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  • 作者:上海论文网
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  • 论文编号:el2019080509111419179
  • 日期:2019-06-21
  • 来源:上海论文网
本文是一篇企业管理论文,本文基于企业社会责任相关理论为基础,选取南方电网为案例进行研究,运用案例分析法、SWOT 分析法等,对南方电网的社会责任情况进行全面的分析,总结南方电网公司社会责任战略的优劣势和面临的机遇及威胁。


1.1 Research Background
Most researchers in the modern industry believe that the concept of modern corporate social responsibility emerged in the last period of the second industrial revolution that is in the early 20th century[1]. The earliest concept of corporate social responsibility is mentioned by the British scholar Shelton, who published in the book "Philosophy of Management".   In the book he said, as a business manager, not only must complete his  own  pursuit  of  wealth,  meeting  external  needs,  but  also  need  to  fulfill  relevant social responsibilities which will be much higher than the profits of the company itself [2].  The  publication  of  this  book  immediately  aroused  the  thinking  of  entrepreneurs. And they  gave  a  deeper  understanding  of  corporate  social  responsibility  and  social image.  At  that  time,  entrepreneurs  were  not  limited to  improving  enterprises, producing  efficiency,  they  also  put  undertaking  social  responsibility  and  enhancing corporate image as the necessary factor of company developing. 
In  the  1970s,  modern  economists  such  as  Andrews  proposed  that  the  mission  of  a company  is  not  only  to  create  economic value, but  also  to  build  a  new  standard  for corporate  evaluation  with  a  sense  of  social  responsibility  and  a  good  social  image. Money is the only standard for judging a company [3]. The proposal of this theory has enriched the relevant theories of corporate social responsibility.
In 2001, China joined the WTO and opened up to the outside world. China's economic has increased rapidly. In the process of economic globalization, not only the economic development have been  mutually integrated with and the international level, and the relevant corporate social responsibility theory has gradually been adopted by Chinese entrepreneurs.  The  State  Council  has  also  established  the  theory  of corporate  social responsibility  in  the  form  of  law.  In  line  with  this  trend  of  economic  and  social development,  the  China  Securities Regulatory  Commission  first  put  forward requirements  for  corporate  social  responsibility.  In  the  fall  of  2006,  the  China Securities Regulatory  Commission  made  corporate  responsibility  instructions  to various listed companies at the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and encouraged enterprises to  assume  social  responsibilities.  

1.2   Research objective
According  to  economic  theory,  the  power  grid  supply  company  has  a  natural monopoly.  In  short,  the  repeated  construction  of multiple  independent  power transmission channels will inevitably  result in a  decrease in the benefits  of the main power transmission channels (different power supply companies). And this can’t make up for the investment in power grid construction. The power grid company (formerly known  as  the  power  company),  as  the  only  legal  electronic  power  sales  company  in China,  was  dubbed  the  "electric tiger"  because  of  its  historical  reasons  such  as monopoly nature and random power pull.
The  "Electric Power Supply System Reform Plan"  (Document No. 5) was issued by the  State  Council  on  March  1,  2002.  This  plan  was intended  to  introduce  the competition mechanism into the electricity market. The vertical integration monopoly model  of  the  power industry  has  been  broken,  and  the  power  plant  is  implemented separately from the power grid. In the past, the power assets held by power companies were divided into two categories: power generation and power grid. This marked the official opening of the power system reform. On December 29, 2002, China Southern Power Grid Co., Ltd. came into being and was officially listed and started to operate. It  is responsible  for  grid  investment  and  construction  in  five  provinces  (autonomous regions) of Guangdong, Guangxi Yunnan, Guizhou and Hainan Province.
Due to the particularity of its natural monopoly, power supply companies often leave a  negative  impression  on  the  public.  In  the  past, power  supply  companies  that  have appeared in the past have also made people respect this "electric tiger", power-cutting behaviors  of which  makes  power  companies  The  image  of  public  opinion  is  very unsatisfactory. In the three years since its establishment, China Southern Power Grid Corporation  proposed  in 2005 to “take the initiative to assume social responsibility and  do  its  best  to  provide  power supply”,  hoping  to  build  a  “responsibility  south network” and establish a good image. This paper hopes to use China Southern Power Grid Co., Ltd. as the main body, combined with China's current and future policies, to analyze its current environment and the status quo of China's power industry, and to solve  the  problems  encountered  by  China  Southern  Power  Grid  Corporation  in fulfilling  its  social responsibility  for  power  supply.  Research,  and  use  the questionnaire  survey  and  other  situations  to  analyze  the  effects  of  fulfilling social responsibilities,  and  also  bring  inspiration  to  how  similar  enterprises,  especially central enterprises in monopoly industries, fulfill their social responsibilities.


