
Proposal for World Exposition 2010 in Shanghai——A

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  • 作者:上海论文网
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  • 论文编号:el20100302171633297
  • 日期:2010-03-02
  • 来源:上海论文网

The theme of World Expo 2010 in Shanghai is“Better City, Better Life”. The site for World Expo2010 will be located along both sides of HuangpuRiver, which covers a total planning area of 6.68square kilometers, with the waterfront extendingto 8.3 kilometers. The proposal for the plan ofWorld Expo 2010 is expected to not only cover arange of comprehensive aspects of functionaloperation, but also to ensure a long-lasting valuefor after-use.   

     In 2004, Shanghai held an international competitionswith 10 teams representing nations aroundthe world, The Hong Kong team, led by EDAWwas recognized as a semi-finalists in the threemonth competition — the master plan representedhere was acknowledged as unique among theplans because of a cross-disciplinary approach— which brought together environmental strategy,events planning and real estate strategy to complementa strong urban design, landscape and architecturalresponse to the brief.    
   EDAW’s expertise in Master Planning, 本论文上海论文网 www.zhonghualw.com 整理提供Landscapedesign and environmental and economicplanning imbued the Hong Kong team’s entry witha decidedly sustainable approach to the project. Infact leveraging Shanghai EXPO 2010 as a springboardfor a new paradigm for city building was theteam’s “Big Idea.”“We think the real legacy ofthe Shanghai EXPO 2010 should be ‘A newfuture’ one that outlines and demonstrates how tobuild better communities” states Stephen Engblom,EDAW’s Project Director.    
   The master plan prioritized the impact of theEXPO on Shanghai Real Estate Market; thus, thePost-EXPO Legacy was considered equally importantto a dramatic EXPO Plan. The site for theEXPO is an enormous 7sq. Km riverfront zone onboth banks on the upper Huang Pu river valley.“Currently a vast industrial wasteland, wesee the EXPO as an opportunity to restore thiswhole new district into a competitive and successfulregion of Shanghai, and a role model for citydevelopment across China.” Sean Chiao EDAWRegional Director     
   The EXPO’s main theme “Better City, BetterLife” inspired the team to embed the designwith themes of contemporary living:   
Communication, Ecology, Health, Leisure andtransportation that becomes the basis for structuringthe EXPO to set a new vision for 21st Centuryliving. “The EXPO grounds are 6 times largerthan Walt Disney’s magic kingdom.”Lessons Learned:      

(1) Two Plans in One:By planning the EXPOand Legacy Periods simultaneously, Shanghaican accommodate a dramatic and MemorableEXPO while laying the ground work for a sustainablenetwork of urban Water front districts     #p#分页标题#e#
   (2) Landscape Urbanism vs. Architecturalmonumentality:The plan proposes a network ofcanals, water rooms, parks and greenways thatbecome the framework for development as well asthe value corridors of the project — 本论文上海论文网 www.zhonghualw.com 整理提供dramaticallyincreasing the percentage of prime land with minimalinvestment.    
    (3) Design an overall experience — workingwith an Event planner early in the process led to anunderstanding of operational concerns and excitingspatial relationships as well as to a strongconcept of how to organize the EXPO districts.     
(4) Distribute big facilities — these will act asanchors to the plan both during the event and inthe legacy period.  
   (5) Real Estate Strategy:By breaking theplan down into districts the EXPO leasing phasecan be handled proactively rather than reactively. 
    (6) Transportation: By using a T.O.D. (TransitOriented Development) approach — the plan wasable to take advantage of Shanghai’s proposedtransportation infrastructure. 10 Minute walk circlebecame the scale framework for the EXPO Attractiondistricts   
   (7) Environment:by advocating a sustainabledevelopment approach and lifestyle EXPO2010 has the potential to re-shape the paradigmfor this generation’s development. 250 millionpeople in China alone can benefit from this shift inthinking. We cannot afford to miss this opportunity.


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