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  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:466
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  • 论文编号:el20100104145350142
  • 日期:2010-01-04
  • 来源:上海论文网

摘  要
船舶螺旋桨轴系统是船舶动力装置的重要组成部分,螺旋桨轴及其衬套、轴承、轴瓦的磨损程度和损坏情况直接关系到船舶安全航行。本论文根据船舶螺旋桨轴系统自身的特性以及外部环境等影响因素,利用领域专家经验和相关的知识,对螺旋桨轴油液的常规理化性能检验、油液光谱分析和铁谱分析等油液检测技术进行了分别研究,并建立了数据处理模型,介绍了磨粒识别技术;在此基础上,初步应用了信息的综合和融合方法对数据结果进行了船舶螺旋桨轴滑油检测的实例处理;并开发了一套润滑油状态监控应用软件,用于螺旋桨轴油液分析数据的存储、分析、趋势分析、处理过程跟踪,以进行故障分析与经验积累。 本课题船舶螺旋桨轴状态监测技术其主要功能是:通过分析螺旋桨轴系统油样的性能指标变化监控其劣化状况;通过对油样中的磨损元素、污染元素和添加剂元素的含量分析以及油样中磨粒的形貌及浓度定量分析,推断设备磨损状态、磨损部位和严重程度,以及污染物对设备性能、技术状态的影响;为系统滑油的使用和管理,以及螺旋桨轴系统的维修保养等工作提供科学的指导意见。 本论文主要采用文献资料研究法、实践研究法、案例调查分析法、归纳总结法等研究方法,其主要工作是研究设备磨损理论以及油品的性能分析的重要作用;根据各种检测方式及数据特征,建立了各自合适的数学模型;根据油液检测多技术之特点,从理论上探讨了检测信息综合和融合技术并将该技术进行了初步的实际应用;开发了船舶螺旋桨轴润滑油状态监控应用程序。 本研究项目最终要达到降低船舶螺旋桨轴系统的故障率、维修费用与工作量,延长船检周期从而提高船舶营运率的目标;为船舶管理公司增强对船舶螺旋桨轴系统的安全、船舶经济运行与航行安全的控制力度,为船舶符合各船级社关于螺旋桨轴状态监控系统的要求,为船舶管理公司的管理技术创新提供技术保障。
In the last few years, with the development of ship maintenance system, oil monitoring technology is applied to ship field gradually. Ship’s stern shaft system is an important part of the ship power system, so the wearing degree and defective instance of the stern shaft and it’s bush, shaft bearing  and bearing shell come down to the ship’s voyage safety directly. In this paper, according to the character of the ship stern system and the factors that effect it’s capability, such as environment, utilizing the experience of the field expert, and combined with the practice of ship manufacturing and maintenance, namely oil quality testing, spectrometric oil analysis, and Ferrography analysis etc, is studied respectively, and then models for data processing are established and identifying technology of Abrasive particles is introduced. On the basis of this, it has been preliminary used the synthesis and infusion methods of information to process the result of the data, using the lubricating oil measuring of several typical ship stern shaft as examples. At last, A Ship Stern Shaft Lubricant State Monitoring System is programmed. The monitoring system to ship stern shaft is used to store analyzed data, to analyze data, to do trend analysis and to scout disposed course, in order to analyze the malfunction and accumulate experience.   #p#分页标题#e#
The paper mainly adopts following research methods: the method of the documents and materials, the method of practice research, the method of investigation and analysis to the case , and also, the method of induction and deduction etc. The main function of the ship stern shaft state monitoring technology  is: Analyzing the change of the parameters and the quality of stern shaft system oil, monitoring the inferior change of the oil quality; Analyzing the wearing elements, contamination elements and additive elements and the debris in the oil sample, search after the affiliation between the character and the wear condition and the failure of the part of the device. Study the affection of the contamination in the oil to the performance and condition of the device. Colligating the primitive data, such as the type, running environment, running condition, maintenance activity etc, of the ship stern shaft system and device and the  experiment data, realizing the condition monitoring and fault diagnosing technology, directing the management and using of the oil, providing advice to the maintenance and inspection of the ship stern shaft system and

