

  • 论文价格:免费
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  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:170
  • 论文字数:0
  • 论文编号:el201203221134133344
  • 日期:2012-03-22
  • 来源:上海论文网

首先,也是最重要的,我对我的导师要表达我最诚挚的感谢,教授Clive Lennox,他创造性的思维,逻辑的推理和开放的思想向我展示了学术研究的真正意味。在我完成学术论文的各个阶段,他的视野、视角和建议都给了我很大的帮助。不管我面临着多难的困难,不管在我的研究中犯了多少错误,他都乐于帮助我和指导我。如果没有教授的支持,我无法完成我的PHD学习。我内心对他有无法衡量的感谢与感恩。
我还要由衷的感谢指导我的委员会成员们,教授Koon-hung Chan,教授Peter Chen,教授Sudipto Dasgupta和教授Guochang Zhang,他们宝贵的建议让我受益匪浅。我还要感谢其他的所有的为香港科技大学会计学院工作的人,他们的讲座、座谈会都让我成长。
The five years in HKUST are the most enjoyable and challenging period in my life and I will never forget the wonderful experiences in HKUST. Many people have kindly helped me during the five years and I would like to express my sincere gratitude to them here.
     First and foremost, I would like to express my utmost thanks to my supervisor, Professor Clive Lennox. His creative thinking, logic reasoning and open mind show me the true meaning of research. At every stage of my dissertation, he contributes a lot of insights and suggestions. No matter what difficulty I am confronted with and what mistake I make in my research, he is always willing to help me and guide me. My PhD study could not have been fulfilling without his supports. My debt to him is beyond measure!
     I am deeply indebted to my committee members, Professor Koon-hung Chan, Professor Peter Chen, Professor Sudip to Dasgupta and Professor Guochang Zhang for their valuable comments. I am also grateful to all other faculty members in the accounting department of HKUST and their lectures and seminars benefit me a lot.
     My special gratitude goes to my fellow PhD students, with whom I have shared so much happiness. Your guys really make my PhD life fun!
     Lastly but not least, I owe a lot to my parents. /kjlwzmx/Their love always accompanies me and their support is the underlying impetus to my progress.
   All remaining errors are mine.

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