

  • 论文价格:免费
  • 用途: 论文格式 Paper format
  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:1
  • 论文字数:3600
  • 论文编号:
  • 日期:2022-08-15
  • 来源:上海论文网






1. Introduction

    1.1 Research background

    1.2 Purpose of the research

    1.3 The significance of the research

    1.4 Structure of the paper

2. Literature Review

    2.1 MED students' teaching practicum

    2.2 Teacher professional development

        2.2.1 Definition of teacher professional development

        2.2.2 Content of teacher professional development

        2.2.3 MED students' professional development

    2.3 The relationship between MED students' professional development and theirteaching practicum

    2.4 Related studies on the teaching practicum

        2.4.1 Related studies on the teaching practicum abroad

        2.4.2 Related studies on the teaching practicum at home

    2.5 Related studies on teacher professional development

        2.5.1 Related studies on teacher professional development abroad

        2.5.2 Related studies on teacher professional development at home

3. Research Design

    3.1 Research questions

    3.2 Research context and subjects

    3.3 Research instruments

        3.3.1 Questionnaire

        3.3.2 Interview

    3.4 Research procedure

4. Results and Discussions

    4.1 MED students' professional developments

        4.1.1 Professional knowledge

        4.1.2 Professional abilities

        4.1.3 Professional affection

    4.2 The factors influencing MED students' professional development

5. Conclusions

    5.1 Major findings

    5.2 Implications

    5.3 Limitations of the present study

    5.4 Recommendations for further study


Appendix Ⅰ

Appendix Ⅱ


论文目录范文样本二:英语教育硕士的专业身份认同研究 ——以华中师范大学为例




1. Introduction

    1.1 Research background

    1.2 Research significance and purposes

    1.3 Organization of the dissertation

2. Literature Review

    2.1 Identity

        2.1.1 Definitions of identity

        2.1.2 Sources of identity

    2.2 Professional identity

        2.2.1 Profession

        2.2.2 Concepts of professional identity

    2.3 Related studies on M. Ed. students' professional identity

        2.3.1 Contents of M. Ed. students' professional identity

        2.3.2 Measurement of M. Ed. students' professional identity

        2.3.3 The current situation of M. Ed. students' professional identity

        2.3.4 Influencing factors of M. Ed. students' professional identity

3. Research Design

    3.1 Research objectives

    3.2 Research questions

    3.3 Research objects

    3.4 Instruments

        3.4.1 The Questionnaire

        3.4.2 The interview

4. Results and Discussion

    4.1 The current situation of English M. Ed. students' professional identity

    4.2 The Analysis of English M. Ed. students' Professional Identity on DifferentDemographic Variables

        4.2.1 Gender and professional identity

        4.2.2 Different grades and professional identity

        4.2.3 Hometown and professional identity

        4.2.4 Undergraduate major and professional identity

        4.2.5 Graduate school and professional identity

        4.2.6 Different teaching experiences and professional identity

    4.3 Important factors in the formation of English M. Ed. students' professionalidentity

        4.3.1 The condition of different factors

        4.3.2 Different factors impacting the constructing of English M. Ed. students'Professional identity based on interview

5. Conclusions and Implications

    5.1 Summary of findings

    5.2 Implications of the study

        5.2.1 Suggestions for English M. Ed. students

        5.2.2 Suggestions for University

    5.3 Limitations of the study


Appendix Ⅰ

Appendix Ⅱ


论文目录范文样本三:动态视角下全日制英语教育硕士专业认同研究 ——以陕西师范大学为例




Chapter 1 Introduction

    1.1 Research Background

        1.1.1 The Current Situation of Full-time English Ed. M's Education

        1.1.2 Reform on English in College Entrance Examination

    1.2 Significance of This Research

    1.3 Structure of This Thesis

Chapter 2 Literature Review

    2.1 Definition

        2.1.1 Identity

        2.1.2 Professional Identity

        2.1.3 Sub-dimensions of English Education Master Candidates'Professional Identity

    2.2 Previous Studies on Professional Identity

        2.2.1 Studies on Professional Identity Abroad

        2.2.2 Studies on Professional Identity at Home

    2.3 Previous Studies on Full-time English Education Master Candidates

    2.4 Previous Studies on English Education Master

Chapter 3 Research Methodology

    3.1 Research Questions

    3.2 Research Participants

    3.3 Research Instruments

    3.4 Data Collection and Analysis

Chapter 4 Results and Discussion

    4.1 The Current Situation of English Education Master Candidates' Professional Identity

        4.1.1 The Overall Level of Professional Identity of English Education Master Candidates

        4.1.2 Professional Identity of English Education Master Candidates in Different Demographic Variables

    4.2 The Influencing Factors of English Education Master Candidates' Professional Identity

        4.2.1 Internal Factors

        4.2.2 External Factors

    4.3 The Effect of English Reform of Gaokao on Professional Identity

Chapter 5 Conclusions

    5.1 Major Findings

    5.2 Implications

    5.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research



    Appendix 1

    Appendix 2



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