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  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:145
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  • 论文编号:el2018101221080517924
  • 日期:2018-10-07
  • 来源:上海论文网
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
Writing is a vital part of the integrated skills to help students master English efficiently.Besides, writing is a communicative tool with words rather than an individual behavior.Writing English correctly can help students consolidate their basic knowledge, develop goodlearning habits and stimulate their thinking actively. Lado (1961) stated that writing in aforeign language is a comprehensive ability to use the language properly and profitably innormal writing situation. Liu Runqing (1999) put forward that writing was the only skillamong the four basic language skills that could really show the learner’s languagecompetence.Besides, the newest National English Curriculum (2017) put forwards higher demands onEnglish proficiency for senior high school students. “The specific objective of teachingEnglish is to train and develop students' core literacy, such as language ability, culturalawareness, thinking quality and learning ability. Students are hoped to keep interested inEnglish, have learning goals, get English learning resources from multiple channels andchoose appropriate learning strategies and methods” (NEC, 2017: 5-6). Based on these, threethings should be noticed. First of all, students should master their own appropriate learningstrategies by practicing. Communicative strategies and cognitive strategies are included. Sothe students’ participation is of great importance. Secondly, students’ English learning interestis of great importance. How to develop students’ learning interest is a problem that teachersshould solve. Thirdly, thinking ability is a key factor in students’ core literacy. It showsstudents’ active role in learning. They are not the passive receivers of information. On thecontrary, they are supposed to cultivate the ability to learn independently.
1.2 Purpose and significance of the study
This thesis demonstrated the process writing approach by doing a pilot teachingexperiment with the process-oriented approach and the product-oriented approach applied intwo different classes, and a follow-up study with the process-oriented approach adopted inboth of the two classes. Its purpose is to give a comparison and give teachers a hand. And inthe research process, questionnaires, interview, classroom observation, tests and the SPSSsoftware were used. And the purpose of the study is to solve the following two questions:1)How can the process writing approach develop senior students’ interest and makethem be confident in their English writing ?2)How can the process writing approach improve senior students’ writing proficiency?Compared to the product-oriented approach, the process-oriented approach has threemerits. First of all, the process writing approach gives students a chance to think bythemselves and communicate and discuss with other members in groups. Then they take partin the writing process actively. Secondly, with the skilled teachers and classmates’ help,revising the drafts again and again enable students to find the mistakes made by themselvesand avoid making the same mistakes next time. Besides the formative assessment isconducive to the development of students’ interest and confidence. The students will beencouraged by the progress they make and get interested in writing. Then they will haveconfidence in themselves and motivate their potential to learn English greatly. In the end,students’ writing abilities will be largely enhanced with all the efficient consequences justreferred.
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Nature of writing
Writing is the most difficult fundamental language skill because of its nature. Judy (1981)considered writing as an open-minded art and in writing self-learning and self-exploration canbe realized. Writing is not just recording thoughts in written form. Instead writing is a creative,communicative and interactive process. Besides it is a meaningful and comfortable activity.To communicate with each other well, people learn to listen, speak, read and write. Sincemost of the language information is written down and handed down from one generation toanother, the importance of writing in the development of language can be seen. Graves (1983)regarded the nature of writing in several ways. Writing is a complicated activity, involvingsynthetic thinking. And writing inspires learners’ autonomy and courage. Besides learners arequite fragile in writing.And Gould and Smith (1989) described the nature of writing in following ways. First ofall, writing is an originative deed which requires understanding and rendering a passage or acase. Then the main purpose of writing is to make sense of a thing and share it with thereaders. What’s more, writing is not just to make themselves known. Instead writing can helplearners to make clear their deep thinking by reading and revising articles repeatedly. Inaddition, the sense of reader plays an essential part in writing process.Besides Sokolik (2003) pointed out that writing involves psychological and physicalbehavior. And the meaning of writing is to convey emotion to readers and arouse readers’feeling.No matter what words were used to define writing, these linguists all paid attention to thenature of writing. They all agreed to regard that writing was a communicative process and itinvolved in a set of comprehensive abilities gained by many activities in learning.
