much more important than anythingelse.
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework............17
3.1 Cognitive Linguistics........ 17
3.2 Usage-based Approach......19
Chapter Four Methodology..........29
4.1 Research Questions...........29
4.2 Subjects....... 30
4.3 Variables......31
4.3.1 Independent Variables and Dependent Variables.......... 31
4.3.2 Control Variables....31
4.3.3 Intervening Variables.........33
4.4 Instruments.............33
4.4.1 Pre-test and Post-test.........33
4.4.2 Interview......36
4.5 Research Procedures..........36
4.5.1 Schedule of the Experiment......... 36
4.5.2 Pre-test.........37
4.5.3 Basic Sentence Patterns Teaching Experiment for the EC.......39
4.5.5 Sample Teaching for Usage-based Sentence Pattern Teaching Method......42
4.5.5 Post-test.......44
4.6 Data Collection and Analysis.......45
Chapter Five Results and Discussion......47
5.1 Results andAnalysis of Pre-test..............47
5.2 Results andAnalysis of the Post-test Results.....50
5.3 Results and Analysis of the Interview Questions .......55
5.4 Summary..... 57
Chapter Five Results and Discussion
In the chapter, the results of the experiments are presented and analyzed. The testand the interviews are included in this chapter. With the help of SPSS 22.0,Independent-sample T-test and Paired-sample T-test are conducted so as to show theresults of the test. The details will be presented in the following parts.
5.1 Results andAnalysis of Pre-test
5.1.1 Results of the Students’s Totel Scores in the 2016 Level Test of First
SemesterBefore the experiment, the whole grade had taken part in the 2016 Level Test ofFirst Semester including 41 subjects from EC and 42 subjects from CC. The totalscore of each student can be seen in Appendix V. The total score can reflect theequality of overall English proficiency between the EC and CC before the experiment.After analysis of independent sample t-test, the related data of total score are shown inTable 5.1From Table 5.1, the mean score of 2016 Level Test of First Semester in the EC is66.18, while the mean score in the CC is 63.50. Since the significance level of 2-tailedis 0.456, which is much higher than the pre-set value 0.05, it indicates that there is nosignificant difference between EC and CC in terms of English proficiency. The meandifference is 2.682 which is in the 95% confidence interval (-4.450, 9.816), so theresults of the scores of 2016 Level Test of First Semester between EC and CC are ofhigh validity.
The data collected from the empirical research on the Usage-based approachteaching method are presented in the previous chapter. This chapter presents theobservations and conclusion based on the observations. Section 6.1 summarizes themajor findings of the present study and and shows the pedagogical implication.Section 6.2 presents the limitations of the present study. And finally, in Section 6.3,some suggestions of the study for further research are represented.Based on the Usage-based approach, the author attempted to construct a newEnglish teaching model named usage-based sentence pattern teaching method. Thenthe author implemented this new teaching method in English teaching practice, withthe view of answering the following questions: Can teaching of English from theperspective of usage-based approach to language facilitate middle school students’acquisition of English basic sentence patterns? Can teaching of English from theperspective of usage-based approach increase students’ learning interests andconfidence in sentence patterns learning? And is the usage-based teaching methodmore effective than traditional teaching method in cultivating the students’ integratelanguage ability? After empirical research on the application of usage-based teachingmethod in the junior high school for two months, the author reached the followingconclusions.#p#分页标题#e#
References (abbreviated)
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