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  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:180
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  • 论文编号:el2019103120025719402
  • 日期:2019-10-20
  • 来源:上海论文网

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 E-commerce in Bangladesh
Bangladesh is currently observing phenomenal growths in e-commerce and related activities on commercial sectors.  Changing mind sets  and the advent  of technologies have  changed the scenario of overall economy and lifestyles of the general people. At present, many online shops in Bangladesh are performing excellently and serving people in great ways. Nowadays, you will observe,  rush  of  commuters,  the  scarcity  of  time,  frequent  shutdowns  due  to  political  unrest, increase in urbanization and thirst for more in modern Bangladesh. This has led people to take shortcuts and help of modern communication technologies to conduct their day-to-day activities.
According to Payza (2015), smart mobile devices have brought everything to the consumer’s fingertips and mouse tips and as a result, online shopping in Bangladesh is becoming trendy. People love infinite search options, comparative shopping options, home delivery or click to brick type  shopping,  and  most  importantly  personalization  on  e-commerce  portals  along  with personalized incentives. 
The economic growth of Bangladesh is quite steady and showing an upward trend. Last one decade it has shown significant improvement, even during the world financial recession the GDP growth was remarkable. Now it is considered one of the fastest growing major economies in the world with a GDP growth rate of over 7.1%. It also got the attention and emerged itself as one of the leading frontier marketplaces for global investors. In 2016, the IMF stated that it was the 2nd fastest-growing major economy in the world (Payal, 2017).

1.2 DARAZ in Bangladesh
DARAZ was founded by the German based incubator rocket internet. Samwer Brothers are the  founders  of  Daraz  and  their  Headquarter  is  in  Germany.  Rocket  Internet  forms  online companies and owns shareholdings in various Internet establishments. Some of their ventures are Daraz, Kaymu,  Foodpanda, Jabong, Carmudi, Lamudi, Zalora etc. Rocket Internet began their journey in 1999 and already they have 125+ market leading companies in 50+ countries. At the end  of  2014,  Samwer  Brothers  valued  Rocket  Internet  as  a  multibillion  dollar  company.  The establishment’s market value was around 10 billion dollars in April 2015. 
The Company’s business model is to identify effective internet ventures from other developing countries and reproducing their policies in developing markets.  In May 2018, Daraz was acquired by Alibaba for nondisclosed deal. It is still not clear why rocket international has sold Daraz to alibaba.
Daraz is an online commercial center where dealers offer their items to purchasers through Daraz  site.  Daraz  can  be  contrasted  with  physical  commercial  center,  just  distinction  is,  in  a physical commercial center, you need to visit diverse shops situated at various floors for various items and in Daraz site, you can visit distinctive e-stores for various items with a tick of the mouse. Daraz has a few contenders who are likewise making a decent attempt to get the chance to get settled in this developing business sector. According to Ryan Clements, Head of Operation of Daraz angladesh Ajker Deal, Bagdoom and Pikaboo are the direct competitor of Daraz Bangladesh. On  the  other  hand  Ekhanei,  Rokomari,  ClickBD, Akhoni,  Bikroy,  and  a  portion  of  the  other prevalent internet business sites who are likewise getting to be distinctly prominent are the indirect competitor of Daraz Bangladesh. Some of the major competitors of Daraz Bangladesh are-  

Chapter Two Theoretical Framework

2.1 Marketing Segmentation Theory
Market segmenatation is the process of identifying a group of consumers with similar needs and producing an offering that will meet those need at a profit. It has simple basis in logic: it is that  no  single  product  will  appeal  to  all  consumers.  The  term  such  as  mass  marketing  have previously attempted to describe the production and subsequent sale of something that virtually everybody would want and in such large quantities that the production costs could be minimized and thus the price kept low. This approach appealed to production engineers, but it is virtually impossible to carry out in the 21st century because people prefer a more individual, tailored product that suits their needs more precisely.
Geographic Segmentation
Geographic segmentation divides the market into geographic units such as nations, states, regions, countries, cities, or neighborhoods. The company can operate in one or few areas, or it can work in all but pay attention to local variation. In this way, it can tailor marketing programs to the needs and wants of local customer groups. In a growing trend called grassroots marketing, marketers concentrate on making such activities as personally relevant to the individual customers as possible. Much of Nike's initial success came from engaging target consumers through grassroot marketing  efforts  such  as  sponsorship  of  local  school  teams,  expert-conducted  clinics,  and provision of shoes, clothing and equipment to young athletes.

