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  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:77
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  • 论文编号:el2018092121310417830
  • 日期:2018-09-18
  • 来源:上海论文网
Chapter 1 Introduction
The general introduction of the thesis is presented in this chapter, including thebackground of the study, the significance and purpose of the study. Also, the overallstructure of the thesis is shown at the end of this chapter.
1.1 Background of the study
It is well known that English becomes the global language in the world andplays an important role in the foreign language teaching in China. It is a basicrequirement for students in secondary school to master English well. As the majorinput of language learning and the main channel to be exposed to the target language,reading is crucial in the English teaching. It is believed that 80% of the information isrequired through reading. Christine Nuttall (2002) held the view that the best way toimprove one’s knowledge of a foreign language is to read extensively.However, the current situation of English reading teaching in junior high schoolis far from satisfactory. Many teachers just teach the vocabulary and grammar of thereading material and attend to surface-level features of reading. In reading class,teachers focus on how to translate the text sentence-by-sentence and word-by-wordrather than as a whole unit of discourse. Through this way of teaching, studentsconsider vocabulary and grammar as the most important elements when they learnEnglish reading. Students’ incorrect views of reading and lack of reading skills andstrategies result in their reading inefficiency. Besides, teachers in some junior high schools only offer intensive reading and pay much attention to the linguisticknowledge itself. As a result, teachers rather than students are the dominators inEnglish class. Students become the passive learners and play a secondary role in theclass. What’s more, conventional textbooks are the main reading sources of Englishreading teaching. Even though the current textbooks have been revised for severaltimes, the contents are still out-of-date and cannot keep pace with the changing world,because the theme of the textbooks are limited. Therefore, it is vital for us to reflecton our current English reading teaching, develop our teaching ideas, update theEnglish reading material and reform English reading teaching approach.
1.2 Significance of the study
Reading is a crucial part of English learning in junior high school. With thedevelopment of economy and society, it has become an indispensable way to obtainthe updated foreign culture and scientific knowledge. Reading teaching has becomethe most significant part for English teachers in their teaching course. For students,English reading accounts for the largest proportion of the English test and itinfluences their comprehensive English learning ability in every aspect.The traditional way of reading teaching limits students’ way of thinking andneeds to be improved. This thesis attempts to provide teachers an effective teachingmethod through the application of schema-oriented English newspaper reading inEnglish class in order to motivate students’ reading interest and cultivate their readingability. Therefore, it has practical significance in junior high school English readingteaching.
Chapter 2 Literature Review
In this chapter, the theoretical foundation of this thesis, which includes therelated theory of Schema Theory and English reading, the characteristics of Englishnewspaper, relations between Schema Theory and English Newspaper readingTeaching and previous studies on English newspaper reading teaching aredemonstrated.
2.1 Schema Theory
There is no doubt that schema theory, like other theories, has undergonetremendous changes since its introduction. It has a significant influence on Englishreading teaching.Immanuel Kant, who is a German philosopher, put forward the word “schema”for the first time in 1781. He claimed that concepts were stored in people’s memory inan inter-related way rather than in a separate way. From his point of view, newconcepts, new information, new ideas could have meaning only when they can berelated to something the individual already knows. Therefore, schema was closelyrelated to people’s previous knowledge and the way they existed in the mind ofpeople.As Gestalt psychology developed, a great deal of psychologist held similarviews. The concept of schema was adopted by the Swiss psychologist, Jean Piaget.From his point of view, children learned the knowledge using existing schemata thatwere accommodated or assimilated. He argued that the potential to act in a certainway was named schema. After that, British psychologist Sir Frederic Bartlettdeveloped the schema theory. He defined schema in his classic study Remembering: AStudy in Experimental and Social Psychology as “an active organization of pastreaction or of past experience, which must be supposed to be operating in anywell-adopted organic response” (1932, p. 215). And he proposed that schema couldalso be applied in the process of reading comprehension. People could acquire theimplied meaning of the reading material when their previous knowledge was activated.However, Bartlett didn’t illustrate clearly about how schema works.
2.2 English Reading Teaching
Reading is an important way to communicate and share information, which isalso an indispensible cognitive activity. Through reading, people can learn theknowledge and obtain the information from all over the world. It has become an indispensable part of people's life. Reading is a kind of complex psychologicalactivity and psychological process of choice, verification and treatment. In the fourbasic skills of English teaching, which includes listening, speaking, reading andwriting, reading is considered the foundation of other learning skills. Therefore, it isvery important for teachers to improve students' reading comprehension ability.
Chapter 3 Methodology .............28
3.1 Research Questions.........28
3.2 Subjects .......28
3.3 Instruments............29
3.3.1 Questionnaires.......30
3.3.2 Pre-test ........30
3.3.3 Post-test.......31
3.3.4 Interview .....31
3.4 Research Procedure.........32
3.4.1 Characteristics of Teaching Material ............33
3.4.2 Teaching Procedure in the Control Class......35
3.4.3 Teaching Procedure in the Experimental Class....... 37
3.5 Data Collection .....43
3.6 Data Analysis ........44
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion ......46
4.1 Results.........46
4.2 Discussion .............63
Chapter 5 Conclusion ......69
5.1 Major Findings......69
5.2 Pedagogical Implications .......... 70
5.3 Limitations of the Study............ 72
5.4 Suggestions for Further Research .......73
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion
In this chapter, the results of two questionnaires, pre-test, post-test andinterview of the research are presented in details. Both qualitative study andquantitative study are combined together to make sure the validity and reliability ofthe research. Discussions about the two research questions are made at the end of thechapter.
4.1 Results
In this part, the results of the data collected from the experiment are presentedand analyzed by the author. It contains three parts: results of the questionnaires,results of the tests and results of the interview.The pre-questionnaire was distributed in both of the two classes before theexperiment and the post-questionnaire was conducted in the experimental class only.The author collected all of the data and the results are presented and analyzed below.At the beginning of the experiment, the first questionnaire was conducted to getthe information about students’ attitude towards English reading and their currentreading situation. 100 questionnaires were collected and the results are shown in thefollowing table.
This thesis put forward a new reading teaching method that applies the Englishnewspaper in reading teaching based on schema theory. The results of the experimentshow that the schema-oriented English newspaper reading stimulates students’ interestand has a positive effect on students’ reading performance. However, there still existsome limitations.At first, the experiment was conducted in a certain junior high school and thesubjects of the research are one control group and one experimental group, which isregarded as a small scale in a scientific experiment. And the English level of studentsin these two classes is similar so that the sample cannot reflect the averageperformance of all junior school students. Therefore, the results of the experimentmay not be generalized because of the limited size of the subjects and theunrepresentative samples.Secondly, reading is a long term and complicated process. However, theexperiment only lasted for three months, some students may not adapt to the newreading model, which is far from being enough to demonstrate the effectiveness of thenew teaching method for a long time. Hence, the limited time of the research is notconvincing.#p#分页标题#e#
References (abbreviated)
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