

  • 论文价格:免费
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  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:174
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  • 论文编号:el2018071118542917329
  • 日期:2018-07-05
  • 来源:上海论文网
This practice report is based on the consecutive interpreting simulation of the speechentitled “Listening to SouthAsia”.In the first chapter, the author comprehensively illustrates the background information ofthe interpreting task, including the topic, the sponsor and guest speaker of the report. It alsoelaborates on the features of the interpreting task in terms of the speech. In the second chapter,the author simply introduces the interpreting task, as well as the characteristics of the sourcelanguage. In the third chapter, the author comprehensively illustrates the interpreting taskproblems, including note-taking and brain memory problems, sensitive words, names ofpeople and locations translation problems and mental strain problems. In illustrating theseproblems, the author separates each single problem and looks to the specific causes with someinterpretation theories. In the forth chapter, the author offers several strategies for theproblems that have been talked in chapter three and separately illustrates these strategies withinterpretation theories.The author uses several theories to fulfill her analyses, including Daniel Gile’sInterpretation Comprehension Equation, Functional Theories of Translation, theories oftransliteration, Comparative Literature in the Centre for Translation from Susan Bassnett,psychological sight of interpretation problems and so on.In conclusion, the author elaborates on the importance of the enhancement of brainmemory and the accumulation of background knowledge for the interpreter’s comprehensionof the source text so as to guide her to perform with excellence in future interpretationpractices. Also, the author wishes that this article can be of some help to other interpreters indealing with the same or similar types of speeches and reports in the future.
Chapter One Task Description
Chapter One comprehensively illustrates the background information of the interpretingtask, including the topic, the sponsors and guest speakers of the report. It also elaborates onthe features of the interpreting task in terms of the speech.
1.1 Task Background
The current international situation is experiencing complex and deep changes. Peace,development, corporation and problems of refugee, war and terrorism have caught broadattention in our society. People are paying a lot of attention to those problems. More and morespeeches, reports and meetings focus on those problems in the public sphere. Thus doing aninterpretation on these public events is an essential thing.“Listening to South Asia” is a report aiming at introducing the water and sanitationsituation of vulnerable groups such as infants, children, adolescent girls, women, the elderlyand people with disabilities in rural and urban areas. This task aims to provide the audience abetter way to understand the current situation of water problems happening in SouthAsia.
1.2 Features of the Interpreting Task
In this interpretation task, the sponsor demands the interpreter to interpret from Englishinto Chinese. The whole process will take around 2 hours. The speaker will give pause duringthe process, so that the interpreter can take notes and interpret for this speech. Each pause isaround 5 minutes on average. The interpreter needs to remember the source languagecompletely. An UGO official investigator gives this speech. The accomplishment of the taskrequires adequate preparation.Also, the interpreter should ensure a smooth interpretation.The interpreter should understand the culture of China and South Asia, interpret the taskwith cultural propriety, and know some Indian name, cities in South Asia as well asorganizations.Due to special identity of the speaker and the content of speech, the interpreter shouldkeep a prudent attitude and use formal language while doing her job.
Chapter Two Task Preparation
In the second chapter, the author simply introduces the interpreting task and the speech,as well as the characteristics of the source language. To be specific,sensitive words, alternateappearance of official and non-official sentences and a large number of names of people andlocations are all over the speech.
2.1 Background Knowledge Preparation
The author did the background knowledge preparation before this task, including readinginformation of SouthAsia on the Internet and the features of the source language.There are eight countries in South Asia—— India, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan,Sri Lanka, the Maldives and Bhutan. In these countries, the current water and sanitationsituation are different, but the people live in these countries are all facing different levels ofproblems in this field. For example, in India, people usually do not have a private bathroom ortoilet in their own house, which troubles people, especially for those vulnerable groups.At the same time, the population of South Asia accounts for a quarter of the totalpopulation of the world. Due to the insufficiency of clean drinking water and well-establishedsanitation, illiteracy, poverty, malnutrition, overpopulation, environmental damage, poorinfrastructure of public health such as vaccination and infectious disease, are torturing half ofthe people in this area.