2.2 Product-oriented writing and its teaching stages
In 1974 the product-oriented approach was first applied in writing teaching at HarvardUniversity, in which new students were ordered to write compositions in the entrance examination (Connors, 1985). In spite of their language mistakes, the freshmen were givenwriting courses from then on. The product-oriented approach gradually came into being andwas first clearly defined by Pincas (1982). He considered writing as mainly about languageknowledge, focusing on the word choice, syntax and coherence of the language. The term ofthe product-oriented approach also means that the focus of the writing approach is on the finalproduct, which was widely accepted by researchers and teachers in English as foreignlanguage writing teaching classes (Yu Fei & Zhang Huifen,1996; Wu Jin & Zhang Zaixin,2000; Wang Qiang, 2000; Li Jinhong, 2006). It has been proclaimed by researchers at homeand abroad that the focus of writing is on the sentence structures and vocabulary. Sue (2003)argued that teachers mainly concentrate on teaching the form of writing, like word choice andsentence coherence.
Chapter Three Research Design....20
3.1 Research questions........20
3.2 Research subjects........20
3.3 Research methodologies and instruments....22
3.4 Research procedures....23
3.4.1 Stages of experiment....23
3.4.2 A teaching case....26
Chapter Four Analysis and Discussion....31
4.1 Questionnaires....31
4.2 Interviews....37
4.3 Classroom observation........38
4.3.1 Students’ texts........39
4.3.2 Teaching stages....41
4.4 Tests....44
Chapter Five Conclusion........48
5.1 Major findings of the study........48
5.2 Pedagogical implications....50
5.3 Limitations and suggestions for further research........51
Chapter Four Analysis and Discussion
4.1 Questionnaires
Questionnaires were adopted to compare if students’ interest, habit, means and revisingin writing were changed. And the same 20 items were used in the two questionnaires beforeand after the experiment. The questionnaire consisted of 20 different items, every one ofwhich was a statement. These statements are about students’ writing attitudes, habits, meansand revising, most of which are accessible for the experiment aim. Every statement was to beanswered on a three-point scale, from (1) absolutely disagree, (2) neither agree nor disagree to(3) strongly agree. To let students have a better understanding of these statements, a Chineseversion was adopted. Students were required to read each statement carefully, think about itand decide which scale to choose .The experiment began in September and ended in December, which lasted about 15weeks. To find out whether any changes have taken place in students’ writing motivations,habits, strategies and revision for the Experimental class, the researcher made a comparisonbetween the data from pre-questionnaire with post-questionnaire.
4.1.1 Students’ writing interests and attitudes
A recent research showed that a major problem in writing teaching was students’ lack ofmotivation to write (Zimmerman, 1994). Therefore, it is necessary to find if students havemotivation to write and what problems they are having in writing. And Gardener (1985)regarded motivation as the mixture of endeavor, strong wish to realize the goal of learning andpositive attitude to learning. Consequently, the researcher designed five items about themotivation for the questionnaire.
After four-month experiment and one and a half years follow-up study of Class Threeand Four of Senior One in Guiyang No. 40 High School, the researcher collected andanalyzed all data and got some useful discoveries. Despite the existing difficulties andproblems, the results of the experiment have proved that applying the process-orientedapproach to the English writing teaching in normal high school is practical and effective. Theprocess-oriented approach motivated students in both classes to become interested in writingand changed their attitudes towards writing after the study. The following three aspectsaccounted for the change.First of all, students developed their interest in English writing. The purpose of writingwas understood by students. In the past, students were not interested in writing, because theydidn’t know why they write compositions. In their opinion, they learnt to write with the onlypurpose of dealing with examinations. They didn’t have the awareness of reader. Things havechanged after the experiment. In peer revision, they read and revised peer’s compositions.They got to learn appreciating partner’s works and realized there was another reader, besidesthe teacher, for their compositions. The reader or audience greatly boosted students’ writingmotivation. Thinking of the reader, students tried to compose a good composition whichattracted partners’ attention and was liked by them. And the final presentation also encouragedstudents to make progress in writing and made their works posted on the “Exhibition wall”.
References (abbreviated)
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