

  • 论文价格:150
  • 用途: 硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:1
  • 论文字数:46233
  • 论文编号:el2022031412183330187
  • 日期:2022-03-14
  • 来源:上海论文网



1.2   Realistic Background

The new age of tourism, unlike its previous phase, involves the use of e-tourism which is beneficial to the ecosystem. Smart tourism for a very long time in this new age has benefited from  new  technologies  that  are  being  introduced  to  the  world  and  smart  tourism  evolves  as these  technologies  evolve,  along  with  internet-based  technologies.  The  new  age  of  smart tourism  brings  about  continuity,  which  does  not  only  include  physical  space  but  also  an integrated platform that is created in such a way that people and objects can always co-exist together. This data flow does not only shape the consumer’s road maps but also becomes their personalized  recommendation  guide  during  their  tour.  In  this  new  phase,  it  is  safe  to  say, sustainability,  personalized  products,  and  co-production  are  gaining  importance.  In  this  new phase  and  era  of  technology  use,  even  tourism  consumers  are  re-defining  themselves,  they have a sense of responsibility, are aware of sustainability, and are aware of their surroundings. These  tourists  create  their  own  experience  by  having  a  knowledge  of  this  new  technology, tourism  sectors  through  this  data  flow  can  also  provide  personalized  recommendations  to these  users,  thereby  providing  and  proving  their  efficiency,  strengthening  business competition, and also not failing to mention consumer satisfaction.

Smart tourism destinations which are also parts of smart tourism are equipped with this smart  technology  information,  which  is  all  used  for  the  improvement  of  the  tourism experience and also make planning events easier. It is also necessary to state without coating words  that  smart  tourism  has  taken  over  the  tourism  industry  and  has  greatly  immersed  the tourism  industry  into  the  technology  world.  Smart  tourism,  which  has  been  defined  in different ways by many researchers and attracting great attention to it, is a summary term for specific  technologies  and  technology-driven  infrastructures  that  provide  data,  connectivity that cannot be imagined and in ways that were not possible before, the sensor technology in many  ways  lies  at  the  core  of  smart  technology.  Many  other  technologies  like  Wi-Fi, near-field  communication  (NFC),  smartphones/mobile  connectivity,  radio-frequency- identification  (RFID),  data  warehouses  both  sophisticated  and  unsophisticated,  and  data mining algorithms are all also considered as very important parts in the creation of all smart technology  infrastructures.  Furthermore,  this  research  work  states  that  smart  technology contains different types of smart computing technologies that include hardware, software, and network technologies used. In providing real-time awareness of the real world and advanced analysis to help people make more smart decisions, which also includes actions that make a great impact in business brand processes and performances.  



3.1   Introduction

(Boote  &  Belle,  2005,  p.3)  “A  researcher  cannot  carry  out  research  without understanding first the literature in the field, not understanding the past research works puts a researcher  at  a  disadvantage”.  As  shown,  a  literature  review  has  been  conducted  by  the researcher  and  academic  articles  were  the  main  focus  for  the  literature  review,  journals  and books  were  also  looked  at.  The  researcher  also  made  use  of  technology  and  future  tourism websites  to  gain  more  knowledge  about  the  topic.  For  the  successful  completion  of  this research, it was deemed necessary that a thorough overview of literary works from both past and present within this thesis to re-enforce not only arguments but also lay the foundation for this  work.  A  lot  of  works  has  been  done  on  smart  tourism  development,  consequences,  and antecedents but not a lot of work relating to Nigeria has been done. It is aimed that a reader can  pick  up  this  thesis  and  be  enlightened  to  the  level  of  smart  tourism  development  in Nigeria  and  its  future  trends.  For  the  primary  research,  semi-structured  interviews  were conducted  and  questionnaires  were  also  distributed  to  get  enough  data  for  the  study. Interviews  and  questionnaires  were  distributed  and  conducted  with  professionals,  educators, researchers, students who study in the tourism field, and industry leaders within the tourism and  technology  field.  In  conclusion,  due  to  the  production  of  technologies  and  recent innovations,  little  knowledge  is  known  about  this  subject  on  a  large  scale.  For  this  purpose, the researcher had to seek out a small sample size of knowledgeable persons to gain effective results. 