2.2 The four P’s marketing mix theory
A product is a bundle of benefits, but those benefits are likely to go far beyond the physical item itself.  The overt features and benefits of the products are based on the individual's cognitive faculties.  Thus,  when  consumers  purchase  a  quarter-inch  drill,  the  consumers  don’t  purchase quarter inch drill bits but the ability to create quarter inch holes. Federal express lost much of its overnight  letter  delivery  business  not  to  UPS  but  to  fax  machines  and  internet  because  these technology could meet the same consumer needs faster, cheaper and more conveniently.
The price of something is the total cost of adopting the product. This includes the purchase price, the cost of switching from the existing product to the new product and the cost of maintain and using the product. The balance between these various elements of the total cost will vary from one product to another. Costs to the consumers includes internal costs, acquisition costs and costs related to risk. The total of these costs will be taken into account when assessing whether the benefits outweigh the price.
Promotion is about creating appropriate perception in consumers mind. However, people also consume marketing messages through the media-they enjoy watching some advertisement, they enjoy  watching  films  which  have  brand  placed  in  them  and  they  enjoy  watching  informative articles about product categories with which they are involved.
Place  refers  to  the  location  where  the  exchange  takes  place.  The  place  element  of  the marketing mix goes beyond mere convenience: often the place is, in effect, part of the product because it provide the hedonic benefits of its own.
Chapter Three Marketing Strategy Analysis ............................... 38
3.1 Marketing segmentation of Daraz Bangladesh ................................. 38
3.1.1 Geographic Segmentation: ................................... 38
3.1.2 Demographic Segmentation: ................................... 38
Chapter Four External environment analysis ................................ 48
4.1 External environmental factors .................................... 48
4.1.1 Economic Factors ............................... 48
4.1.2 Technological Factors ................................. 50
Chapter Five Internal Environment Analysis ............................ 55
5.1 Internal environment factors ..................... 55
5.1.1 Resources ................................. 55
5.1.2 Capabilities ...................... 56

Chapter Seven: Solutions of the Marketing problems

7.1 Solutions to the shortage of product variety:
If we look at the product menu of Amazon, we find that daraz has high range of product than daraz.  They  not  only  sell  durable  products  but  also  sell  non-durable,  perishable  and  service products. Among the perishable food fruits, vegetable and meat are the items where Daraz can focus on. A  competitor  of daraz named  www.chaldal.com is  selling  almost  all kind  of fruits, vegetable  and  meat  and  they  are  continuously  increasing  their  market  share.  Although  the Bangladeshi people like to buy perishable and grocery items from the offline stores but people are becoming more  and more busy day  by day  and at the same time the traffic jam  in  the cities becoming unbearable. So, a lot of people losing interest in going to the stores. #p#分页标题#e#


Chapter Eight Conclusion

8.1 Conclusion
The study pointed some key problems and also suggested some solutions to those problems in daraz.com.bd. The rate of internet penetration rate is increasing day by day in our country. Due to that Bangladesh is an emerging market especially in this e-commerce sector. A huge opportunity is going to be created for a company like Daraz.com.bd. By increasing customer awareness as well as brands awareness Daraz.com.bd can grab that opportunity.
In  this  paper,  I  attempted  to  blend  my  insight,  academic  articles  and  my  academic knowledge that I have gained through different academic MBA courses and practical experiences as well. Daraz Bangladesh is still growing and it has huge opportunity to improve more and more as they have technology and resources. They need to assure that they give the best support of the client. In online business there is immense open door in Bangladesh. Simply need to work honestly, sincerely and guarantee clients fulfillment. I personally believe that Daraz Bangladesh will reach at the apex of the online business sector very soon.  
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