Chapter Three Problems.......5
3.1 Uncoordinated in Note-taking and Short-term Memory..............5
3.1.1 Incomplete information in Note-taking.......5
3.1.2 Imbalance in Proportion of Note-taking and Brain Memory.......7
3.2 Sensitive words, Names of People and Locations............8
3.2.1 Differences in Culture...........9
3.2.2 Deficiency in Background Knowledge.....10
3.3 Mental Strain............10
3.3.1 Stammering Problem...........10
3.3.2 Logic Mistakes.........10
Chapter Four Strategies......12
4.1 Emphasis on Pre-interpretation and Brain Memory....... 12
4.1.1 Full Preparation in Pre-interpretation....... 12
4.1.2 More Emphasis on Brain Memory............12
4.2 Using Transferring and Transliterating methods.............13
4.3 Scientific Speaking and Note-taking.........14
Chapter Four Strategies
In this chapter, the author finds several strategies for the problems that have been talkedin chapter three and separately illustrates these strategies with interpretation theories.
4.1 Emphasis on Pre-interpretation and Brain Memory
After illustrating the problems in note-taking and brain memory, the author finds twostrategies of solving the problems, which are to have a full preparation in pre-interpretationand do more emphasis on brain memory.A good performance should be based on good preparation. Interpreters must fullyunderstand the speaker's speech style, look through vocabularies in dictionary, practicesymbols of names of organizations in note-taking, make full and careful prediction for thespeech, find similar speeches and practice with it, do some mirror practice and use methodssuch as training for etiquette, and so on.After getting the interpretation task, the interpreter needs to understand the content of thetranslation of related subjects or specific fields. Through this understanding, the interpretercan figure out what attitude to be taken in this task. For example, this task is about water andsanitation issue. Thus the interpreter should study cultural background from water andsanitation aspects and read some existing parallel texts translation for a better preparation.(Marianne, 2008: 21)At the same time, the interpreter can ask the client to provide some language materialsfor preparing the relevant translation vocabularies and topics in advance. The speech talksabout presenting water and sanitation situation of the vulnerable groups in South Asiancountries. So the interpreter shall recite the countries of South Asia and name of key areas andsearch news or information online to find out the present situation of the vulnerable groups.When the conditions allow, the interpreter should try to contact with the speaker to know hisor her spoken style, pronunciation and intonation. Also, good communication needed to bedone before the speech to ensure the appropriate pause time in advance.
Through the interpretation of practice, the author realized that constant practice andadequate preparation help the interpreters have perfect performance. An interpreter should notonly know the source and target languages, know how to translate freely on the premise ofpreserving the original meaning, but to understand the culture behind the language knowledge,professional ability including the translation quality and performance, etc.In this report, the author deeply analyzes the problems and difficulties encountered in thetask, including notes and brain memory, sensitive words, names of places of translationproblems as well as questions about tension. To solve these problems, the author summed upthe solutions through strengthening translation preparation, strengthening brain energy,transferring sensitive words into formal words, transliterating names and places, reducingspeed, improving the logical way of notes to improve the problems encountered in the processof interpreting.The proposed solution of this report has the author’s own certain limitations, which maynot be suitable for all of the interpreters. At the same time, the author also needs to have morepatience and perseverance in the process of interpretation. Also, the process of interpretationlacks of stability and patience. This remaining problem needs to be solved in the future.As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. Through the process of writing this report,author deeply realized that practice is an essential process for all the interpreters. This identityof practice is not only referring to the practice before one task, but also the years of practice inlearning and doing interpretation. In the process of practice, problems in interpretation will befound out by analyzes and solved by strategies.#p#分页标题#e#
References (abbreviated)
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