2.1  Definition of CSR
For  the  concept  of  corporate  social  responsibility  many  scholars  in  the  academic world  have  their  own  views  and  understandings, and  there  is  no  consensus  on  this. Different scholars have different definitions on corporate social responsibility. In the following Table 2-1 for the definition of corporate social responsibility from different scholars.


2.2 Related theories on stakeholders
Stakeholder theory is by no means created by some people out of thin air. It has both a profound theoretical background and a solution to the practical problems encountered by  enterprises.  From  the  perspective  of  history  and  logic,  the  emergence  and development  of stakeholder  theory  is  inevitable.  When  the  classical  enterprise dominates,  it  seems  unquestionable  for  questions  like  "who  is  the owner  of  the enterprise." The investor of the enterprise is the legal owner of the enterprise and the subject  of  the  enterprise.  The  entire economic  activity  of  the  enterprise  follows  the will of the investor and serves the interests of the investor.
Pioneer in the field of stakeholder management is Freeman's "Strategic Management of  a  Stakeholder  Approach."  1984.  In  this  book, Freeman  outlines  the  basic characteristics of the stakeholder concept and understands the role of stakeholders in the  sustainable management  of  the  company  from  the  perspective  of  strategic management, and thus plays an important role in the strategic management thinking. In  addition,  the  definition  of  stakeholders  given  by  Freeman  has  become  the  most classic definition. However, as Jones pointed out, Freeman apparently did not form a systematic  stakeholder  idea  at  the  time,  "although  Freeman's  work  formally recognizes  that  other  supporters  of  the  company  are  important  in  addition  to shareholders, but it is still not clear to make the concept of stakeholder a theory."
American  scholar  Margaret  Blair  (1999)  focuses  on  the  economic  meaning  of  the “ownership” of modern public companies from the perspective of law. She said, “It is a misleading that the shareholder is the owner of a large company and does not bear all the risks as the theory assumes. Other participants are not out of risk as the theory assumes.” Blair was invited to visited in Beijing, her work has also been translated into  Chinese,  so  domestic  scholars  are  more  familiar  with  his  theory.  The  first impression of Blair’s theory is that “she has a strong critical attitude towards classical theory.#p#分页标题#e#
3 Case Description ................................ 17
3.1 CSG’s profile ............................................ 17
3.2 CSG’s main achievements .................... 18
3.3 CSG’s practice of CRS......................20
4 Case Analysis .................................. 27
4.1 SWOT analysis of CSG’s CSR stragegy ................................ 27
4.1.1 Strengths ............................... 27
4.1.2 Weakness ................................ 30
5 Problems and Suggestion ............................ 49
5.1 Problems  ....................................................... 49
5.1.1 Lack of CSR management system .............................. 50
5.1.2 Lack of effective stakerholder engagement machanism ........................... 51


5.1 Problems
Through the above analysis of the status quo of fulfilling social responsibility of CSG, it  can  be  seen  that  CSG  is  continuously  improving its  ability  and  level  of  fulfilling social  responsibilities,  and  actively  explores  and  practices  corporate  social responsibility.  But,  it  is affected  by  various  internal  and  external  environmental factors.  There  are  still  negative  evaluation  for  power  supply  companies  in different aspects. And there is still a gap in the expectations of all sectors of the power supply enterprises. Therefore, CSG still has to be strengthened and improved in fulfilling its social responsibilities.
5.1.1 Lack of CSR management system
Corporate  social  responsibility  involves  all  aspects  and  is  a  comprehensive management  system.  If  the  power  supply  companies want  to  make  social responsibility  as  an  important  part  of  strategic  decision-making,  it  need  a  special organization  management system  to  guarantee  the  development  of  this  activity. However, due to subjective and objective  reasons, most of the  current power supply companies  have  not  formed  a  comprehensive  management  system  to  specifically implement the specific issues of social responsibility. 


6.1  The Summary of the research
In the development of modern society, people's awareness of social responsibility has also been  greatly improved. More and more enterprises are beginning to  realize that fulfilling  corresponding  CSR  is  not  only  an  obligation  of  enterprises,  but  also beneficial  to corporate  social  image.  And  it  is  also  the  improvement the enterprise’s social status and the sustainability of enterprise’s development. Therefore, at present stage, many companies do not simply pursue the acquisition of interests in the course of business, and it will also pay more concern for CSR constantly.  In this paper, the author describes the  growth and establishment of CSG and the development process of the company's fulfillment of CSR. Then, through the study of CSG how to use its achievement in power supply grid construction, power supply in large social activities and disaster prevention to obtain the satisfaction from   communities and government which  will  impact company's  efficiency.  Combined  with  the  example  of  similar central  enterprises  that  do  not  do  core  business,  the  author  put forward  CSR  of  the monopoly  of  the  same  kind  of  central  enterprises,  and  actively  introduce  advanced third-party  consulting companies  to  conduct  evaluation.  At  the  critical  moment,  we will take up the responsibility of the central government. After the analysis, the author draws the following conclusions.
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