The main tasks of the paper are: Studying the wearing theory of equipment and the importance of lubricant’s capability analysis; Establishing different but appropriate mathematics model according to different detection mode and data character; According to the characteristic of multi-technology, the paper has discussed information colligation and amalgamation technology in theory, and has put the technology into practice primarily; programming A Ship Stern Shaft Lubricant State Monitoring application.
The final aim of the study item is to reduce the failure rate, repair & maintenance expense and workload of ship stern shaft system,to prolong the cycle of ship inspection and to enhance ship working rate. It can  also help ship management department to strengthen the safety of ship stern shaft system, the economical working and the safety of sail. It helps ship management to accord with the criterion about ship screw shaft state monitoring system of Classification Societies. It provides technology protection to the technology innovation of the ship management department.   On the basis of many kinds of investigation and in-depth analysis, this thesis draws the following conclusions: synthetically using the mathematics method such as trend analysis, fuzzy mathematics and  time series analysis to  analyze the parameter data drawn from the fluid measure, we can improve the accuracy and reliability of state recognition and prediction; implementing the state monitoring to propeller shaft system, we can raise the dependability of the stern and axle system, and also raise the operation rate of boat; The state monitoring of the propeller shaft can also lengthen the overhaul and checkout interval of the  mechanical equipments, thus prevent mechanical disordering caused by unnecessary dismantling and save expenses. #p#分页标题#e#
Meng Zhaoyu(Marine Engineering) Directed by Zheng Shijun
Key Words: oil monitoring, stern shaft system, data mode, software programmed

第一章  绪论…………………………………………………………………1
1.1 船舶尾轴状态监测的意义与途径………………………………………1
1.2 当前船舶尾轴管理、维修与检验概况…………………………………2
1.3 课题背景…………………………………………………………………4
1.4 本论文的主要任务和内容………………………………………………4
第二章 磨损故障机理及状况监测的研究…………………………………7
2.1 机械设备磨损故障及有关概念…………………………………………7
2.2 机械设备磨损机理及磨损过程监测……………………………………9
2.3 状态监测技术在船舶维修中的应用……………………………………12
第三章  尾轴状态监测技术…………………………………………………13
3.1 油液监测技术……………………………………………………………13
3.2 尾轴润滑油液取送样……………………………………………………16
3.3 油液分析技术……………………………………………………………18
3.4 油液检测数据处理方式…………………………………………………19
第四章  油液检测数据处理技术……………………………………………22 #p#分页标题#e#
4.1 数据处理方式……………………………………………………………22
4.2 常规理化性能分析………………………………………………………23
4.3 元素含量分析(光谱分析)………………………………………………24
4.4 磨粒形貌及浓度分析(铁谱分析)………………………………………28
第五章  尾轴油液监测信息综合与融合……………………………………35
5.1 油液监测信息源特征……………………………………………………35
5.2 油液监测综合应用技术…………………………………………………36
5.3 信息综合与信息融合……………………………………………………39
5.4 信息融合方法在船舶尾轴油液监测上的应用…………………………41
5.5 油液监测信息融合模型…………………………………………………41
第六章  油液检测技术在船舶尾轴状态监测中应用………………………43
6.1 油液常用检测方式及船级社要求………………………………………43
6.3 设备状态综合评定………………………………………………………51
第七章  船舶油液检测数据应用软件开发…………………………………52
7.1 软件系统开发原则………………………………………………………52
7.2 软件开发工具介绍………………………………………………………52 #p#分页标题#e#
7.3 系统实现…………………………………………………………………54
7.4 系统主要内容……………………………………………………………58
第八章  结论与展望………………………………………………………………61
8.1 本论文的工作要点………………………………………………………61
8.2 今后研究工作之展望……………………………………………………61
致谢  ………………………………………………………………………………63
附录  ………………………………………………………………………………64
参考文献  …………………………………………………………………………72


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