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  • 作者:上海论文网
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  • 论文编号:el2018080719181717542
  • 日期:2018-08-03
  • 来源:上海论文网
Chapter OneIntroduction
Teaching is an activity with a lot of influences within the process. A practicalmethod is important to teachers’ effective teaching in the classroom teaching of foreignlanguage education. To study the Guided Learning Plan Teaching Model, the study gavea report about how the new method applied to in grammar teaching in a rural school.
1.1 The Background of the Study
English has been viewed as the most important global language since the reformand opening-up policy was carried out in China in 1978. English has been taken as amain subject in schools accordingly. English learning and teaching can be divided intofour parts: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Grammar is the study of rules thatarrange the forms so that words can be combined into sentences. No matter in thewriting or speaking, students should follow the rules. What’s more, goodcommunication with fluency and accuracy requires good command of grammar.Grammar teaching is an essential, inescapable element in the teaching and learning oflanguage (Burgess & Etheringten, 2002; 433) Without strong grammar foundation,learners couldn’t develop the four skills well.The New Curriculum Reform has been conducted since 2004. After that, theEnglish grammar teaching has been changed in some degree. The requirements of theBasic Education Curriculum Reform stressed learning that focus on reception,memorizing, and mechanical drills should be replaced with initiative learning in class,willing question exploration, collecting and dealing with information after class,necessary communication and cooperation skills with others.Junior middle schools student, who has just started their English learning, will beable to understand the meaning of a long sentence and even master the main idea of aparagraph more easily with a better understanding of grammar rules. Grammar rules arehelpful for reading and writing parts like paraphrasing the long sentence into shortsentences or making complex sentences in writing. Since reading and writing are gettinga larger and larger proportion in exam.
1.2 The Significance of the Research
Because of teacher’ inappropriate teaching method, large time and energy havebeen paid to the grammar teaching method. It is believed in the High School EnglishCurriculum that to change pure teaching the knowledge on the textbook into advocatingtask-based teaching method and concerning guidance on learning strategies covers themost important part of the reform . It became an issue of concern that whether a teachercan bring his teaching and students’ learning together effectively and cultivate students’autonomous learning ability. That’s why the teachers have introduced the GLPTM tojunior schools in Mianzhu since 2010. And this study found out the applying in realityin Mianzhu junior schools from the following parts:Researchers have studied English grammar teaching as a perspective for years.English grammar teaching has been applied in school under different teaching models.Among these models, task-based teaching models and cooperative teaching model arethe main models applied in schools by teachers and received a number of observationsand case studies from the researchers. This provides the researchers with the realsituation to analyze under the theories of Constructivism, Schema, ScaffoldingInstruction and other aspects. Previous studies help the following researchers and helpthe teachers to use well the new learning and teaching model in a positive way.Similarities and connections with the Guided Plan Teaching Model, while there are stillsome differences among these teaching models.
Chapter TwoLiterature Review
2.1 The Guided Learning Plan Teaching Model
In this chapter, the writer gives definition about the learning plan, teaching planand makes a comparison between them with examples of learning plans and teachingplan(see appendix Ⅱ and Ⅲ).To further understand how to design a good learningplan to help students learn grammar, there are two designed learning plans (before andafter the discussion of teachers) to compare so that the requirements on designing thelearning plan can be told easily and clearly.Learning plan is called “xue’an” in Chinese, “In the book, the reflection andreflection of course--What curriculum outlook do we need” (Ren Changong, 2003).Scholars should do researches on what kind of activities should the students follow toobtain knowledge and acquire the abilities. In this study, learning plan is the cornelement of GLPTM. To be considered microscopically, the learning plan which we cancall it a student-centered plan provided for students by teachers. Attentions are paid tothe way in which students are learning with guided teaching. As the consequence for theteachers, learning can promote the teaching with the guided plan as a foundation andhelps the teachers focus on students learning progress. As for the students, learning planis a task, aiming at instructing them to learn new knowledge automatically and deal withthe problems in learning course and consolidate after the learning. In a word, we canfigure out that learning plan is a connection between the very two subjects (teachers andstudents) on knowledge acquiring.