5.1   Introduction

For this research purpose, it is necessary to discuss the results of the data analysis in the previous chapter. This chapter follows the order of research questions, theoretically analyzing the effects of smart tourism on smart tourism businesses in Abuja. The data from the interview section,  associated  with  the  objective  and  secondly,  the  questionnaire  questions  also associated  with  the  research  questions  and  objectives  have  also  been  discussed,  which  is related to the demographic characteristics, the influence of smart technology on smart tourism business  and  not  leaving  out  the  result  to  the  development  of  smart  tourism.  The  most important  level  of  the  integration  of  smart  tourism  into  smart  businesses,  is  the  ability  of brand owners to identify the need, use, and importance of smart tourism

5.2   Main findings

The study on antecedents and  consequences of smart tourism development has been of interest as a research subject for a lot of researchers all over the world. It has been noted that further  development  of  smart  tourism  and  integration  of  technology  in  the  tourism  sector  in Abuja will not only bring about a better tourism experience but will also further develop the industry  and  put  it  in  a  good  light.  They’re  based  on  this  background;  it  is  necessary  to understand  how  this  can  be  done  and  what  needs  to  be  done  to  influence  and  affect  these changes.  Technology  use  in  a  destination  influences  the  choice  of  a  tourist  to  visit  or  not,  a destination  that  is  smart  will  lead  to  higher  tourist  satisfaction  and  tourist  loyalty  towards  a destination and the tourism sector of a city at large. 

5.2.1   Demography


Regarding  the  role  that  gender  plays  in  the  sample,  genders  are  seen  as  part  of  an important  demography  in  sample  size.  However,  this  study  finds  that  gender  is  not  of  great importance  when  there  was  a  clear  difference  between  the  male  participants  and  the  female participants, the male participants were higher in number.


When  it  comes  to  research  works  done  in  the  past,  it  has  been  indicated  that  age difference  plays  an  important  role  in  determining  the  technological  use  when  it  comes  to tourists,  age  can  determine  what  a  tourist  looks  for  at  a  destination  site,  the  importance  of technology to a tourist and the usage of technology. It was noticeable that people between the age  of  25-35  had  more  interest  in  smart  tourism  and  towards  this  survey.  This  study  is justified due to the fact, that the younger age, had more interest in technology than the other age groups. 


When it comes to measuring the use and development of smart tourism in Abuja, it has been found, that more focus was placed on those who are employed, mostly in tourism with a high percentage, however, students who specialize in the field of tourism industry and smart tourism were also considered for the purpose of this study.


6.1   conclusion

This research study did not only look at smart tourism development, it also examined the antecedents and consequences. Further investigation also revealed the influence smart tourism has on both destination sites and the tourists who patronize these brands. Abuja was picked as the case study for this research, due to the fact that Abuja is the capital city of Nigeria, any development done has to first happen in Abuja before being extended to other parts of Nigeria. Looking  at  the  data  and  findings  gotten,  there  is  a  relationship  that  runs  between  smart tourism,  destination  sites,  and  the  demographic  characteristics  of  the  tourists  who  visit. Thereby,  looking  at  it  from  a  theoretical  point,  this  paper  targets  mainly,  antecedents  and consequences of smart tourism development and every other connection of smart tourism to destinations and the tourists. 

This research study did not only look at smart tourism development, it also examined the antecedents and consequences. Further investigation also revealed the influence smart tourism has on both destination sites and the tourists who patronize these brands. Abuja was picked as the case study for this research, due to the fact that Abuja is the capital city of Nigeria, any development done has to first happen in Abuja before being extended to other parts of Nigeria. Looking  at  the  data  and  findings  gotten,  there  is  a  relationship  that  runs  between  smart tourism,  destination  sites,  and  the  demographic  characteristics  of  the  tourists  who  visit. Thereby,  looking  at  it  from  a  theoretical  point,  this  paper  targets  mainly,  antecedents  and consequences of smart tourism development and every other connection of smart tourism to destinations and the tourists. 








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