

  • 论文价格:150
  • 用途: 硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:1
  • 论文字数:33233
  • 论文编号:
  • 日期:2022-06-18
  • 来源:上海论文网



1.2. Problem Statement

Employees are selected based on their qualification, capability and personality inorder to meet the demand of the jobs and to increase retention. When the workers’abilities fit their jobs, they will have strong intentions to stay longer in the companies(Saufi et al., 2020). Yet, it is not always the case for Generation Y (the Millennial), asthey still tend to change their jobs more often than the previous Generation X, eventhough they have found a good fit with their jobs (Nida and Simarmata, 2014).

With the problem mentioned above, researchers have attempted and still areattempting to explore as many as possible factors that may influence the relationshipso that Human Resources practitioners can be helped in better managing the turnoverof Millennial workforce. Some variables that have been tested include employeeengagement (Fajri, Haryadi and Darmawati, 2019), job satisfaction (Chhabra, 2016),and organizational commitment (Leng and Chin, 2016) and leader-member exchange(Boon and Biron, 2016).


3. Research Methodology

3.1. Research Philosophy

This research follows Positivism Philosophy that “seeks to explain and predict whathappens in the social world by searching for regularities and causal relationshipsbetween its constituent elements” (Burrell and Morgan, 1979: 5). With this paradigm,it is common to assume that things are known by models and relations amongvariables and that the role of researchers is to provide deductive and nomologicalexplanations through generalisable causal mechanisms that can be measuredempirically (Cascio, 2012). Positivism is also defined as epistemology, whichtheorizes knowledge and deals with how knowledge is gathered and from whichsources (what can be known and tested) as verifiable and causal relationships areemphasized (Gimbel, 2016). This view is in accordance to which the task of science isto provide a true representation of that reality by means of models and causal laws(Kolakowski, 1993).

This research will utilize a cross sectional approach to evaluate the data from thesamples collected at one point in time. The benefit of a cross-sectional study design isthat it allows researchers to look at many different variables at the same time. Thecross-sectional approach does not involve manipulating variables in describing thecharacteristics exist in the community, in this case people in the same generation. Thisapproach is also relatively inexpensive and fast, so that it is more feasible to be donein a limited time allocation. Although cannot be used to determine causal relationships,cross-sectional research can provide a useful springboard to further research.

4. Results and Analyses

4.1. Demographic Analysis

Based on education, 12.8% of respondents with frequency of 38 were high schoolleaving certificate holder, 10.4% of respondents with frequency of 31 took 3 yearsdiploma certificate, 70.1% of respondents with frequency of 209 were undergraduatedegree holder, while 6.7% of respondents with frequency of 20 were Master’s degreeholder, and none of the participants held Doctoral degree. From the finding above, itcan be concluded that most of the respondents falls within the category ofundergraduate degree holder while the least respondents fall within the category ofDoctoral Degree holder.

Based on type of industry, it can be concluded that respondents who worked inservice sector, including but not limited to hospitality, transportation, banking, andeducation, participated more in this study, followed by manufacturing and commercesectors, extractive sector, and the least agricultural sector. From the overall fivesectors, 269 or around 90.3% of the respondents were identified to serve employeepositions, whilst 29 or around 9.7% of the respondents were identified as supervisors.

4.2. Descriptive Statistics and Reliabilities

Table 2 reports the descriptive statistics, which consist of means and standarddeviation of each variables, and the reliabilities of scales used to collect the data. Theresult shows that mean values of P-J fit is 4.204, which indicates that that most of therespondents believe that their capability, qualifications and personality match thedemands of their jobs. The mean values of OC and ITS are 3.336 and 3.036respectively, which indicate that respondents modestly committed to theirorganizations and do not have high intention to stay in the companies they work for.The mean value for PD is 2.401 and it indicates that most of the respondents have lowacceptance for inequality of power within the organizations. The standard deviationvalues show that the data are rather spread out from the mean.


5. Discussion and Conclusion

5.1. Discussion

This study proposed and tested a moderated mediation model linking person-job fit toorganizational commitment and intention to stay in country identified as having a highpower distance culture. With samples coming from the same generation dominatingtoday’s labor, organizational commitment has found to fully mediate the relationshipbetween person-job fit and intention to stay, but power distance does not moderate therelationship between person-job fit and organizational commitment. The relationshipbetween person-job fit to organizational commitment was found to be lesspronounced compared to the relationship between organizational commitment tointention to stay.

The results do not indicate a significant positive relationship between person-job fitand intention to stay for Indonesian Millennials, and it is not consistent with thefindings of Saufi, Mansor, Kakar and Singh (2020), Ohlsson (2018), Amri (2017),Leng and Chin (2016) and Chhabra (2016). This phenomena is interesting to bestudied because turnover is still an unresolved issue on Indonesian Millennials whose65,8% tend to often change their job in a short period of time and be job hoppers(Ningrum, 2016). This study figured out that having Indonesian Millennials’ fit with their job was not enough to maintain their retention as 110 out of 298 (37%) ofparticipants identified themselves as having very high fits with their jobs, yet only 38or 12,75% stated that they intend to stay in the same organization for five years. Thisfinding is important for human resources practitioners to map strategies in keepinghigh qualified Millennial employees in their organizations.








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