2.2 The Definition of Guided Learning Plan Teaching Model
The Guided Learning Plan Teaching Model can be understood as to use thelearning plan in the progress of learning and teaching with the guidance as the method.The guided teaching method stresses the designing and organization of the learning plan,the plan can highlight the guidance of the teacher and domination of the students. Theguided teaching method is the positive influence on students to achieve themselveswhich is beneficial to develop the creative thinking and improve self-awareness onstudents.Guided Learning Plan Teaching Model pays attention to student’s main positionand teacher’s leading position. Students cultivate a good habit of learning and changetheir study from what to know into what to learn. In addition, the learning method turnsteacher’s class from a traditional closed expected model into a developed openunexpected model so that challenges are along the way of applying the method inteacher’s teaching reforms.
Chapter three Methodology.....19
3.1 Research Questions........19
3.2 Research Subjects and participants......19
3.3 Research Instruments and Research Method.............21
Chapter Four Finding and Discussion...........23
4.1Analysis and Results of the Questionnaires....23
4.2 Factors influencing Students’Adaption of The Guided Plan.............28
4.3 Teachers’CognitionAbout Grammar Learning and Grammar Teaching in School.............28
4.4Application of the GLPTM in Real Teaching Situation........30
4.5 Factors Influencing Teachers’Adaption and Application of the GLPTM............. 35
Chapter Five Conclusion.........39
5.1 Summary of the Major Results............39
5.2 Implications.........41
5.3 Limitations..........42
Chapter FourFinding and Discussion
The previous chapters have illustrated the basic knowledge of guided learning planmodel. With the implementation of the guided learning plan, some teachers in MianzhuMiddle School have carried out some teaching activities. In this chapter, the writeranalyses the results of questionnaires, classroom observation and interviewssystematically.
4.1Analysis and Results of the Questionnaires
The 158 copies of the questionnaires are given out to the three classes and totallytaken back. All the 158 students from Mianzhu Middle School have answered thequestions individually. All the English teachers in the school finished the questionnaireand three of them took part in the interview. All the data is collected and analyzed asfollowing with Excel.Questionnaire 1 mainly shows students’ attitude on the grammar and grammar classin school. It can be seen that about 73% are interested in grammar and believes thatgrammar is a part that cannot be ignored in one’s English study. They believe grammarlearning is hard for them while their attitude on English class is quite different. (Item 1,3, 11)Data above could tell even though the New Teaching Reform has been carried foryears and the guided learning model has been introduced into the school for five years.Some traditional grammar teaching methods are encouraged to change into somemethods through which Students can have the chance to develop their automaticstudying ability. Guided learning method was put into practice well in the grammarteaching class in the middle school. However 51.8% of the students hardly can learn thetextbook in advance and 46% of the students failed to meet the requirement ofpre-learning in the learning plan (item 6.7) Students never do the task before class oreven copy other student’s homework if their English teacher is serious and want tocheck the tasks in class.
Three major results are concluded based on the results from the questionnaires andinterview study.Firstly, both the teacher and students are supportive for the GLPTM which arguesthat grammar and grammar teaching are central in students and teachers’ understanding.It is acknowledged in language proficiency that the position of grammar is crucial andgrammar teaching is emphasized in the curriculum. Some teachers highly valued thegrammar in their view while some diversified minds are still kept. Teachers show theiropinions about grammar teaching which indicate that the teachers do not view thegrammar teaching blindly as the most important part in language teaching.Secondly, towards the method in grammar learning and teaching, teachers indicatetheir favor of GLPTM which emphasizes a lot on the learner-centered approach.Teachers are aware that students are the center of teaching and students understand theimportance of autonomous learning ability along one’s personal life.Thirdly, factors including work experience, the training courses and the agesimpact teachers in using the teaching plan and the method in grammar teaching. Theworking experience impacts teacher’s grammar teaching. Teachers who have workedmore than 15 years prefer to the combination of GLPTM and the traditional method.And teachers who have worked less than 10 years prefer to the guided method and usethe learning plan more often. They prefer the meaning-focused way of grammarteaching. On the contrary, teachers who have worked more than 20 years find it hard toapply the method in their class and use the learning plan as exercises to finish in class.Similar to the working experience, different times of training influence teachers’teaching attitudes towards the GLPTM. Teachers with more times of training andlearning are more likely to accept the new method in grammar teaching. 
References (abbreviated)
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